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The Art Scrolls

 All Dreamers may learn the Minor Arts of each Focus, and all of the DreamSoul Arts.

Only those deemed worthy may partake in the Learning of the Other Arts.


The Scholars of The DreamCity

Disciples see the true nature of dreamspace, are able to slip invisibly into its embrace, and have an intuitive understanding of Talismans.


The Tricksters of The DreamCity.

Disciples can learn to directly change the experiences of others, and are able to alter the movement of sight, and essence of others.


The Warriors of The DreamCity.

Disciples can manipulate the fabric of dreams, altering the walls of thought to protect themselves and others from harmful evocations, even prevent or allow access to areas of the Dream City. 

The Defenders of the DreamCity.

Disciples can transmute essence, the substance all inhabitants of Underlight form to shield their souls and use this power to help or harm others.

The Arts that all Dreamers of The City are able to Learn.


Only those who show great respect and Honor for their House, The Dream and other Dreamers may be Trained in these Arts.

All open Houses have Arts the are exclusive to them.  These Arts use strength from the House Primes for evocation.


Underlight Scrolls