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The Herps of La Crosse

Living With Herps

Easy Herp Monitoring

Herps as Pets

General Herp Info

Suggested Reading and Bibliography


About Me and Contact Info


I thank Bob Hay of the Wisconsin DNR for allowing me to photograph snakes in his collection so that I could have pictures of them to place on my website.

Bob with a Black Rat Snake legally owned for educational purposes.  It should be noted that it is illegal for personal collectors to own this snake!

In addition, I thank Shane N. Jones (currently a graduate student at the University of Oklahoma) for his help in finding specimens in the field for photographs.

Here's Shane with his favorite kind of animal; rough fish.  Actually, when Shane isn't out fishing for red horse or sheep's head, he's working as a graduate student studying aquatic invertebrates of stream-habitats at the University of Oklahoma.