First, I am not in the business of collecting awards myself, but feel more compelled to GIVE rather than RECEIVE!
Yes...I have sought out a few myself, but after creating 65 pages in less than two months, I felt the need to "splurge"
a little bit.
If you have not yet toured my sites;"Thee" Rock n Roll Oasis, or Visions 2000-Lake Applet Lounge & BluesHouse Bistro,
I would ask that you do so FIRST, before you apply for one of the awards I am offering.
My criteria is relatively simple. You will not find me scrutinizing HTLM correctness, nit-picking over stuff that isn't that important to the average viewer.(honor system in place on bandwidth and original art!)
BEAUTY is in the eye of the beholder, and I feel everyone has an opinion, and a different visual perspective on ANY site! (and should have!) What will count is ATTITUDE, PASSIONATE FEEL, AWARENESS OF COLOR, KNOWLEDGE OF TOPIC/THEME, is it a FUN place to visit, is it EXCITING, BOLD, PROFOUND, REAL & GENUINE!
All of the aforementioned is always clearly visible to me as I surf the web! Sometimes it's a personal statement, or creating an awareness of an issue that scores points with me, rather than how many links are actually working! You have a few construction
signs up?? COOL!!!! That means "New", or "Progress" is being made! CHANGE IS GOOD! If you are in business for yourself on-line, thats COOL too! Just remember some of the words listed above! I am not an HTML pro by any means, nor do I want to be! I am offering this award because I want to visit the kind of places I just mentioned above, and converse with others who feel the same way
I do about the wonders that lay before us on the web, and all the creative people who aspire to this medium for fun, relaxation, and to display their enthusiasm for what they believe in!
NOW GET TO IT!!!!!! (but don't forget to sign my GuestBook)Decide which category best decribes your site! You will find instructions on how to apply on each category page.