Notorious Duo... part 6

Notorious Duo Turns Triple

by Mistacor

Part VI

Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer raced through their cat door at Victoria Grove and stopped simultaneously, sniffing the air with their naturally-keen noses. They could smell and see a lot of things: the cook making lunch ready for the family, the smell of coffee whiffing in the air like a delicate cloud, the tangy scent of an import wine that their master poured into a glass. And they saw their dishes, three lined up neatly in a row with it's very own bowl of cool water.

It was this sharp, minute inspection that made Rumpleteazer finally aware of how well she and her brother were cared for by their humans. But there was no time to start and feel grateful, for cryin' out loud! What about Mistacor? She couldn't get even the slightest linger of a scent for her and, what's worse, her brother was getting that infamous troubled look.

" She shou' 'ave been 'ere by now! " Mungojerrie growled in rising anger, not directed at his sister but at Fate.

" Loken? Kacen? "

Both cats saw their master turn and look down at them with a wide-eyed look full of relief.

" Whe' 'ave you two been? " the head-of-the-household went to scoop Teazer up but she darted gracefully out of his grasp and gave an imploring look to her brother who, to the master, almost seemed to nod. " Now, see 'ere..."

He didn't finish his sentence for, as quickly as he started, the two calicos ran out of the room and into the sitting area, their safest place.


Mungojerrie fumed. " I don' beli've thi'! "

Rumpleteazer rubbed her head gently against his shoulder. " Jer', ma'be she's ju' la'e. "

" She's 'ad plen'y o' time," her brother retorted. " I know Mista."

Teazer grinned in hope. " Ma'be she's 'idin' li'e I used ta." With that she stuck her head under the large armchair which had always been her best hiding place and called, " 'Ey, Mista! Ge' ou' 'ere! Mungo's coughin' hairballs o'er ya! " When she saw the beloved kitten wasn't there, unknown to Jerrie, her eyes reflected fear where the joy and mischief should have been.

Jerrie was too worried to laugh at his sister's last remark but he smiled slightly as he rose and began to walk out of the room.

" Whe' ya goin'? "

Mungo looked over his shoulder. " I'm gon'a smell th' ou'side fer 'er." Then, he ran out of the room.

With a sigh, Teazer followed him quickly and when she finally caught up to him on the street corner, she knew things were not good. More so when she smelled with her own nose the evil the air was poisoned with. Her eyes widened in fear and terror.

Once upon a time, Mungojerrie and her had both worked for Macavity. It had seemed like a good idea at the time. She and him were the best spy/thieves he had and she had been so proud when her brother had been promoted to chief operative....

She gave up with Macavity first for she was the first to meet the Jellicles and be charmed by their solidarity and kindness. It seemed easy enough. None of Macavity's henchman came for her - but that was because Mungo had kept them away. Being chief operative had its benefits.

But then, not long ago, Mungojerrie had had enough of Macavity as well and broke away. And it hadn't been easy. That was a few weeks before he had met Mistacor. She remembered him telling her that a queen that worked for their former employer had tried to seduce him but he had stoutly refused her. Kriana, was it? she asked herself mentally.

Now, she knew what the price for Mungojerrie's leave was.... and she pityed him, pityed Mista for even having to be in the same room with the Napolean of Crime...

" Are ya sure tha's Macavity, Jer'? " she asked, praying her nose was wrong.

" I've worked fer 'im lon' enou' ta know 'is scent, Teaz. Ya know tha'. 'e 'as thi' weird 'abit wit' col'ectin' anythin' Jellicle," Jerrie said, his eyes narrowing.

Teazer shook her head abruptly. " 'e needs 'elp."

" We need 'elp, too."

His partner regarded him with renewed amusement. " 'ey, Jer', I know ya don' 'ave a few screws in the' righ' bu'...."

With a slight grin, Mungojerrie swatted at his sister before looking solemnly in the direction of the Junkyard. " I mean 'elp as in Jellicle, sis."

Rumpleteazer followed his gaze with surprise. " Now, I know ya need 'elp, Jer'. Go ba' the'? Ma'be af'er a few weeks, bu'-"

" Macavity's st'onger tha' 'e used ta be. Get'in' Mista ba' is gon'a be 'ard. 'E's more cautious, too," he replied logically.

" Ye're righ'," Teazer finally relinquished. " A' lea', we know Munkustrap woul'n't abandon a kit'en ta Macavity. An' neit'er wou' th' ot'ers." She grinned. " Le's go."


Mistacor slowly awoke from a painful, dreamless sleep upon the cold tile floor. Her mind whirled violently and a pain came from the back of her head. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she gingerly felt for the hurting area and felt blood.

The streak of her own blood upon her own paw reminded her of her plight and her captor, the ginger cat she had been so warned about.

Macavity, she shuddered. She had heard nothing good about him and had the feeling she never would. But her thoughts led her to believe that this nefarious cat was the epitome of evil and the embodiment of what she could have very well become as a stray. She shuddered again at the realization of this and the coldness her prison generated from its heavy metal walls. Her ears twitched as she caught the brittle, grasping sound that froze her blood with winter's first frost. She whirled then, all fangs and claws, her fur standing on end. And, just as she thought, a ginger-furred, massive feline of strong demeanor appeared from the darkness. She hissed a warning and the Mystery Cat stopped with a smirk.

He cocked his head to one side curiously. " So you are Mungojerrie's favoured? He has good taste in queens and always will..." His gaze lifted to directly stare into her eyes, making her flinch angrily. His smirk widened. "What's your name? "

Silence was his only reward and the darkened glare of his female prisoner.

" Well, you're a Jellicle now, in any case. And for that alone, you should be killed right on the spot on which you stand. However, I have other plans for you and I do well believe you'll be most useful." He checked for his response but saw none. " You're not afraid, are you? That's good. I know plenty of strays who have lived on the streets all their lives but are as yellow as a posh housecat. But you... " He chuckled. " Ah, yes. My former top operative has good taste when it comes to mating with queens."

Jerrie? Mista thought wildly, her mind a blur within itself. I know he worked for Macavity but he's mated before?? That can't be!

" You should have seen his latest female," the ginger cat continued languidly. " Lean, sleek, beautiful... A lovely, viciously-tempting Korat..."

Macavity was given the extreme pleasure of seeing his prisoner's eyes widen, to see the hot, emerald flames of envy and torment lick up within the depths of her soul.

" Her name is Kriana and she's still in my service," he continued smugly and turned to leave. " Perhaps, one day you two can have a little girl-chat. I'm sure you'd have much in common."

Mistacor watched as he went, eyes as wide as the moon and ears pinned back against her head. And as the torture of given knowledge ripped open her heart to bare nakedness, her eyes changed to a smoldering silver that went far beyond the Jellicle Moon itself...


Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, out of breath, ran into the Junkyard and stopped at the centre. Their expressions showed pure disbelief as they saw the scene before them: The entire Jellicle Junkyard was empty. There wasn't a single feline anywhere.

Teazer was incredulous. " They're no' ere'? "

Mungo narrowed his eyes in stubborness, crouching slightly with an intense gaze. " They're 'ere..."

His little sister looked to him skeptically and then back to where he was looking. A thin, mischievous smile alighted her lips. " 'Ey, Jellicles! Come ou'! It's no' good ta ge' Jerrie 'n 'is stubborn moods! "

Still nothing.

Jerrie growled slightly in rising impatience. " Jellicles! Ge' ou' 'ere! We 'ave trouble! "

" What else is new? " came a faint whisper and then a " Shh! "

The calico tom rolled his eyes.

Rumpleteazer grinned and gave a soft giggle. " An' they say we're bad?"

Jerrie's ears perked at the sound of crumpling paper and turned his head to see a brown paper bag on the ground near the old oven start to tremble and move, finally revealing a young kitten's head as it poked out through the opening.

" Jemima! " Teazer said happily, her ears flicking up, as she ran to the young tortoiseshell calico female and gave her friend a headrub.

Jemima returned the welcome as Mungojerrie went before her with relief in his warm brown eyes. She looked up at him slowly and smiled.

" Jem, whe's th' ot'ers? It's abou' Mista," Mungo said.

The kitten's ears flicked. " Is she alright? She's not hurt? "

" She may ve'y well be, if we don' do somethin' righ' now," he answered truthfully.

" Macavity 'as 'er," Teazer helped explain.

Jemima looked over her shoulder towards the great tire. "Munkustrap?"

As if right on cue, the said silver-tabby came out of hiding and looked sternly at the two calico twins.

And just as though that was the signal, other Jellicles began to appear and watch. Skimbleshanks ran forward to Jemima and gave her a reprimanding gaze, making her flinch uneasily as he took her scruff in his mouth and took her away from the confrontation which was starting to take place.

Both Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie stood beside each other as they confronted the Jellicle leader who happened to not look too pleased to see them. Not that they blamed him either. They had disobeyed a direct command and also basically catnapped a kit from the Junkyard. But... not that they hadn't done worse...

After a while of the showdown, Teazer was getting fidgety and took a step back from the tabby that stared them down. Mungo, however, stood his ground and kept his gaze level with their leader's. The following silence was a small one before it finally began.

" So... Mistacor has been captured? " Munkustrap began but didn't expect an answer.

Jerrie nodded somberly and began slowly, " Munkustrap, I'm sorry abou' disobeyin' yer comman' bu' we 'ad no choice. We need 'elp-"

" No. You need a lesson in obedience," the tabby cut off bitterly. " I gave my orders to the tribe. No one was to even try and make contact with that kitten."

" I couldn't obey," Mungo said softly. " I 'ad my reasons."

The retort was fierce. " And what were those reasons? Because you work for Macavity? Did he set you about to her capture? "

Jerrie suppressed a loud, angry hiss. He would never even think of doing that. Macavity had been out of his life and he knew what that devil was capable of. Didn't Munkustrap know that he loved Mista? How would that regal-stuffed tabby like it if he said his beloved Demeter was still with Macavity? Why was it so different for Demeter and not Mistacor? This was stupid, he thought in rising agitation. All this time Munkustrap was wasting in reprimanding him could have been used to save Mista by now.

Rumple took a brave step forward. " It's no' li'e tha' a' all! " she cried imploringly and saw the leader's steel-blue eyes fix on her.

" Is it? What kind of reward did he promise you for giving him Mistacor? How low will you stoop? "

This time, Jerrie's hiss was audible for all to hear and he went between his sister and the Jellicle leader fiercely, his claws out and ready and his stare so deliberate that it dared a fight to occur. A low growl echoed through his throat.

Munkustrap's eyes widened at the act the calico tom displayed towards him, a mixture of disbelief and indignation.

Alonzo stepped then between the two toms firmly. " Alright now, you two. Knock it off! We don't need a fight right now; we need a rescue."

Plato jumped down from one of the back ledges. " We should go save Mista before Macavity has any real chance to do anything to her."

" Yeah! " Pouncival chimed and jumped on top of Plato's shoulders - and was immediately shrugged off to fall ungracefully to his rear.

Munkustrap lowered his head in shame. " You're right," he relinquished softly. " I'm sorry."

Mungojerrie nodded curtly despite the fact he had no intention to believe this was done and over with.

The silver/black tabby raised his voice for all the tribe to hear. " We will go to Macavity's lair and bring Mistacor back safely. We'll need a few volunteers."

Demeter shivered as she huddled herself more closely into the pipe.

" Count me in," Alonzo said determinedly. " Macacvity's one tough opponent. Besides, I owe him a good ruffing-up."

Plato's eyes revealed shame as Victoria rubbed his shoulder with her head silently. " I'm not afraid, Munkustrap, but I'd really rather stay with Victoria. I could protect the others."

Munkustrap nodded in understanding. " Very well."

" I'll come," Tumblebrutus chimed in.

" Me, too! " Pouncival added as he slid down to the hood of the car.

" Pouncival, you will stay here," the regally-bearing tom commanded.

The young kitten's tail drooped. " It's 'cause I'm still a kitten, isn't it? "

" Yep! Ya got it! " Etcetera laughed from where she sat on the ground near the old Ford.

Pounce grinned suddenly at the new prospect of having a bit of prey before him. Crouching briefly, he leapt on top of the giggling female kitten who gladly rolled and wrestled playfully with him, every now and then a soft hiss coming from one of them.

Admetus watched the two with his customary amused look. " Pounce will have enough to keep him busy here but, I have to admit it, he never stops amazing me."

" Admetus, I want you to stay here, as well. In case anything happens while I'm gone, I know I can count on you," Munkustrap said warmly.

The young adult tom nodded solemnly with a smile.

" Munku? " Demeter said softly as she went to his side and nuzzled his shoulder.

The tabby she had fallen so much in love with returned her affection with a soft lick to her cheek. " Demeter, you will stay here, too," he spoke softly. " I'll never put you in harm's way. I'll see you when we get back."

" Be safe," she whispered into his fur and then turned away as fast as she could to end the tearful goodbye swiftly.

" Lay off! I'm goin'! " came a soft, irritated voice and then the Rum Tum Tugger appeared from the crowd with Bombalurina dragging him forward with her.

The fiery queen smiled. " We're coming, too. You'll need our fighting skills to save that cute, little kitten."

The tom beside her was about to say something but was cut off with Bombalurina giving him a sharp nudge.

" And don't forget me! " came a voice from somewhere but nowhere.

All the Jellicles looked in the air and around the yard for the owner to the voice when suddenly....

*crackle* *fizz* POOF!!

There was Mistoffelees, the Original Conjuring Cat, right before them, standing on....Tugger! Despite the graveness of the situation, all of the Jellicles couldn't help but laugh.

The proud Maine Coon muttered something unintelligible and rolled his eyes before finally saying very sarastically, " Uh... Hey, Misto, would you mind so terribly to get your magical hind legs off my back? "

The black and white tom looked down at him in surprise and smiled. "Hey, Tugger! Sorry, I didn't see you there," he apologized cheerfully as he stepped off of him and helped him up.

Mungojerrie smiled happily at the young magician. If anyone could help them get Mista out of Macavity's lair, it was Misto! It was such a stroke of luck, too! No one had seen Mistoffelees for weeks because he was doing a friendly service for his little pet human girl who had unfortunately come down with a very bad case of the cold... or so that's what the doctors had said.

The magical cat greeted some of the other Jellicles warmly and when he came to Mungo, he gave a reassuring smile and a wink before whispering, " Don't worry."

" Mistoffelees? " Munkustrap spoke in wonder when everything had quieted down somewhat.

The said tom went to the leader with one of his charming grins.

" I thought you were with your human girl. Is she better? "

For the first time since he arrived, Misto was completely serious and somber. " The disease comes in intervals. I, frankly, don't think it's a cold like the doctors are saying... She's in one of her better conditions, for the time being, so I decided to come. Especially, when I heard the news."

Everyone hushed to a silence to the remembrance of the emergency that was at hand and Mungojerrie shuffled on his feet, embarassed that everyone should pity him like this.

" Than' you," the calico tom said softly to his friend.

Mistoffelees nodded and then returned his eyes to the Jellicle leader. "We're all set to go except there are two other Jellicles we need to take with us."

" Who? "

The small tom raised an elegant paw and pointed to beside Munkustrap where Tantomile and Coricopat, bonded twins since birth, appeared in a flash of golden light.

The two smiled softly and spoke simultaneously, calmly, " We must go. Now."


" Boss? "

A long, auricular growl from the darkness. " What? "

There was a silence.

" What do we do about that calico queen you have locked up? "

" Feed her, idiot. What else? " came the annoyed reply.

" But, Boss, she's -"

" What? " There was a hiss.

" ...she's gone insane. Whatever you said to her worked. She nearly dug her claws into my heart when I tried to give her her food."

There was then a contented laugh. " Well, we'll just have to make her completely insane, now won't we? Let Kriana send in the pretty little prisoner's supper."

" Yes, sah' "

" And Speiros? "

" Yes, sah'? "

" Make sure that once Kriana goes in, she doesn't come out - alive."

Part 7