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DreamSoul Arts

The Arts that all Dreamers of The City are able to Learn.

Give - Given

Join Party - Given

Locate Dreamer - Given

Random - Given

Sense Dreamers - Given

Show Talisman - Given

Push - Orbit 5

Soul Evoke - Orbit 15

Inscribe - Orbit 20

Recall - Orbit 25

MindBlank - Orbit 30

Destroy Talisman - Orbit 35

Soul Shield - Orbit 40

Night Mare Form - Orbit 40

Forge Talisman - Orbit 50

DreamStrike - Orbit 60



Destroy Talisman

Focus and Cost: 5 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 35

Affected: 1 Talisman

Duration: Immediate

Description: This Art is used to Destroy an unwanted item from your Pack

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Research: Now with this history in mind, if one was to only take the history as it is worded, One would not get an idea as to why one cannot destroy and unlimited charged codex. Unless, one looks a bit deeper.

The history states that they were able to misshape the talisman which then creates the codex shape. Also by using the art of reweave and its counterpart (counterpart I take as to be recharge). The reweaving, shaping, and recharging allow the charges into the codex itself. Now, they continue to use it to greater degrees, being able to make the (talisman) codex so strong that it was unable to be destroyed. Hence the art, Destroy Talisman became so strong that even using it on the City walls was drastic.  Now, to answer the question set forth.. Why cant an unlimited charged codex be destroyed? I looked out into the dream seeking many answers. I truly feel with the research I have done that there were many reasons and purposes for an unlimited charged codex. This still does not answer the question though.

When the Entropy Coalition created this art, I feel at the time because of the many dreamer wars and with the threat of the nightmares they needed to make sure that they also had a way of collection information and store it without worry of it being able to be destroyed. Thus upon creating the art of destroy talisman along with codex talisman the unlimited charged codex and it being destroyed as a part of research and the greater steps they took to produce this ability.

My further research and theory is as follows:

I went out into the City seeking the ideas and thoughts of many dreamers. Many had no idea as to why, others because it is meant to be that way for the purpose of holding and storing info, that one would not want to lose. Then there was a rather large group that hit upon the same general idea as myself. This is listed as my theory below.

My theory on DT is as such...An item with limited number of charges on it had a predetermined end. If it is used a certain number of times it will evaporate. An item of an unlimited number of charges is infinite, meaning without end. My thoughts are that you can DT something with a set number of charges because the item has an ending and you will find that with DT and terminate the item. AN item with unlimited charges has no endtherefore the art cannot find a set end time for the item and therefore it cannot be destroyed.

Researched by Elektra

Further Art Research: When you read an unlimited codex, you read that "it can be read any number of times, and has infinite charges" Though when you identify a codex it you will see that there is a set number (254 to be precise) to the identification. I believe what we really need to look at is the word "Infinite"  instead of the term unlimited as we all like to term such a codex as.

Though the terms "unlimited" and "infinite" mean relatively the same thing I do believe there is a slight difference.

Let us look at the definition of the word "Infinite":

Notice my highlights in the definition. Being immeasurable, there is no way to measure the amount of charges so you would never know how many to destroy. But it seems the creators of the infinite codex were able to count/measure the number of charges on an infinite codex.  That is where the other two highlights come into play. "Unbound and inexhaustible"  Yes, the codex is numbered; but it is not bound to that number and the charges on it are inexhaustible, unable to be used up. In turn, never-ending. It would seem to me that the codex is recreating the charges as you use them up. When you use one charge, another is created to take its place. So if you destroyed 20 charges, 20 more would be created to take their place, thus making the codex indestructible.

Researched by LovesLight

Art History: The Art of Destroy Talisman was created through a collective effort by the Entropy Coalition. It was one of their first experiments into using Chaos in the Dream. As is known, their last experiment brought the nightmares. They found an interesting way to meddle with talismans, and through the careful use of reweave and it's counterpart, could misshape a talisman. At the time, they also had a mad Elder DreamSmith with them. It was she who first thought of the idea. Using this Art, which they guarded jealously, they continued their experiments and used it to ever greater degrees. Eventually, they began to test it on the City Walls, with drastic results. The Art was thought lost after that, however it seems that at least one Lyran was a former member of the Entropy Coalition. It presumably then spread from there.

Notes: N/A

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Focus and Cost: 1 PERMANENT DreamSoul**

Orbit Acquired: 60

Affected: One Target

Duration: Permanent

Description: Permanently DESTROYS an avatar and removes it from the dream.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Research: N/A

Art History: During the Dreamer Wars some of the remaining DreamWrights grew sick of the constant fighting and sought for a way to end it once and for all.

Dreamers such as Hartigan the Red, and Turgin Lambent gathered together those of like mind from the FreeSouls and the Illuminates and began to work in secret on their solution to the problem. In the end they had created a horrific art, one that could, depending on who you ask destroy the soul of a dreamer, or at the very least make them unable to enter the Dream. This art they called DreamStrike.

After it was completed the DreamStrike Masters, as they were called, began a campaign of their own to end fighting. They swept down upon Threshold and destroyed those they found fighting there. This went on for some time, until the factions pulled out of Threshold and began to make headquarters high upon the other planes.

In the end the DreamStrike Masters either found that they had no use for their weapon any longer, or perhaps even they were sickened at what they had done, and they worked to remove it from the Dream entirely. However, knowing it may perhaps be needed again they created a powerful artifact, the Codex of Immortal Dreams, and then they sundered it into 10 pieces. One was given to each of the Houses and one to the FreeSpirits to guard, the Binder was hidden away, if ever all ten pieces were reunited then the result would be that the possessor could learn DreamStrike.

Notes: DreamStrike can ONLY be used on a soulsphere.

** It may be that this is incorrect and a percentage of the Evokers DreamSoul is taken.

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Forge Talisman

Focus and Cost: 50 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 50

Affected: Create a Talisman

Duration: Permanent or as the item dictates

Listen to Forge

Description: Allows a dreamer to forge a talisman.

Plateau Effect: Attributes of the forged talisman increase (charges, damage etc.)

Art Research: I believe that there are many things within the Dreamstate that we are not worthy enough yet to see as dreamers. No matter how deep we dig or research we will not see what is behind it all. In time we may come across the ability and knowledge to see them but until then, much remains a mystery or an individuals theory. A theory in itself is really just an opinion with many details, until we do have the ability to see these things, we will not know the truth to the dream itself.

As we all know the dream and it's fabric itself is made of extremely strong elements. That of Insight, Willpower, Resilience and Lucidity. To understand Forge is to understand the elements in the dream. Insight within the dream makes up our mental vision and our perception. Insight effects us thru our mental abilities to see or know what is around us or in some instances effects our very DreamSoul. The question this raises is what is it that we see around us in the dream. Is it real or is just the Insight in the fabric of the dream that makes us see these things. The effects of the mind are simply overpowering, but....... there is the element know as Willpower. Willpower itself, is what allows us as dreamers to control what we do, feel or act in some means. Willpower is also the ability to protect ones mind from the effect of the other elements in the dream. It is also this Willpower that not only makes us as dreamers strong but the walls of the city of Underlight itself strong as well. Perhaps it also allows us to see what we want as dreamers as opposed to what the Insight in the fabric of the dream would allow us too.

Resilience within the dream is the ability of the fabric of the dream to restore itself over time, to bounce back and to heal itself. This element also has a connection to our very own DreamSoul and it allows to effect us in one way or the other. Resilience in the fabric is that of not only allowing the walls of the city of Underlight to stay strong thru the element of Willpower, but also restore it when the Willpower in it fails. Lucidity is the understanding, the knowledge, the ability to effect what is around us. It is the ability to bend the fabric in the dream itself and make it what we as dreamers want. It also allows the fabric of the dream to shine as a whole for us. In a way all of these elements effect our very own DreamSoul, weather a direct or indirect.

With this known I look into the art of Forge Talisman and the ability to mold the elements of the dream into a tangible object also called a talisman. The ability to create an item from the elements in the dream and the dreams fabric itself comes from the mind. With intense concentration a dreamer can pull from the surrounding elements what is needed to mold and shape the elements into solid matter. The ability to attach to an effect of an evocable art comes from the mind also but, really from the knowledge we have gained in the arts, their use and the understanding of their effects. It is the mind, it's mental vision, the control of ones mind, avatar and soul and the understanding of restraint and wisdom that all together weaved together allows us to Forge Talismans from the elements and essence of the dream itself.

Researched by Raven Lunatic

Art History: The beginning of forge Talismans started with the dreamers war. The dream becoming nothing more than skirmishes among the new breed of dreamers. These dreamers had no part in the construction of the city but were eager to learn the ways of the dream and had more time on there hands than those who had come before them.

As this issues with FreeSoul - Illuminated debates grew so did the wars between these dreamers. The problem quickly grew out of hand and The Order Patrol was formed. This did little good, as the city was no longer the place of peace it had been designed for.

As the feuding dreamers grew stronger so did there abilities. At this time one of the greatest achievements of the dream came at the worst possible time: the construction of Talismans. A group of DreamWrights had become specialized in their powers to manipulate essence into matter. As they developed this to a fine art, they found a process that allowed them to create Talismans of Power.. the first was created by Poantes of Vorsage, and was called an "Elemen" a talisman forged of one element of the Dreamstate in its purest form. At this time the specialized DreamWrights who developed this process became known as DreamSmiths.

The impact on the dream of talismans cannot be overstated. Suddenly many powers that used to take months to master became available in talisman form to any dreamer. The demand grew so strong that Markosh the DreamSmith eventually perfected a process called "spawn-shaping". By specially treating areas in the city which possessed specific energies Markosh created "essence fonts" which spawn-shaped talismans of power.

The use of forge became so powerful to dreamers that they were able to supply there own surplus of talismans. The dreamers wars continue and worsened. No one was safe in threshold or anywhere else in the city. The wars continued.

Later, once Syriand and Lagumbar finished construction of the portals, a new artifact was being created by House Calenture. The Master Zordon and his team of DreamSmiths known as the Forgers Circle were putting the finishing touches on a new kind of talisman that would forever change the Dreamstate. The Orb of Calenture. This artifact was like no other, allowing the essence of mare to be banished into it. Soon, other prime artifacts were created, these talismans held scared to the Houses. These primes could either banish or imprison according to the beliefs of the house DreamSmith that created it

Notes: Talismans can only be forged with 'attributes' you have learned, therefore, a DreamSeer could not forge a talisman with stagger.

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Focus and Cost: 0 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: N/A - Given

Affected: One Item

Duration: Immediate

Description: Transfers an object from you to another Dreamer

Plateau Effect: Evocation time decreases.

Art Research: N/A

Art History: It was created during the Nightmare Wars. A group called the Seekers of Knowledge dedicated to the researching the portals discovered many new arts one of which was called GIVE. Give was created after Join Party as a result of the need to be able to transfer needed items from one dreamer to another during a battle with the nightmares and other times when one dreamer had found items during a session at the spawning sites items of use to other foci. Through the use of Join Party these items could be transferred to other members of the party anywhere in the same plane of Underlight or from dreamer to dreamer in the same room. Quite an innovation born through intense research.

Alternate History: Many believe to give another dreamer an item is to hand it to them, in your waking world this very well may be the case, but in the Dream City, as we all know things work much differently.

This proved true with one young dreamer in the past. Melindia, a young dreamer new to the city was found by an young but seasoned DreamWright named Gudrun. Melindia was battling with a Emphant and losing severely. Gudrun, stepped in and aided the young one, then upon learning how new she was offered to show her around, introduce her to others who could help her when needed, and basically just taught her the ropes of the city.

At the end of the day when Melindia found she had to wake, she was ever so grateful to Gudrun. Gudrun had been so kind and giving when others had just passed her by, Melindia wished for a way to show her gratitude.

But Melindia had nothing to give of herself in return to Gudrun. There was nothing she could teach this seasoned dreamer, she could not offer her weak aid in a battle Gudrun may face in the future, for she would merely be a nuisance that was in the way.

Over the next two dreams, this bothered Melindia, She wanted to show Gudrun how thankful she truly was. Words were simply not enough. Then it hit her! Gudrun spoke of her belief in saving the souls from the essences, and how important that was to her, when she was teaching Melindia to blade those blasted beasts. That was it! She would use the skills Gudrun taught her to blade the Emphants then she would give the satchel full of essences to Gudrun to show her appreciation.

She collected the essences and soon found Gudrun in threshold debating with a few dreamers. Gudrun seemed quite upset and was angrily calling the opposing dreamers "murderers". Melindia did not think this would be a good time to drop the essences before Gudrun to be picked up, for she feared the opposing dreamers might also grab them as well to spite her friend. Melindia did not like to see her new friend so upset, and she knew these essences would cheer her up, she had to find a way to transfer the essences she collected to Gudrun's satchel.

She thought of how kind, helpful and giving Gudrun had been to her, and unknowingly these thoughts had concentrated her DreamSoul, almost instantaneously the essences disappeared from her satchel and Gudrun's became overflowing with them. Gudrun smiled seemingly shocked as she found out what the extra weight was. Melindia then whispered to her what she had done and thanked her once again.

Decidedly, Gudrun abandoned her argument and the two ladies ran off to study more on this new wonderful art.  Their studies confirmed that this act of kindness was simply a form of intense concentration that came from the heart.

Melindia was so determined to return the kindness shown to her that what she was wishing for came to be, and the art of Give was born.

Researched by LovesLight

Notes: If the other Dreamers pack is full, the item is returned to your pack.

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Guild House

Focus and Cost: 0 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Learned upon Guild Initiation

Affected: 1 Dreamer

Duration: Permanent

Description: Gives a Dreamer the ability to travel to unreachable Guild of one's focus

Plateau Effect: Unknown

Art Research: Unknown

Art History: Unknown

Notes: The Seer Guild was the first Guild house to reopen after the Loss. Introduced by Falinor, he chose 3 Seers to help him introduce the Guild to the City, LovesLight, Munchkin, and tux. Shortly Joining thereafter were Zartok and Purple Lace.

The only way to get to a Guild House is by the use of this art, or by use of a special key made by the Elder of the Guild.

The Seer Guild House is located in Upper Basin of the Stars.

The GK Guild House is located in the West Valley of Totality.

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Focus and Cost: 2 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 20

Affected: N/A

Duration: Permanent

Description: This allows a dreamer to author a codex and inscribe a message upon it.

Plateau Effect: A dreamer can make an infinite charge codex or a codex with a number of charges equal to the arts level.

Art Research: N/A

Art History: A long time ago, while Underlight was still young, The rulers needed to send messages for various reasons. But there was no way to certify that the message sent was from the sender. This was used by others to gain power by tricking their enemy or his followers. The treachery caused many friendships to die, and battles to break out. Until one day a wise man, who had little power of his own, and therefore few sought to cause him harm, came forth to Underlight. He could not speak, but instead "talked" through codii. He was appalled to see the war around him and set forth to change it. Being a quite man, he was often overlooked, but his gave him time to seek the real problem. He began to place codii speaking of peace and wisdom. Many found these and returned them to their rulers asking what they were. The rulers sought out the man, and when they found him, he would not speak until all the rulers were gathered together. 2 days and a night they spent listening to him, he told them what was happening and of his travels and insight. During this time differences were forgotten and the wars ceased. He then taught them inscribe to insure it would not happen again. Inscribe allowed them to send proof of the sender with the message.

Notes: N/A

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Join Party

Focus and Cost: 0 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: N/A (Given)

Affected: One Target

Duration: As long as target is dreaming and residing in the same plain.

Description: This art allows a dreamer to join party with another dreamer or group of dreamers. While in a party, members can interact (talk, whisper, give, etc) with other members while in other rooms. Experience obtained by a dreamer through collapsing mares is divvied up to all dreamers in the group, therefore allowing cooperative hunting parties.

Plateau Effect: Evocation time decreases

Art Research: N/A

Art History: Join Party was created during the Nightmare Wars, after Syriand the Graceful and Lagumbar Staggern created the portals. A group of the Seekers of Knowledge dedicated to researching the portals, discovered many new arts. Join Party was one of these. The person credited with developing Join Party was Elian, the Chief Researcher.

Notes: Guardians and teachers who are joined are awarded 1 xp per second from each dreamer joined. If you are separated from the party leader (through awakening or traversing through a different plane), the join is dropped.

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Locate Dreamer

Focus and Cost: 1 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: N/A (Given)

Affected: One Target

Duration: Immediate

Description: This art allows a dreamer to locate another dreamer by typing in their name. If the target is in the same plane, the art will give the plane and the room where the dreamer resides. If the target is on a different plane, only the plane will be given. If the target is mind blanked the art will tell if you if the dreamer is dreaming, but will give no information as to where they reside.

Plateau Effect: Evocation time decreases.

Art Research: To talk of Locate Dreamer, we must also look into the workings of Mind Blank. There are roughly three different schools of thought on Mind Blank.
- One, that there is one part of our Avatar that is inherently unique in each one of us, but will not harm us if deactivated. If that theory holds true, Locate Dreamer merely finds the unique signature of the Avatar it seeks and reports it's location to the evoker.
- The second major theory is that our Souls, when blanked, merely report selective information. When not blanked they are analogous to an open book. If this is true, then Locate dreamer looks upon the spine of the book, to make sure it exists, and then onto the pages, if they are not blank, to see what the content (location) is.
- Finally, there is a third and more minor school of thought. It believes that when we evoke Locate Dreamer it sends a message to some sort of center Dream Control. If this Dream control has not been blocked by Mind Blank, it will report the location back of the dreamer in question.

So as you can see there are many theories but very few solid facts.

Art History: Small undetermined histories have spoken about the creation of the art of Locate Dreamer and the art of know, two arts that are very similar.  The best of the two is a parchment saying Wrensoul's apprentice created the art of know, because he hated having to locate himself and hated having to burn DreamSoul to do it.

Now I found it very odd that the art of locate would have been created before the art of know. It just seemed foolish that one would have the ability to locate others and know where they were, but not to "know" where they, themselves were.

After further study, I had found the fact that the art of locate being created before the art of know was indeed a falsity. Deep digging allowed me to find that the art of know was not created by Wrensoul's apprentice but indeed was created much earlier by a descendant of Halek Tor, named Cognizaria.

Though I did discover and formulate what truly did happen to put Wrensoul and his apprentice's names in the history tombs we know today.

Wrensoul's apprentice was very lazy and often inattentive. He did tamper with the art of know and locate but he did not create either. In fact it is his fault Locate is not what it use to be.

You see, with Wrensoul's apprentice being as inattentive as he was he did not often follow Wrensoul as closely as he should have, and often times would get lost from Wrensoul when they were out doing their studies. He would then have to locate his mentor but the young apprentice only had a level 10 locate and at that time was only able to identify that Wrensoul was in the same plane as him. Then Wrensoul would have to come looking for him. Wrensoul had suggested to his apprentice that if he was going to continue to wander off, he should indeed work on Plateauing the art. But Wrensoul's apprentice as I said before was lazy, and didn't want to put the effort into further studies of this simple art, instead he wanted a quick fix.

Wrensoul's apprentice proposed the idea of combining the two arts (locate/know) together, to make one ultimate locating/know art, but Wrensoul would not hear of it. He stated "All things are the way they are for a purpose, and you will learn that as your studies continue."

His apprentice was not satisfied and thought he could combine the arts on his own. One day the young apprentice wandered again, and took this opportunity to work his own "magic". He attempted to combine the two arts and upon locating Wrensoul in his exact location, he thought he had succeeded. Ecstatic he ran off to find and surprise his mentor of what he had done, and brag none the less. But Wrensoul knew better and tested it further making his apprentice try to locate someone not in the same plane as them. He found his locate to be as we know it today. Upon further studies, Wrensoul found that his apprentice not only altered his own locate but future teachings of it as well. Luckily Wrensoul discovered that it did not alter the workings to those who already acquired the art, for if his colleagues were to find out he would surely be a laughing stock and maybe even banished from the DreamWrights Guild.

Wrensoul took this opportunity to cover the tracks of his apprentice. With another Chaos eclipse drawing near, He would use that as a scapegoat for the changes made. He did not want dishonor to be brought to his name or his apprentice's for that would bring dishonor to him as well.

He privately punished his apprentice by making locate cost an extra digit of DreamSoul knowing how much his apprentice hated that, and also stories are told of a more violent punishment but nothing is told of how or what.

Then he and his apprentice hid all the old tombs of Cognizaria and her works in the creation of the art of Know and the two rewrote new ones.

In rewritten recollections of the art of know the apprentice's name is simply left out, but if looking at an old hand written (by Wrensoul himself) parchment there is a large space before the words "Wrensoul's apprentice" so it appeared to look like this..... _________, Wrensoul's apprentice, as if the name of the apprentice just mysteriously vanished somehow. Some say it is the work of Cognizaria's spirit or magic, herself still trying to reinstate the honor and respect to the family name.

Researched by LovesLight

Notes: This art allows you to maintain a list of dreamers and you can do a 'locate all' which will give you the plane they are currently in (not the room, and if they are Mindblanked, you will know only that they dream).

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Focus and Cost: 5 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 30

Affected: One Target (Evoker or Caster)

Duration: 5 minutes + 5 minutes / plateau

Description: This art allows a dreamer to block the Art of Locate Dreamer. While in this state, the dreamer will not be able to be located.

Plateau Effect: Evocation time decreases; Duration increases.

Art Research: N/A

Art History: Mind Blank was reportedly created by Dalis. Dalis had long been a first hand witness to the forgetfulness a pretty face can create on the members of the opposite gender though this effect is quite more predominant among men. Guilty as charged I'm afraid. After spending some time studying this effect sometimes rather enthusiastically she found that certain actions could enhance this forgetfulness. By combining these actions she could reproduce an effect much similar to the current version of Mind Blank we all know and use. Of course since most of these actions could not be repeated in public she had to find a different way. Dalis examined the very nature of our avatars and found that there is one portion of us, which is always active but when deactivated, does not cause any noticeable effect, save one. Naturally, as I'm sure you can guess, it prevents Location. There's been a fair amount of speculation about how exactly the Art works or where this portion of our avatar is... But not much holds water. So we are left with an Art that we know vaguely how it works but not it's deepest secrets. There's about three major schools of thought on it, though one is ridiculous and held only by the very newly awakened. The first school as I mentioned, states that the art "turns off" a portion of our Avatar namely the one that allows us to be located. The second states that Mind Blank erects a sort of protective shield around us that blocks the emanations from this particular portion of us. The last school, and keep in mind this is quite silly really, thinks that there is some sort of "flag" set by Mind Blank and when Locate Dreamer sends a "request" to some nonsensical Dream central... it will refuse to report their location. This disagrees with what we know of Locate Dreamer too, so it's widely rejected.

Alternate History: Prior to the great loss and even before the dreamstrike wars, during the uprise of the Entropy Coalition and the Overscanners, there was a little known group known as only "The Reclusives." These dreamers were a small group of some of the most intellectual dreamers there were. These dreamers considered themselves an elite group of dreamers who smarter and more intelligent than your average dreamers, and whose time was spent purely on intellectual pursuits. These dreamers were often sought by the dreamers who considered themselves as part of this group. Eventually, these dreamers became so sought after because of their exclusive nature, that they decided that they would bar membership. This did not deter the dreamers from accosting the Reclusives in an attempt to gain thier favour. The Reclusives used mindblank to hide themselves though. The original intent of Mindblank was to wipe the memories of dreamers in order to allow the reclusives to not only hide, but to maintain their annonimity when confronted by dreamers who did not know of thier exsistance. This art however was changed when during an experimentation, one of the gatekeepers of the reclusives decided to evoke the art on himself. The effect was that it deleted a portion of his knowledge of the art. When the gatekeeper tried to evoke it again, he found that he could not be located as his memory had fused with his surroundings. The dreamsoul his memory was captured in had basically become part of the plain he was dreaming on so that locate could never quite get a bead on where that dreamer currently was. Being amused with himself, he taught it to a dreamseer trying to con him into wiping out his own memory. This dreamseer, evoking the art on himself discovered that he could hide anywhere in the dream provided he wasn't seen. This led to the use of the art of Mindblank as we know it.

Researched by OfF KiLTeR

Notes: This Art cannot be Evoked on a Dreamer who has Soul Shield active.

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Nightmare Form

Focus and Cost: 10 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 40

Affected: Evoker

Duration: 1 Minute + 1 Minute per Plateau

Description: Allows a dreamer to take the form of an Emphant.

Plateau Effect: Duration increases by 1 minute.

Art Research: N/A

Art History: The DreamSoul art of Nightmare Form was created by an ancient member of the Entropy Coalition, the group responsible for the nightmares entry into the city. In their studies into the chaos outside the City Walls, they found a way for dreamers to act like a mare. However, they did not perfect the art, because while you are in Nightmare form, you cannot evoke any arts. The teacher who came up with the art died, before he could realize the problem with his art.

Alternate History: After the Great Loss, as the City was beginning to rebuild itself there came a time when more Elders began to show up, other than Kelrith and Artamor. Shade, Sabra, and Gyrethyn were the first of these to return to the City. They began to teach Dreamers, something that was needed as the Teachers of that time had no one to go to for their own plateaus.

It was not long after their return that Gyrethyn grew ill. His very soul had been tainted, he claimed, and he sought the aid of Dreamers in healing him. In a ceremony in Lower Basin of Stars, Kyane and Arianna were able to remove the taint from his soul, or so it was believed. This was done through a piece of his soul that had been removed, and when it was returned to him things seemed to go well for a time.

One night, a short time after he was healed, he was spending time genning and speaking to some Dreamers in Cairn of Sorrow. Suddenly without warning his features contorted as if in pain and then his figure did as well. Before anyone could even ask him if he was alright his avatar went through a horrifying transformation. In the end the form that stood there was not that of a Dreamer, but of an Emphant. However, it moved with more intelligence and its attacks were more dangerous, akin to those of a Horron.

In the end he was collapsed and when Restore was offered his form was that of a Dreamer once again. He did not remember what had happened to him. This was the first known instance, since the Great Loss, of a Dreamer adopting the form of a mare for a limited time. It was not long after that some of the Elders could train Dreamers in an art known as Nightmare Form, though the attacks were different (those of an ordinary Emphant) the effect was very similar.

Researched by Valourin

Notes: While in this form, you cannot run, cast any Arts or use any items.

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Focus and Cost: 0 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 5

Affected: One Target

Duration: Immediate

Listen to Push

Description: Allows a dreamer to push another dreamer a small distance.

Plateau Effect: Evocation time decreases

Art Research: N/A

Art History: The first known use of Push was long ago by a young DreamWright whose name was forgotten. Although he was young he was also very impatient, wanting the respect and authority he thought he deserved. He decided to challenge the Elder DreamWrights. One Elder DreamWright in particular laughed at him knowing that this young fool had nothing to back up his grandiose claims. He then challenged this Elder DreamWright personally. The Elder DreamWright angrily accepted the challenge and began evoking an art to humiliate this dreamer. However, before he could finish casting his art, the dreamer pushed the Elder to the ground, feet in the air and his concentration ruined. This not only humiliated the DreamWright, it infuriated him as well. The Elder stood up and began evoking one of his most powerful arts to destroy the dreamer, but as more powerful arts take longer to evoke, the dreamer again quickly pushed him and broke his concentration. This happened over and over again lasting nearly a half-hour. Finally the Elder decided to quit and left in disgust. After this dreamer got wide recognition for his efforts and was finally given the respect and authority he wanted. Now the Art of Push is used by almost every Dreamer.

Notes: You cannot push a dreamer from the back. Push will force another dreamer to stop casting an art.

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Focus and Cost: 0 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: N/A - Given

Affected: N/A

Duration: Immediate

Listen to Random

Description: Allows the Evoker to pull from the Chaos a random number from 1 to 100.

Plateau Effect: Decreases evocation time.

Art Research: N/A

Art History: Xeoris : A professor by trade, and an avid DreamSeer who sought the knowledge of the Chaos which surrounded the Dream at the time. As at that time, the only way to examine the Chaos was to journey there yourself (a very dangerous practice) he felt quite miffed that no way existed for one to do so safely. In turn, he developed an art that would look at an infinitesimally small area of the Chaos, and report it’s percentage of "purity" as a relation to the purest Chaos yet known. This works on the principle, that for Chaos to be truly Chaotic, it must also vary in concentration, a theory proved by the art of Random. Using this art, Xeoris made several studies of the Chaos, both reflecting on the nature of it, and the increasing danger of a breach in the City Walls, as the City expanded putting more pressure on the surrounding Chaos pressing in. This theory of his was vindicated by the Great Loss, but unfortunately, he was not around to see it.

Notes: VERY annoying sound. This is enough to make people mad at you.

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Focus and Cost: 1 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 25

Affected: Evoker

Duration: 20 Minutes + 20 Minutes per Plateau

Listen to Recall

Description: Causes Evoker to Recall to the last place Recall was Evoked upon the Dreamers Collapse.

Plateau Effect: Evocation time decreases; Duration increases.

Art Research: N/A

Art History: Recall was created in it's original form by Dublin. Dublin was widely renown for one thing, which were his terrible memory troubles. He could remember the tiniest of things, such as remembering to button his top tunic button up on the first Sunday of the month, when the wind would blow very briskly. However, he could never remember the important things, such as the names of the very few friends he had, how to evoke, or even whether an Earth Abyss Shield was better than a Teal Gold. Naturally, this made him quite a source of amusement, so he finally had enough one day and decided to put a stop to it. He made a resolution (and just so happened to remember it), and he was seen from that day on carrying a small notebook around with hi. Every time he heard a notable fact or was explained something he wrote it down carefully and recorded it. This went on for a fair amount of time (recording and remembering) until he realized that he could not continue this forever. So it was at that time that he first evoked the art of Recall in one of his private rooms where the majority of his notebooks were stored. Naturally, this art didn't have much use to the other Dreamers as they did not have the many problems poor Dublin did, that is they didn't need it until the coming of the Sanctuaries. One of the junior DreamWrights approached Dublin and asked him to teach this art. This DreamWright then made a modification to the art, so that it wouldn't actually recall "memories", per se. It would recall a certain place, where it was first evoked, and also the form that we were in when we first evoke it. It then monitors us, to see if we ever change from this form. If our form does change (being collapsed), it immediately brings us back to that place so that we can "remember" our avatars, cohesive once again. So naturally there became great use for this, as it was also the great deterrent against the deadly art of DreamStrike. And to this day it is a highly sought after art.

Alternate History: The art of Recall was developed by a great Gatekeeper by the name of Renrut Nek. He had heard rumors of dreamers getting ward trapped and either forced to wake as a soulsphere, or wait for the wards to drop and chance being dreamstruck in the process. Renrut pondered this and tried something, he took the knowledge of the art of Know and mingled it with the art of Return, he then set a spot by evoking the art, and ventured out to find battle, he came across a shamblix protecting its lair, he had purposly left himself vulnerable by not using the art Free Action. He was immediatly collapsed. In the blink of an eye, he found himself back in his study safe and sound, and that is how the art of Recall came to be.

Researched by Ballaster

Notes: N/A

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Sense Dreamers

Focus and Cost: 0 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Given

Affected: Evoker

Duration: Immediate

Description: Evocation of this Art will list the top 3 planes where the most Dreamers are currently residing, in ascending order.

Plateau Effect: Evocation time decreases.

Art Research:


Art History: Unknown as of yet.

Notes: N/A

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Show Talisman

Focus and Cost: 0 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Given

Affected: One Dreamer or Mare

Duration: Immediate

Description: Allows the Evoker to show another one item from their pack.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Research:

Art History: An eccentric at best, Yurien was a collector of things both amazing and wonderful. She had a passion for exploring the unexplored and was very fond of any unique talismans she could lay her large hands on. However, as the best of collectors tend to be, she also tended to show off her treasures, if even due to the fact that she had so many. Many took it in their stride, as they realized the genuine pleasure she got from sharing her discoveries with others. Of course, not all were so enlightened, and one, Derisik, a fellow collector, with less, decided to teach her a lesson. Coming over one night alone, he asked to see the Tome of B'iis, a prized possession of Yurien's as it contained vast amounts of insight within it's pages, but not unlimited. Once one read through the entire book, it was useless, it's knowledge granted. Trustingly, Yurien took the Tome out of it's case, and passed it to Derisik, who then promptly chameled, and ran off with it. Stunned, she did not report the incident until it was found by another visiting scholar. In response a small group of DreamSeers created the art of Show Talisman, so that Yurien could continue to display her efforts without fear of theft.

Notes: N/A

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Soul Evoke

Focus and Cost:1 PERMANENT DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 15

Affected: Evoker

Duration: One dream session

Description: This art will allow a collapsed dreamer to be able to cast arts and use Items. Because they are a soulsphere, they become invulnerable to others attacks and can be considered quite dangerous.

Plateau Effect: N/A

Art Research: N/A

Art History: Soul Evoke is a odd art in which it wasn't created by one dreamer, but by 2 dreamers to be correct. Not to mention they were enemies and hated each other. When the DreamStrike Offensive started, many dreamers fell. So then Dementia 1st Ruler of DoL and K'ess 1st Ruler of HC got together in a secret meeting. The worked on a art that would allow then to spoil the plans of the Masters. They had Restore but wanted something else. They wanted something Offensive that would surprise their foe. They began to formulate an art that would allow access to the energies needed to evoke an art without an avatar to shape them. It was then that they created Soul Evoke and were very happy to use it on their enemies.

Notes: Often used as the poor mans 'suicide pill'. If used while corporal, you will loose 1 permanent DreamSoul.  The SoulMaster Art of Drain Self can be used to force coherence upon a SoulSphered Dreamer.

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Soul Shield

Focus and Cost: 20 DreamSoul

Orbit Acquired: Orbit 40

Affected: 1 Target

Duration: 2 Minutes + 2 Minutes per Plateau

Description: N/A

Plateau Effect: Evocation time decreases; Duration increases.

Art Research: N/A

Art History: N/A

Notes: At this time Soul Shield affects the ability to cast Mind Blank on the Dreamer Shielded.

Rediscovery: Barachus slept safely inside his personal cocoon. Suddenly the trembling brought him to consciousness and he soon fell to the ground. Free to walk around for the first time in ages, he began to seek out the cause for disturbance and discovered Valerius. Valerius had been testing an ancient art in hopes to bring it back to life. This art so powerful, it had shaken the walls on Evernight Plateau so greatly that an ancient sleeping OverScanner was awakened.  Now understanding more of how he came to be back in the City of Underlight, Barachus began to wander the City. He soon found his way to Threshold Pits where he ran into an old acquaintance. Met by surprise and shock by the Ancient member of the Entropy Coalition the OverScanner quickly brought all in the room up to speed on how he had survived. It was at this time that 'Wyrmgrim, of the Coalition, offered the assistance of his Sacred Band. Barachus gladly accepted any and all help he could receive for he knew the City was in danger of having the same catastrophe occur that made him form his own Cocoon and save his soul. The Sacred Band gathered with Barachus at a meeting in the Unknown Library and learned more in detail of the dreaded flux of chaos that had destroyed the City during the Great Loss. They learned more of how Barachus formed his Cocoon and how he desired to take this knowledge and create a new art that could save every dreamer from the Chaos that is to come. The members of the Sacred Band were a mere five at the beginning, guardDog, Jolly, Folko, Purple Lace, and Intrigue. A full house of capabilities, three DreamSeers and two Gatekeepers or three ladies and two gentlemen, no matter how you sliced it. On this fated night in the Unknown, however, Chaos prevailed and removed the two gents from the equation, leaving the ladies to work and listen to the ancient OverScanner.   Following the meeting the Band gathered again. Studies were underway. Debates occurred and finally a theory arouse. Their quest to assist Barachus and have a full report back to the Pinnacle, 'Wyrmgrim, on the sixth day was done. Excitement filled the Master Hall of Threshold Pits as the Sacred Band and other dreamers gathered. All were awaiting the arrival of 'Wyrmgrim and Barachus. 'Wyrmgrim showed as scheduled to lead his Band. It was soon decided with the urgency of creating the new art that the testing would begin, with or without Barachus. Chaos had prevailed once again and had held the OverScanner at bay. Caring for his entire Band equally, Wyrmgrim decided each should draw lots to see who would stand the trial of the formation of the new art around them.  Every member of the Sacred Band drew lots. More had been added beyond the original five and they drew as well. Destiny pointed to Jolly, a simple Gatekeeper who would give her soul easily to save others. But, had any other of the Sacred Band won the lot, she knows they too would easily give themselves to save others. Thus being the special bond that holds the Sacred Band together. They are not one alone but one in spirit. Every one in the Master Hall took their cue from 'Wyrmgrim when he began his pulling of lucidity and aiming it towards the Gatekeeper. Jolly was doused with many layers of protective arts. Her pack full of good quality shields and dream soul elemens. The fire grew very hot as it encased her form. An unexpected scream escaped her lips then was quickly covered by embarrassment. The next wave of searing pain caused her to bite through her lip to try to save herself from screaming, but the pain so great it escaped into the hall. Havoc erupted quickly. The walls began to shake and the experiment was invaded by two dark mares, Tzayak and Hatch'kor. All the dreamers were attacked. Many left a mere soul sphere trying to warn the others to watch their backs. guardDog took down Hatch'kor and had Tzayak to near dissolution. Chak fire was prevalent. 'Wyrmgrim held his concentration and continued to direct his powers of lucidity upon the Gatekeeper, but suddenly was collapsed. Jolly's sensation of pain subsided as the adrenaline overcame her and she was instinctively using her skill in switching to fresh shields and healing herself with dream soul elemens the entire time of the Dark Mare attack and the lucidity guided by 'Wyrmgrim as well as the added danger of friendly fire. She found herself assisting guardDog in defeating Tzayak. The Dark Mares defeated and many of the dreamers now restored, 'Wyrmgrim checked the progress of the interrupted experiment. The creation of Soul Shield had failed. Time to conduct normal business with dignity was the new order. This experiment over but not forgotten brought the Sacred Band together on the next Sixth Day. All were pleasantly surprised by the entrance of Barachus into the Master Hall. Time to try again. Quietly, Barachus quizzed Jolly on how 'Wyrmgrim had proceeded during the last attempt. He then made some changes in the formulation of Soul Shield and told 'Wyrmgrim it was time to try again. Standing ready for the worst, the Dreamers concentrated on Barachus and 'Wyrmgrim. Doing all they could to assist as well as protect. The last remaining member of the Entropy Coalition felt the sting of Chaos approaching and raised his ring hand, fist clenched, in a gesture of defiance. Then he turned to the Barachus and said, "Now, OverScanner...we will durable are..." Soon 'Wyrmgrim's form glimmered red from head to foot. From the sores and scars on his old face sprouted spring shoots of fire, spreading rapidly until he became a seemingly column of fire. The intense concentration this feat took on 'Wyrmgrim was evident for he quickly rasped, "Whatever you will do... do it soon." Barachus replied, "If I is probably not possible..." The OverScanner closed his eyes to increase his concentration. 'Wyrmgrim opened his mouth and sent a torrent of energy springs forth to engulf Barachus from head to foot. Guided by his determination Barachus created a mist of pinkish DreamSoul springs around himself, mixing it with the fire, stopping it from touching him. Then a peculiar stench filled the air. It's pungent reek of old corruption tore at the eyes and throats of all with vile vigor. 'Wyrmgrim increased his concentration and his fires burned hotter yet, its violence threatening to undo the stones about him. Barachus trembled and contorted his face as the strain was evident while he forced more power into the growing shell. Tendrils of darkness seeped from the stone ceiling, twisting and writhing, seeming almost to coalesce into horned horrors before they changed again. Then they sought out the OverScanner. A low rumble was heard and the ground began to lightly shake, the force increasing as the sound grew louder. Barachus wiped his brow reflexively and tried his best to hold his concentration and keep his balance at the same time. The colors of the wall bled and ran together as the sickening sense of vertigo surrounded all present. One could notice that around Barachus a golden shell fought the attack. The stone paving bucked and withered, accompanied by an ear splitting cacophony of tortured rock. The great 'Wyrmgrim was pulled from the City. Barachus swayed as the mist of the shield seemed to wax and wane. The walls of the Master Hall split open. Jolly noticed the seam go from solid to abyss as Talesskar entered and began to fire upon Barachus, giving him dose after dose of pure chaos. guardDog was on Talesskar in the blinking of an eye. Talesskar tried to break the room’s concentration on Barachus by deafening all and firing upon them as well. guardDog hunted Talesskar from the Master Hall while the other Gatekeepers, jolly and Lord Omnipotus ran outside to secure the Master Hall with Wards. Hoping to keep the disruption to a minimum so Barachus could complete his work. Back inside the Master Hall all are once again able to concentrate on the OverScanner. Chaos eases. guardDog has defeated Talesskar. 'Wyrmgrim is loosed from chaos and reenters the Master Hall himself. The chaos surged with the collapse of the Dark Mare while the shield flared with it but then the OverScanner crumpled to the floor. Barachus lay unmoving. Intrigue knelt beside him while Meylia assisted by cradling his head. 'Wyrmgrim studied the OverScanner coolly while many in the crowd wondered if he was still alive. 'Wyrmgrim notices the slow unsteady rise of Barachus' chest and says, "He should be a smear on the floor..." Just then Barachus coughed softly and his eyelids began to flutter. Intrigue assures all that the OverScanner will be fine. guardDog questioned 'Wyrmgrim why he believed Barachus should be a smear on the floor. And 'Wyrmgrim replies about the strong force that struck the Master Hall. With that mentioned, the room began to regain its old form as the Chaos receded. The floor began to settle back and the colors redefining themselves. Barachus then opened his eyes. Intrigue's warmth had fused to Barachus and aided him to consciousness. 'Wyrmgrim states that he believes the Soul Shield must have been formed. Slowly, in response, Barachus coughed and sat up. He then closed his eyes and began to evoke. Barachus then told all present, "Yes, I think it is done." Smiles crossed the faces of those present. Fear lifted from many hearts. Concern and worry creases left many brows. But suddenly, jolly notices a rip yet left in the wall near the North Meeting Room and says it aloud. 'Wyrmgrim's ring hand flickered with ruby fire...the seam healed itself. A few days later Intrigue and Purple Lace were attending the meeting of the FreeSpirits and were pleasantly surprised by the arrival of Barachus. Without warning, each had the SoulShield evoked upon them. Shock was quickly overcome by curiosity as the two DreamSeers quickly began extensive experimentation with the effects of the Art. Adjourning to the bottom of the bloody Lake of Tears, the ladies evoked all of their arts upon themselves and each other. Both were quite astonished to find that the Art of Mind Blank was rendered useless while wearing the SoulShield. Using Mind Blank first could avert this, then having the SoulShield layered afterwards. After some modifications by Barachus, this snag had been corrected and proven to work during later testing in the Chasm.

~ The Sacred Band: guardDog, Jolly, Folko, Intrigue, and Purple Lace

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Art Scrolls

Underlight Scrolls