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Chris' Snowboarding Site

Most of the trick pics are already in my banners or my pic section, so I am going to try to get others, but for now these will do. I am going to try to get pics for all of the tricks, but that will take a while. For now I only have pics of a couple.

A method is when you reach behind your back with your front hand and grab your board in between the bindings. As you do this, you arch your back backwards. There are many different styles of methods, but the pic is of a textbook method.
see pic
An indy is when you reach in front of you with your back hand and grab the middle of your board on the toeside edge. There are variations of indys also, like you can bone it out or something like that and that would be an indy nosebone. The pic is of a normal indy grab.
see pic
A mute grab is the same as an indy only you grab with your front hand. You still grab the middle of your board on the toeside edge.
see pic
Chicken Salad
A chicken salad is pretty much the same as an indy also, but instead of grabbing your toeside edge, you grab the heelside edge with your back hand. This is a little bit more difficult than an indy or a mute.
There are many spins from 180 (half turn), 360 (full turn), 540 (one and a half), 720 (two full turns), 900 (2 and a half), and the most any snowboarder has spun so far is a 1080, which is 3 whole turns. A 1080 is very very difficult. You can put spins together with grabs to make awesome tricks, for example a 720 indy.
see pic
A melancholy is when you grab your heelside edge with your front hand. You grab close to the nose in front of the bindings. This is a relatively easy grab to do.
see pic
Nose Grab
A nose grab is kinda self explanatory. You grab the nose of your board with your front hand. Thats all.
see pic
Tail Grab
A tail grab is also very self explanatory. You grab the tail of your board with your back hand.
see pic
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