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The Herps of La Crosse

Living With Herps

Easy Herp Monitoring

Herps as Pets

General Herp Info

Suggested Reading and Bibliography


About Me and Contact Info

General Herpetological Information


        This page will eventually be a resource for general herpetological information, including; basic anatomy, physiology, and evolutionary relationships to name a few.  I'm not sure when this section will be complete as it requires a fair amount of attention.  Keep checking!

Topics I'm hoping to eventually have in this section:

What is Herpetology?

What are Amphibians?

What are Reptiles?

Wanna See How Two Different Reptiles Eat?  Click Here!

Amphibian Anatomy

Reptile Anatomy

The Role of Herps in the Ecosystem

Notes on Taxonomics (those words in italics below each animal's name)

Random Herp Stuff