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  • A Malayan Tapir born at Taronga Zoo, has arrived at her new home in Melbourne. The two year old female tapir is called, Semangka, which is Indonesian for watermelon. Young tapirs when they are born, are covered with white spots and stripes, which give them the appearance of a water melon.

  • Kusomona, a five year old Black Rhino, Diceros bicornis minor was the first of his species to be born at Western Plains Zoo. Born on the 25 May 1996 to the female, Kalungwizi, he is now on his way to the Fossil Rim Sanctuary in the United States where he will become part of the breeding program there. Western Plains Zoo has bred four black rhino but apparently only two of the survived.

  • Auckland Zoo in New Zealand has received a flock of Greater Flamingos. The eighteen young birds were born at the Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust in the UK. Though the species is common they are vulnerable to habitat destruction and the huge flocks seen in the wild may not always be there.
    Flamingos can also be seen at Taronga who have three, very old, Chilean Flamingos.

  • The Brisbane Forest Park has successfully bred a litter of the Spotted Tailed Quoll, the first time this endangered species has been bred in captivity in Queensland. The Quoll has declined dramatically in numbers throughout Queensland, the causes including predation by foxes, habitat destruction, the animals eating the poisonous Cane Toad and sometimes killed on roads as they ate from road kills.

  • Seaworlds Polar Bear Shores< will soon be welcoming two new inhabitants, just in time for christmas. The two new bears, Lia and Lutik, are cubs that were born at Leningradski Zoo in St Petersburg, Russia. The brother and sister cubs will be one year old when they arrive.

  • Also celebrating his first birthday this month is Tambo, the young Rothschilds giraffe born at Melbourne Zoo.

  • Perth Zoo will soon be opening its new Orangutang super-home. Soon the ten Sumatran Orangs will move into the $1.5 million exhibit which is designed to give the apes diverse behavioural enrichment oppurtunities. Visiters will be able to see the apes from a tree top level with an elevated walkway.

  • Five new koalas will also be making a new home at Perth Zoo with the opening of the renovated Australian Bushwalk Exhibit. The five koalas are:
    • Fritz, a five year old male, and four females
    • Rosa,aged 7
    • Fleur, 4
    • Medusa, 3
    • Kathy, 2.
    The koalas are from Queensland, a climate which is similar to Perths, so the animals should be able to adapt better that their southern cousins. Western Australia is the only mainland State that does not have native koalas.

  • Melbourne Zoo marked its 139 Birthday this month. It is the oldest zoo in Australia

  • Six Malas, small native marsupials were released back into the wild after a successful captive breeding program by Earth Sanctuaries, a commercial conservation enterprise. The small animal is one of the most endangered species with only about 500 individuals, down from an estimated 10 million 200 years ago.

  • Perth Zoos only cheetah, three year old Kitoko was flown to Adelaide Zoo where she will be artificually inseminated. Perth Zoo are unable to keep more than one grown cheetah and so are co-operating with other zoos in the region to breed the species.

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