This page is a supplement to Page #6,
Donald B. Sanders
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
My Purpose in Life is: 'Serving God by Serving People' and 'Making Melody for HIM Wherever I Go!'
On this web-site you will discover something of: Gospel Music & Ministry In My Life Today/ My electronic accordion/ and more.
My life is centered around God, and what He has done/ is doing/ in my life. This includes: Salvation through Jesus alone; gospel music, ministry and song-writing - and how I can testify of Jesus through HIS music; and the joy of inter-denominational fellowship with other believers, of many differing denominations.
The Passions of My Life: are: (a) gospel music & ministry, (b) active service in my home-church, and (c) inter-denominational Christian fellowship & ministry.
For me, they these things are inseparable - they also define who I am.
Gospel Music & Ministry In My Life Today - this is evolving, because life and ministry is a life-long journey.
Click here for my: 'New Covenant Gospel Music & Minisry' Page: My Gospel Music & Ministry Interests.
I am a 'Minstrel4Him' - and even 'Google' knows me!
I am a 'devoted, practicing Christian' - Born-again/ Inter-denominational/ Evangelical/ Charismatic - with a desire & a divine calling to reach people through Gospel Music, Ministry & Personal Testimony. Outside of my home church, I am operating as 'New Covenant Gospel Music & Ministry' and also 'Minstrel4Him'.
How may I minister to you Do you know Jesus? HE really does love you.
You will enjoy hearing HIS Gospel Music along with my personal testimony.
You can know Salvation and/ or Healing - through the touch of Jesus upon your life?
- In the fall of 2003, I finally bought an ELECTRONIC ACCORDION, which I have wanted for many years.
This one was advertised in 'The Bargain Finder' in September 2003.
Anyway, my friend, Bert, and I drove out to Drumheller (about an hours drive) on a Sunday afternoon, for me to demo it.
It sounded very good (even with my small 'guitar amp'), so I paid for it on the spot, and brought it home.
It is an older model (not 'midi'), but what an interesting sounding instrument! When hooked up to a box of electronic gear (called a 'generator'), and an amplifier or sound system -
this one accordion can sound like an orchestra of 20 instruments, including strong bass, vibrato and a tamborine!
This will certainly speed-up plans for my travelling 'Gospel Music & Ministry' as 'Minstrel4Him'.
I am now in the process of putting together a small, travelling sound system, with a small mixer (12-channel), and a 'headset, wireless voice mic', so then I will have a complete system, and I will also be able to include others in my 'gigs'.
Pic#5: Click here - Donald and his 'ZeroSette Electronic Accordion!
The following information - on music & ministry in my life - is to help out the search engines, etc.
With my 'passion for Gospel Music, Ministry & Song-writing', with my electronic accordion, in inter-denominational ministry,
I am operating variously as/ known as/ any of the following:
"Minstrel4Him" - Gospel Music, Ministry & Song-writing
"New Covenant Gospel Music & Ministry"
"Don Sanders & HIS GOSPEL Music & Ministry"
"Don Sanders: gospel musician, singer, song-writer"
My Purpose in Life is: 'Serving God by Serving People' and
'Making Melody for HIM Wherever I Go!' I am a 'Minstrel4Him'.
Have a wonderful day. Be a friend to someone.
Help where you can. I intend to.
May God bless you - more than you could ever imagine!!
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This page was born/ separated out/ etc/ on 2005-01-27.