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Ryan is 19 years old. He was born in Northern California in 1989, right before we moved to Eastern Kentucky. Ryan graduated from High School in June 2007.

Ryan enjoys playing video games and has quite a collection.

Ryan also has several collections of action figures. He really doesn't collect them anymore, but has taken good care of the ones he has. He has collected Star Wars figures, Lord of the Rings Figures, and GI Joe and Soldiers of the World action figures.

Ryan is a musician and can play both the electric guitar and the drums. He took a drum class in high school.

Ryan has made a lot of friends and enjoys spending time with them. He likes to jog, lift weights and ride his bike.

Ryan signed up for the Army and went to boot camp in the summer of 2007. We had the privilige of watching him graduate. Ryan is currently on tour in Iraq and we look forward to him coming home soon.