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Chatroom Commands

The use of Chatroom Commands can add a whole new dimension to chatting. To use these commands simply type what you see below into the message box of the chatroom and hit enter; don't forget to fill in varibles such as nicknames or text when needed. For example: /join {#channel} takes you to the room that you type in place of {#channel}. First we will look at commands that will work in almost any chatroom or chat program; then we'll look at individual chat programs. Note, unless mentioned otherwise you must hit enter after entering the command to activate.

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General Chat

Commands that should work in most chat enviroments; Java and IRC

/msg {nickname}  =  Sends a private message to the person who's nick you typed in.

/whois {nickname}  =  Displays various info about that person; IP address, where they are, Chat Client, etc

/help  =  Usually brings up a list of Commands in the chat window

/join {#channel}  =  Takes you to the specified room.

/me {actiontext}  =  Prints your nickname with the action text afterwords; for example /me throws Johnny248 in da river of life would say, TWJOlson throws Johnny248 in da river of life

/whereis {nickname}  =  Tells you where that person is if they are logged on.

/ignore {nickname}  =  blocks all incoming messages from that person

/unignore {nickname}  =  Allows messages to be recieved by this person again

IRC Commands

Commands should work in all IRC clients; mIRC, pIRCh, ViRC, etc. Does not include ones already listed above

/leave {#channel}  =  Leave the named room

/whowas {nickname}  =  Shows information for someone who just left IRC or Changed their nickname; shows the same info as the /whois command

/who {#channel}  =  Lists Nicknames, addresses, and other user info in that channel

/query {nickname} {message}  =  Opens a private chat with that person

/nick {new nickname}  =  Changes your nickname to whatever you want.

/away {away reason}  =  Marks you as away; that you aren't at your computer

/away  =  Brings you back from away mode set above

/list  =  Retrieves a list of channels on the server

/mode {nickname} +i  =  Puts you in invisible mode; people can't get your info by /who and /names commands; however they can use a /whois command to get it

Client to Client Protocol

/ctcp {nickname} ping  =  Sends a signal to that person and times how long it takes to get back

/ctcp {nickname} version  =  Returns the program and version that they are using to chat

/ctcp {nickname} time  =  Shows you the their local time

Direct Client-to-Client Connection

/dcc chat {nickname}  =  Opens a Direct Client-to-Client connection with that person; the most secure means of chatting one-on-one

/dcc send {nickname} {C:\path\to\file.exe}  =  Request to send a file to specified person

/dcc close {nickname}  =  Closes a DCC connection (chat, file transfer, etc) with that person

Channel Operator Commands

Must be a channel operator to use

/mode {#channel} +o {nickname}  =  Grant Ops status to that person

/mode {#channel} -o {nickname}  =  Takes away Ops status

/mode {#channel} +b {!address}  =  Bans the person from the channel

/mode {#channel} +s  =  Makes the channel a secret; will not be published on the channel list

/mode {#channel} +k {keyword}  =  Makes the channel password protected; to enter people must enter /join {#channel} {keyword}

mIRC Commands

mIRC specific commands; doesn't include ones above

/  =  Recalls last thing said in current window.

/action {action text}  =  Sends a message describing what you are doing; same as the /me command

/clear  =  wipes all text from the current chat window

/font  =  Brings up the font selection dialog boxes; allowing you to change text color, size, and font face.

/exit  =  Forces mIRC to shutdown and exit

/help  =  Opens mIRC's Help File

/channel  =  Opens the Channel Dialog box; allowing you to change rooms.

/quit {reason}  =  Disconnects from server with a good-bye message before you go

/time  =  Shows the time at the server; not local time though

/timestamp {on|off}  =  Posts the time a message was sent before each persons name

/ping {nickname}  =  Pings that persons computer; sends a signal to them and measures how long it took to get back

/amsg {message}  =  Sends the message to all channels you currently are in

/ame {action text}  =  Same as /me but sends the action to all channels you are in

/clipboard [-a] {text}  =  Pastes the text to the clipboard; you can leave out the -a or put it in and have the text be appended to the clipboard.

If you have any commands you know off that should be added to this list or if you find any bad commands please email me and I will add or delete the command as the case maybe.
