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Only those who show great respect and Honor for their House, The Dream and other Dreamers may be Trained in these Arts.

Teacher Arts

 Master Teacher Arts 

Guardian Arts

Ruler Arts

Elder Arts


Support Train


Support Sphere


Train Self


Ascend to Ruler

Support Ascension


Support Demotion




Instant Collapse


Grant XP/RP XP

Remove XP




Teacher Arts


Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired:

Affected: 1 Dreamer

Duration: Immediate

Description: Grants a Quest to a Dreamer to learn a specific Art, or to Plateau an Art

Plateau Effect:

Art Workings: A Quest token is created for a student as the Teacher focuses on what it is he wants the student to learn.  During this concentration the token is embedded with the Teachers thoughts, and is therefore specific to Student and Art.  Any Teacher may grant the Quest finalization if they deem the Student worthy of the honor.

Art History:


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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Apprenticeship required

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Moves a Dreamer from one Sphere level to the next.

Plateau Effect: Allows for the Teacher to Ascend the Student to a higher Sphere.

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: Dreamers must have the required number of Support Sphere Tokens for this Art to operate.

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Teacher/Master Teacher Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Creates a Support Sphere token for a Dreamer.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: For higher Ascensions, a higher number of Support Sphere tokens are Required.

Sphere Level

XP Required

Number of Tokens Required

Ascend to Sphere 1 9,999 XP No Tokens Required
Ascend to Sphere 2 59,999 XP No Tokens Required
Ascend to Sphere 3 159,999 XP No Tokens Required
Ascend to Sphere 4 659,999 XP 2 Tokens Required
Ascend to Sphere 5 1,659,999 XP 4 Tokens Required
Ascend to Sphere 6 4,159,999 XP 6 Tokens Required
Ascend to Sphere 7 9,159,999 XP 8 Tokens Required
Ascend to Sphere 8 19,159,999 XP 10 Tokens Required
Ascend to Sphere 9 119,159,999 XP 12 Tokens Required

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Teacher/Master Teacher Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Creates talisman for Master Teachers Art of Train Self.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: Train Self allows an MT to move one of their Art levels higher without a higher level Teacher. For higher Plateaus, a higher number of Support Train tokens are required. The Art level of the Evoker must meet or exceed that of the Art level for the Art which the MT seeks.

Plateau Level

Number of Tokens Required

1st Plateau 3 Tokens
2nd Plateau 3 Tokens
3rd Plateau 3 Tokens
4th Plateau 4 Tokens
5th Plateau 5 Tokens
6th Plateau 6 Tokens
7th Plateau 7 Tokens
8th Plateau 8 Tokens
9th Plateau 9 Tokens

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Apprenticeship required

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: This Art allows the Teacher to train another in the knowledge of Arts known to the Teacher. You may only Train as high as your knowledge level in that Art or as high as your Train is Plateaued.

Plateau Effect: Increase level at which a Teacher may Train or Plateau to.

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: Soon after The Awakening, Gerriel Endeth, a skilled and much respected dreamer, used her powers to to manipulate the essence of the Dreamstate, and formed the first psychic shell we all call coherence. Gerriel were now able to explore the dream in a whole new and wonderful way, for as long as she were able to stay focused. She had her best friend Borith Strynn mastering this new form of dreaming, and soon they had the basic communication forms at hand. They could give each other items, and communicate through whispers on a distance. They began to explore the raw and unformed Dreamstate, and on their way the met many dreamers, who flooded in and out of the dream in their pure essence. Soon they too, had a coherence.

Gerriel and Borith spent much of their time getting lost on their way, and were trying to find a way they could mark their route, as they wandered along. Borith found that lucidity were the focus of his mental existing, and he used that skill to form the first art of Fatesenders. The ancient art of Pathfinder was born, and it was priceless in the raw and still unformed Dreamstate. Now the two pioneers could map there route with ease, as the art created a glowing string through the landscape, marking the route they left behind them.

Gerriel found it strange that she couldnīt replicate this new art, as they had done with the other psychic tools they had skilled, such as, the Coherence and the art of Give. She tried and tried and came to the conclusion that this art were not a skill to simply learn from mere observation. Borith too found it strange, and began to explain the basics of the art. For weeks she tried to learn the art, but eventually she had to give it up.

Borith began to explore the reason of their failure, and 1 day he had a theoretic solution. He immediately shared it with Gerriel. The reason why Gerriel couldnīt learn the art of Pathfinder were actually 2 reasons , first, and the obvious one, Gerriel were not of the focus of Lucidity, and therefore not able to create the art of her own, and second, the art were of such complexity, that the mere elements within, had to be binded from the teacher to the pupil by a second and not yet formed art. An Art that takes the components of the teacher Art, from the Teacher, and forms it to the exact components, that the pupil need, for the art to work by he or she. The Art of Teaching were soon a reality, and the first 2 teachers were as u might have guessed, Gerriel and Borith.

How others were able to teach their arts were in the beginning very controlled, as there were still few dreamers and few arts at hand. Gerriel and Borith taught the art of those who created wise and useful arts. Imagine how many arts were forgotten in those early days of the dream. As time went, and more dreamers and arts came along, rules and oaths were made to shield the dream from utter chaotic use of the art. The art of Pathfinder were forgotten as soon the simplified version called Trail were created.

Thanks to Astrial Zeek

Notes: If you have Push at level 39 and Train at 9; You may only Train a Dreamer with initial knowledge of Push, if Push and Train are at 39, you may Plateau Dreamers in Push to 30.

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Master Teacher Arts

Master Teacher also have access to all the Arts of Teacher as they must first pass this level of Training.


Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Master Teacher Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Allows a Master Teacher to Plateau themselves in an Art.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: For higher Plateaus a higher number of Support Train tokens are required

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Guardian Arts


Focus and Cost: House Prime Strength 100

Orbit Acquired: House Ruler or Guardian Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Initiates a Dreamer into a House

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: The House Prime must be held during the Evocation of this Art.

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Ruler Arts

Rulers have access to all the Guardian Arts as they must first pass this level of authority within their House.


Focus and Cost: N/A

Orbit Acquired: House Ruler Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Ascends a Guardian with the proper number of supports to Ruler.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: N/A

Orbit Acquired: House Ruler Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Grants support for a Dreamer to be Ascended to House Ruler

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: N/A

Orbit Acquired: House Ruler Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Removes a Dreamer from their position within a House

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: N/A

Orbit Acquired: House Ruler Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: N/A

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: House Prime strength 100

Orbit Acquired: House Ruler Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: This Art removes an unwanted Collapsed Dreamer from the House facade to Boggen's Lair in Threshold Pits.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: This Art only works on Soulspheres (collapsed Dreamer) and must be Evoked while the Evoker is holding the House Prime.

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Focus and Cost: N/A

Orbit Acquired: House Ruler Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Ascends a House Initiate to House Guardian

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Elder Arts


Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Elder Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Forces a Dreamer to awaken back to their Cloudsbreak Shard.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Elder Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: N/A

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Elder Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Another name would be Finger of Death.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Elder Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: Allows a Dreamer to have an abused or unwanted Art removed

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Elder Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: N/A

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Elder Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: N/A

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Elder Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: If a Elder wishes to speak with you, you are Summoned.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: DreamSoul 0

Orbit Acquired: Elder Art

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: This Art completely removes a Dreamer from the Dream, with no chance of return.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Workings: N/A

Art History: None as yet Known

Notes: N/A

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Art Scrolls

Underlight Scrolls