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...let my soul guide you... ...the sea is only a reflection of the sky... ...just listen... ...see the world through different eyes.... ...analyze your predicament... ...stand a distance, never leave....
Welcome to Dual Element. This is my main page, home page, filled with everything ME. ^_^ I have some art here, some writings, & my journal of course. ^_^ Basically, this is my place to release all my creativity, however dismal, obsolete, and pathetic said creativity might be. I need a place to put it all down, and here it is.

Everything in this site is copyright to me, Middy, unless otherwise stated. Auron is NOT mine, however much I'd want that to be true. He belongs to Squaresoft .... dammit.

About navigation. Scroll using the little 'up' and 'down' buttons at the top. Menu's at the top, too.

Art contains, obviously, my art of my characters, fanart if I'm feeling up for it, random ....thingies that can't really be called art. ^_^ Ya know?

Fiction has my writings. You'll find info on my characters here as well. Those that I roleplay with, or those special few that can be found in my book-in-the-making. Yes, I write. I write WELL too, if writer's block isn't massively devouring my skills. @_@ Which happens alot, sadly. -_-

Journal is, obviously, a journal. *claps* Huzzah! Erm, no explanation really needed. If you DO need one, I ask that you now leave.

About has all the random factoids about me and zis place. I erm...@_@ Talk alot here. Woo.....

Links just has my favourite hangouts and interests and .... obsessions. ^_^ And friend's links! *noddity nod* I know many talented people and I must SPREAD the WORSHIP. ^_^

Have fun, don't forget to close the door on your way out screaming. @_@ I'm used to it peeps, trust me.

Art page!!! ^_^ Run, flee. Actually, I'm not horribly horrible, though I could be tonnes better. Workin' on that. Until then, settle for my mediocrity. @_@ Er...Just a note, I just started to learn how to colour on my computer, so I apologize like, a billion times over for the crappiness of my skills. Enough self-bashing. Eh-heh? ^_^

All links open in a new page. New art is at the top of each section. Hover over links for captions. @_@ Erm...yeah. ^_^

o r i g i n a l s

Newer art (like...either done just now or a few days ago)

|This is Aven! is. I joined a new RP group where Dragon Hybrids rule over Dragons, and I drew this guy, noticed the STRIKING resemblance, and made it Aven. However, he's using his cousin's name. So this is now Avanen. *nod nod* I actually LIKE his outfit here. As he is a 'Lord' somewhat, decided to make him more regal looking. *shrugs* Meh. ^_^ | Avarin, Keena [(c) Jezzi], and their son, Arael (who looks SO Messed up here). Family...portrait...sorta. I screwed up, I know. -_- |

Older art (like, a month or two old? O.o)

Hey hey! ^_^ I coloured something! 'Tis Aven. My main elf. *noddity nod* Looking... I dunno. He looks like he's saying 'Come on, you know you want to.' ^_~ lol. I like it! Strange, ne? ^_^ | Malithil! ^_^ I redid his concept since I can draw considerably better than when I did his first one. O.o. And his weapon is supposed to be like WAY bigger than that! It's actually supposed to be taller than he is! But I shortened it WAY too much. Gah!! ...And is it just me, or does he look like Marius with grey hair? ..... | Elfal! ^_^ First art of him I actually LIKE. I had a caption for this, but forgot to put it in, and I got lazy ...and yeah. lol. He's basically threatening Malithil for touching his sword: 'Touch my sword again, and you'll be BREATHING that damned water you love so much.' He's uhm...ornery? O.o | I was at work and it was DEAD as hell. So I drew this. ^_^ This is Avarin's and Keena's son, Arael. He's a Dragon Angel. The whip? O.o Er... it was my co-worker's idea. We were joking around, and one of us said he looked like a sex-fiend. Then Leslie asked 'Where's his whip?' And I figured, HEY! ^_^ He needs a weapon, so why not? lol. | Arael again! ^_^ When I originally drew the preliminary sketch, he was turned towards the viewer, with one arm extended and the other raised to fire some sort of spell. Didn't turn out to well, so I cheated and just made him all...wistful looking. ^_^ | SHOUNEN-AI/YAOI warning, here peoples!! It's Aven and Deomer, and if you're from FWW and you're here, I don't want you to ruin your preconceptions of my characters if you don't want to. But hey, let's face it. These two are a COUPLE. ^_^ Bwaha. | Golden General. This is Avarin Alcarinqua, my original Wingly that I roleplay with in the GOE. *huggles* Love this guy to DEATH. This was my first drawing of him. Initial concept. Avarin looking all ... dispondent and far-off looking. ^_^ Think I did it? | Avarin again!! Okay, why can I only draw Avarin correctly? Is this really fair to the elf here? Love this wingly, I ADORE Role-Playing as him, and he's my only character I can draw correctly. Seriously how fair is that?! Agh. | I don't really like this drawing, but I'm trying to get Aven's concept in order. He's driving me insane. Anyways, he's supposed to be in the middle of a spell...thing right now. And he's pissed. Don't mess with him. | Bishounen-ai. Aven and Deomer, cute moment. Aven is finally looking like Aven...Deomer...kinda not so? | *squeaks* I drew him correctly!! Lookit! ^_^ It's Aven, doing an Earth Element spell. Inspiration for this came from the Random Aven Sketch by Rap's, btw. ^_^ | *GRIN* Erm...I see why Aven was attracted to him now. I'm not used to drawing Deomer, but I'm getting better at it! This is Deomer and a ... blankie?? O.o | My bookish elf!!!! I don't care if his role IS minor compared to the others, I love this guy. So HA! ^_^ Picture's not bad either | Yes, my only coloured pic cuz there are like, NO details to worry over. I didn't even shade. How lazy am I? Anyways! This is ME. Yes...ME in chibi-creator form. Those features you see? MINE! Bwahaha!! | |Mm..kay. ^_^ This is Avarin, earlier said Wingly who I can draw correctly and Keena (who is Jezzi's chara by the by. No touchy!) in a cute little moment that I just HAD to draw!! ^_^ And...yeah. Avarin's not frowning/glaring a deathstare at anyone!! *faints*|

g i f t i e s

Yeaaah. I should be banned from doing this, I swear. Can it be LEGAL to mess with other people's property like this? Anyways, these are my drawings of other people's characters semi-decent in my own opinion. O.o

|My birthday gift to Jezzi, a totally awesome and amazing friend that I've known for awhile now. ^_^ Character is Keena. @_@ Can you believe I drew a GIRL and it looks like...a GIRL!!! *faints*| Atredius...AGAIN. I should try drawing Marius. ^_^ Atre belong's to Rap's, who has put up with my horrid art for this long I'm surprised she hasn't beaten me yet. ^_^|
Patrick Atredius. Or simply Atre'. ^_^ If you do NOT worship this character there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with your head. Atre belongs to Rap's....dammit. | Marius & Atre. I...kinda messed up on Marius' head. Kinda cute, I guess. ^_^ But still. O.o Sorry Rap's! | It's Atre...again. lol! ^_^ He's too adorable and cute and damned sexy, peoples. I'm sorry, but I can only draw men decently. ^_^ Atre is Rap's chara, but you all knew that by now. | Keena. Avarin's love interest. *snicker* ^_^ I TRIED drawing her correctly, but drawing women is SO much HARDER than it used to be! Before I couldn't draw MEN, and now I can't draw women. *sighs* I tried. Keena belongs to Jezzi.

f a n a r t

Yeah...just fanart. 'nuff said. ^_^

I got bored...I was watching Tomb Raider, kick ass movie that it is... and this is the result. Meh? ^_^ | I can't believe I actually drew this, and it looks like him! (sorta) He's in 'Pitch Black' gear in this one, that's why his eyes are all messed up. Come on peoples, Vinny's hot, I HAD to draw him!

g i f t s

Guess what!? Yeah, you get to see TALENT while you are here, you lucky people you. ^_^ ALL of these are of Aven. Apparantly, cuz he's the main character and an elf, and I talk about him the most and whatnot. But yep! ^_^ These are drawn by two UBER-TALENTED friends of mine. And...they're coloured!! I send out HUGE thanks to Rap's and ^_~ (love ya lots). Muah!

Done by Candytrip!! Aven looking far off into the distance. I specified the braid, even though he doesn't have one. I like guys with braids, so sue me. ^_^ | Also done by Candytrip! This was her first shot at Aven. I like it! She didn't...*beats Candice* IT'S GREAT!! And you know it!! Now all must worship! | Done by Rap's!! *hug* This is Aven holding onto the most precious thing in the world (aside Deomer *snicker*). Yes, a tree. He loves trees!! ^_^ | Also done by Rap's! According to her, this is Random Aven Sketch. See chibi-creator in background? That's her! ^_^ *waves* Hi Rap's! Oh! Aven is in GOE gear right now. He doesn't have wings on his clothes OR a Dragoon Spirit in Mists. Dammit. ^_^ | *SQUEAKS* Ok, Rap's drew this ADORABLE piccy of Aven and Deomer together and I worship her for that. *giggles* ^_^ See Deomer? See how he's drawn correctly? Now if only I can do that...@_@ *worships* ^_^ Thankies!

Behold! My harem of words! *grin* Erm...yeah. Here you'll find my writings and whatnot. Anything that I decide is worthy will be here. And I'm really picky. So...yeah. Fanfiction, originals, random rants that are too big for the journal section. Yep, all go here. ^_^ Marvel at my insanity. I know I do.

All links open in a new page.

Opposing Elements

This has always been fun for me to write. I've tweaked it a bit, and will still be tweaking this scene in years to come. In it, Elfal of Mala and Malithil of Soli argue over...parchment. ^_^ ...Did I ever say my elves were sane? No. So stop looking at me like that. ^_^


*Bishounen-ai* warning. This was written way back when I first had Aven/Deomer thoughts. And yes to all your inquiring minds, these two were ORIGINALLY het. Not anymore though. ^_^ Anyways, angst warnings also abound here. Beware!! ^^

Aven Thoughts

Crappy title, I know. But like I know what else to call them!! These are Aven Thoughts. *nod nod* These particular thoughts are what I'm considering as the introduction or prologue. My original intro/prologue??? *gag* Yeah. I like this much much. ^_^

Site Journal | Personal Journal
Time: 5:04am
Date: Dec 18th 2002
Mood: @_@ My...GOD!!

First entry in sitey journal. Blog is still operational. Link above. I'm actually doing this in the MIDDLE of my major update here. I still have a load of work to do. Nyar. Anyhoo, been working the past four hours figuring out this confangled script that acts as an ilayer. @_@ Was much work. But now I have it all figured out...I think. ^_^ Everything works, and that's all I'm happy about. Go me. *waves tiny 'Middy' flag*

Still have to do: upload new art, work on character profiles for the fiction page, and catch at least ONE hour of sleep. @_@ Woo.

About this layout. Previous one? Sucked much. *nod nod* This one is at least PRETTY. I'm actually proud. Mainly cuz I figured out this script and was able to work it in with an image map. Normally I would NOT be able to understand it all, but somehow I got it!! ^_^ It's actually pretty easy once I got the hang of it. Main image is Auron from FFX. All must worship him, for he is your god. I'm on a serious Auron craze lately. Though, my Legolas phase should be re-kicking in after I see TTT tomorrow. ..... Expect a new Legolas themed layout next month, lol. ^_^

Middy signing out

5:14 am

This one is going to take a WHILE. Not done yet. *waves arms around* Shoo! Go elsewhere! ^_^