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Part 1

Written By Devin Dunn

Superboy stepped into the YJ cave. It was raining and he was soaked, hehovered deeper into the cave. Expecting to see Red Tornado working with the computer systems, but he wasn’t there, most of the lights where off. “ANYBODY HOME” He yelled into the darkness. There was no reply. He didn’t like this . This was really weird, there was always somebody at the cave either Tornado or Secret. “HEY REDDIE, SECRET! ANYBODY HOME!” His voice echoed around the cave.

“Hi Kid.” A ghostly voice immediately over his shoulder said.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” SB yelled as he spun around clutching his chest. “DON’T DO THAT!” He snapped at her. “You just about gave me a heart attack.”

“I-I’m sorry.” she said honestly feeling about as bad as she could.

SB saw he hurt her feelings. “Don’t be I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”

“I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Scare me? HA!” He said putting as much base in his voice as possible. “You just startled me that’s all.” Straining to change the subject, “So ah were’s the Red Tornado?”

“He left said something about ‘family business’, but why are you here?”

“No reason, no bad guys to fight down in Hawaii, I just had to go some where, I just wanted to go.” He said sitting down at the round table.

“There’s really nothing to do here, I was just reading in the library.”

“Reading?!” SB said while making a overly sarcastic yawn. “Let’s go watch some TV.” He said while starting to fly down the hallway.”

“But-” She shrugged, hanging out with Superboy did sound more fun then reading alone in this big empty cave.


After watching several shows that the Kid found hilarious, that Secret didn’t get, SB got up to get some snacks and left her with the controller. She flipped through the channels for awhile, suddenly Superboy came flying eyes wide. “We have a problem!”

Secret floated off the couch, “What we run outta chips again?”

“Not that kind of problem, I think- I think D.E.O. is here.”


“Your sure the subject is here?” Major Lutwidge said standing outside the Justice Cave, Rather annoyed by the rain.

“Yes, sir!” One of the many D.E.O. guys standing around said.

“And she’s alone?”

“Yes, sir. We’ve there was only a second that Johnson was in the bathroom and I was calling you here that we weren’t watching, but none of the super-speed monitors went off so Impulse, the only one that would have made it in in the time, didn’t.”

“Are you sure that Superboy or possibly WonderGirl couldn’t have made it in?”

“Well it’s unlikely that-”


“Y-yes sir”

Lutwidge glared at the D.E.O. agent as he walked away from him to another agent just out of ear shot. “We aren’t 100% sure she’s alone so be careful, Dr. Charles wants her alive, she was just a nucence before, but now she has information. She knows the identities of the Young Justice members and that is valuable. We do this by the book, if there was one, but that’s not the point. Oh and after this operation is completed I want you ‘take care of’ our absent minded friend over there.” He said pointing at the D.E.O.agent that was reporting to him just a moment ago. “Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“Ok, we don’t want a fight, we want to make it look like she just left orsomething. So don’t mess with anything, are your people ready to cut thepower?”

“They should be in position now, the power will go out in,” He looks at his watch,“57 seconds, sir.”


“What?” Secret said terror stricken and paler then even she usually is.

“Yeah I saw a couple of them sneaking around, probably looking for you.”

“This is bad, this is really bad. At least they don’t know your here.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You think they would try it if they knew you were here?”

“Oh. Um probably not.”

"Where were they?"

“Down by the... power... station.” He said as he smacked his head.

“And you didn’t stop them?!?!” She said trying not to raise her voice. She was trying to contain her temper but then, the power went out.

“Ah no.”


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Well, This bites Part 2