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Welcome to my newly updated web page. I decided to change the design and give it a new look.
As of yet, there has been no news of renewing the show, but the campaign still goes on. Currently, they're holding a coordinated letter drops campaign for Valentine's Day and St. Patricks Day. If you'd like to participate find out how at the Official SOS site .

What is Early Edition, you ask. It's a show that centers around Gary Hobson, a former Chicago stockbroker who somehow begins to to get tomorrows's news today. Of course he could of used the paper to his own advantage but Gary realizes that he's been given the chance to predict the future for a reason and that is to prevent everyday tragedies before it even happens. Marissa Clark is a blind woman who always encourages Gary to use this special gift in order to help others. He is also accompanied by Chuck Fishman, Gary's best friend who sometimes feels tempted to use these future predictions to help himself. Early Edition has completed four seasons but sadly enough CBS has cancelled the show. But don't despair, the show is in syndication on the fox family channel.

Watch Early Edition on the Fox Family Channel Tuesday-Friday at 10pm EST. Check your local listings for time and channel.

Fox Family finally launched thier new site Fox Family Channel

Disclaimer: Early Edition belongs to CBS, Columbia Tristar productions. This website is made in appreciation and support for the show. No infringement intended, no profits being made.

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