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Donald B. Sanders
Calgary, Alberta, Canada


My life is centered around God, and what He has done/ is doing/ in my life. This includes: Salvation through Jesus alone; gospel music, and how I can testify of Jesus through HIS music; and the joy of inter-denominational fellowship with other believers, of many differing denominations.
On this web-site you will discover something of: 6.a. My Christian Journey - a.k.a.: My Christian Testimony (including 'Life With the 2x2's');
6.b. Who are the 2x2's? - with some links; 6.c. My Charismatic-Pentecostal Beliefs Today

Here is a Quick Summary of 'God Throughout My Life' = 'My Personal Christian Testimony', including 'My Life With The 2x2's'
(this needs some revision, when the spirit moves me to do so) Click here
In order to put my personal Christian testimony into proper perspective, I am including 'my 2x2 years' in this page
("My Life With the 'Church With-No-Name'"),
because it was such a very important period in my life - from teen-ager to late-30's - over 20 'exclusive years'.
My intention here is to keep this information as factual, unbiased & non-judgemental as possible,
and still convey a sense of some of the soul-pain & disillusionment of those years, including marriage & divorce,
because I do not wish to offend anyone (especially 'friends'), and I have no 'axe-to-grind'. Most 'ex's' will understand
but, sadly, those 'inside' probably will be quite judgemental. So be it. Truth is for those who believe.

6.b. YOU ASK: 'WHO ARE 'THE 2X2's'? - What is Their Doctrine'? etc. I am glad you asked - (updated 2005-01-27)
For nearly 25 years I worshipped with a little-known religious/ Christian sect/ cult - they are not a 'Registered Charitable Organization', as such,
but they are registered variously, as 'Christian Assembly', 'Christian Conventions' and various other names, in varius countries, for various reasons.
They are also sometimes referred to BY OUTSIDERS as: 'The Church With No name', 'The Two-By-Two's', 'The Secret Sect', etc.
They call themselves 'The Way' or 'The Friends' or 'The Truth" (not to be confused with 'The Way International' or 'Quakers').
To learn more about these people, their doctrines, their history, and how their members have been hood-winked & DECEIVED BY THEIR LEADERS, etc -
because the leaders of the 2x2s - in their quest - to control their flock
- and also to hide their history and their (the leaders) true motives -
- have not published any information of their own.
Therefore, the information on these links will enlighten & amaze you; they have been very thoroughly researched and well-documented: -
So then - CHECK-OUT THESE LINKS: to information sites, prepared by 'non-2x2's':-:
1. Click - Research & Information Services: " 'Research and Information Services' publishes books and other information regarding three related and little-known nameless sects.
The largest of these calls itself 'The Truth' (We call them 'The 2x2's) and is presided over by a homeless, itinerant ministry known as 'Workers.' "; or
2. Click - V.O.T. = Veterans Of Truth tells all about 'The Workers, Friends and The Church Without A Name; or
3. Click - Telling The Truth; ; - a good site outlining the core beliefs and practices of the this sect; and also
4. Click - here - This is 'Greg Lee's Page of Links' to - 2x2 sites, chats, etc.
On the pages of these links - Anyone who has been, or still is, a member of this group, will instantly recognize names and/ or pictures of people that they know, or have heard their parents or older relatives speak often of. The information I refer you to here has been very well researched and is well documented. These links, and others contained in them, contain hundreds of pages of information, and many pictures, that have never before been available to the general public. My purpose in referring to it here is to reveal truth - truth that has been hidden from the public, and even from its members. It is all very complicated; and the internet has become the tool to make this information available to the public.
There have been astonishing developments in the past 2 or 3 years.
Please feel free to contact me, for more recent and personalized information.
Here are just a few names of 'Workers' - some of whom I know personally, others that I have heard older 'friends & workers' mention in their conversations:
Sect was started 1897 - 1900; First Workers - Founder: William Irvine, and his closest early associate: Eddie Cooney

The current leadership of the 2x2's have distanced themselves from both Irvine & Cooney,
so that they can claim that "our ministry has been from the days of Jesus - HE sent his disciples out '2x2'."
(Cooney himself was later ejected from the group, and his followers became known as 'Cooneyites';
New!! 2005-02-04 = here is picture of George Walker (left) and William Irvine (right) in the early 1900's -
Click here = Walker & Irvine
Irvine was 'Founder' and Walker was one of his earliest disciples ('worker').
2 more of Irvine's first worker-colleagues: Jack Carroll, William Carroll (circa 1900);
SOME WELL-KNOWN WORKERS, from 1900 to the present-time, include: James Abbott, Andrew Abernethy, Ed Alexander, Alan Anderson, Bertie Anderson, Clarence Anderson, Edgar Asplund, Barry Barkely, Uel Boyd, Harry Brownlee, William Bryant, Horace Burgess, Weldon Burgess, Hubert Childers, Tom Clark, Kenion Coleman, Young Coleman, Dick Cornell, Milas Crapps, Carson Cowan, John Denniker, Kenneth Dissmore, Dennis Fenton, Jerome Frandle, Tommy Gamble, Glenn Gasser, Clinton Goff, Leonard Hawkes, Norman Henderson, Ira Hobbs, Joe Hobbs, Sydney Holt, Duane Hopkins, Garrett Hughes, Jack Jackson, James Jardine, Nichol Jardine, Harry Johnson, Evan Jones, Sam Jones (authored many 2x2 hymns), Johan Kotze, Roy Lacy, George Lee, Ken Lerwick, Leroy Lerwick, William Lewis, Stanley March, Nathan McCarthy, Sam McCracken, Dick Middleton, Alton Mose, Jack Mulkey, Howard Nussbaum, Erling Omdal, Ken Pagington, George Peterson, Willie Pollock, George Poole, Frank Porter, Jim Price, Don Reynolds, Gilbert Ricter, Ernest Robinson, Irving Ross, Randy Satterfield, Dale Shultz, Ralph Sines, Leo Stancliff, Charles Steffen, Everett Swanson, Charles Thain, Jeff Thayer, Ron Thomke, Horace Toddhunter, Tom Turner, Frank Tyson, James Walden, Carson Wallace, Leslie White, Lloyd Wilson, Taylor Wood.
Here are a few 'workers' that I personally knew or have heard them preach: Haakon Ausenhus, Mildred Ausenhus, Harold Bennett, Alan Blonke, Arnold Blonke, Harriet Borthwick, Marion Crawford, Andrew Drummond, Eddie Drummond, Dale Ford, Lloyd Haugen, Rowland Jackson, Willie Jamieson, Ruth Lindman, Ruby Long, Mary Manning, Howard Mooney, Ernest Nelson, Willis Propp, Jack Price, Frances Saunders, Helen Sharp, Paul Sharp, Tharold Sylvester (USA), Eldon Tenniswood (USA), Dorothy Tessman, Tom Young. (there are many more that I will add as I think of them)
Lars & Olga Bye were a married couple who were 'workers' in B.C. in the 1930's, and they were the ones that my mom and some of her family 'professed' through. New!! 2005-02-04

DELIVERED New!! 2005-01-01 = Christian gospel musician = an ex-2x2. Click here = WarrenHull = Warren was born and raised in the '2x2' group and later became 'born again'. He has written some awesome Christian music that reflects how he was "delivered" from this cult. (This link came to me in an e-mail 2004-12-28.)

6.c. Here are some of the keys to understanding My 'Charismatic-Pentecostal Christian Faith':
1 - Click here for my 'My Statement of Faith' Page: - a systematic itemization/ summary of my scriptural belief system, as a 'BornAgain/ Evangelical/ Charismatic/ Christian'.
2 - Click here for my 'New Covenant Meetings' Page: = The typical components (in any order)
of a 'Charismatic Renewal' Meeting ['charismatic renewal' = 'Holy Ghost Renewal/ Revival'].
'Renewal' meetings -> renewal in your spirit -> can change your life.

My Purpose in Life is: 'Serving God by Serving People' and
'Making Melody for HIM Wherever I Go!' I am a 'Minstrel4Him'.
Have a wonderful day. Be a friend to someone.
Help where you can. I intend to.
May God bless you - more than you could ever imagine!!

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This site was last up-dated on 2005-02-13.