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Visions 2000-Lake Applet Lounge

Visions 2000
Lake Applet Lounge

A place to get away from it all!!
That's all I wanted to create with the addition of this
launching pad to the realm of The Lake Class Applet!
It is an amazing and beautiful effect, perhaps the most
beautiful ever created.
David Griffiths, the Applet creator, is a brilliant man
from the UK. I sure you will agree, what he has created is stunning!
Browse my pages using the navigation buttons to the left.


I am Proud to be the recipient of The UncleGus "BEST DRESSED" for June of 1999!
Other than "Thank You"...I really don't know what to say!(thats a switch)
To view the Lake Applets UncleGus has bestowed "Best Dressed"..
CLICK on "An Artist Tribute" to your upper left!
Once again...."Thanks Gus"!!

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An Artist Tribute
"Original Art"

R.ock I.con P.ersonafied
Check it out!

Past Lake Applets
of the Month
June/July/Aug/Sept 1999

Lake Applet Overlays

Visions 2000
My Cyber Watchdog!

Visions 2000
"Out of this World"
Lake Applets!!
Another Artist Tribute!

Some Original Photo's

More "Original" Art

Music Relatables

Off the Wall...(cloud)
The fury of Mother Nature

The Recipe Exchange
at the BluesHouse Bistro!!

The Lake Applet
Banner Exchange

Rock n' Roll Oasis

Gimme'some Feedback!