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Dream History

The Dreamer Wars
                        The Dreamer Wars began as nothing more than a series of 
                        skirmishes among the new breed of Dreamers. These 
                        Dreamers had no part in the construction of the City but 
                        were eager to learn the ways of the Dream and had more 
                        time on their hands than those who'd come before them. 
                        As the FreeSoul-Illuminate debate grew, these Dreamers 
                        began to form groups around the most popular beliefs. 
                        There was no such thing as death in the Dream, and so 
                        many of these Dreamers practiced little restraint in 
                        evoking their Arts upon each other. The problem grew so 
                        profound that Mohteq the Elder formed the Order Patrol 
                        to suppress the open fighting between the FreeSoul 
                        Knights and the Illuminated Front, but it was too late. 
                        Soon there were grudges and arguments everywhere, and 
                        the city of Underlight was no longer the place of peace 
                        it had been designed for. As the feuding Dreamers grew 
                        strong in their abilities, the chaos only spread. 
                        Threshold was a hub of constant combat as one faction or 
                        the other fought to hold or gain ground. And then one of 
                        the greatest achievements of the Dream came at the worst 
                        possible time: the construction of Talismans. 
                        A group of DreamWrights had become specialized, 
                        advancing their power to manipulate essence into matter. 
                        As they developed this to a fine Art, they found a 
                        process that allowed them to create Talismans of Power. 
                        The first was created by Poantes of Vorsage, and was 
                        called an "Elemen"... a talisman forged of one element 
                        of the Dreamstate in its purest form. Then Aybol the 
                        Determinus perfected a means of instilling in a talisman 
                        the energies of an evoked art, forging the first 
                        alterors. It wasn't long before talismans of many 
                        different types and abilities were being produced. The 
                        specialized DreamWrights who developed this process 
                        became known as DreamSmiths. 
                        The impact on the Dream of talismans cannot be 
                        overstated. Suddenly many powers that used to take 
                        months to master became available in talisman form to 
                        any Dreamer. Many of the DreamSmiths supplied talismans 
                        only to their own clans within the Dream. The demand 
                        grew so great that Markosh the DreamSmith eventually 
                        perfected a process called "spawn-shaping". By specially 
                        treating areas in the City which possessed specific 
                        energies, Markosh created "essence fonts" which 
                        regularly spawn-shaped talismans of power. These 
                        spawn-shapers automated the process of talisman 
                        creation, producing an endless number of talismans, and 
                        making the rival factions in the Dream powerful. 
                        However, Markosh jealously guarded the spawn-shaping 
                        process, using it for his own gain, and the secret of 
                        how to do it died with him. 
                        It was perhaps predictable that the first faction of 
                        Dreamers to build a significant surplus of talismans was 
                        the now-extinct Srechethan Kabal, which had always 
                        coveted complete rulership of the Dream. But their 
                        rivals were also large in number and well armed, and 
                        with the Battle of Sunroof Cavern open warfare ensued. 
                        No one was safe in Threshold or anywhere else in the 
                        City of Underlight. The Dreamers warred with abandon, 
                        reducing their enemies to soulsphere on sight. There was 
                        no death in the Dream, but a Dreamer's power could be 
                        eroded with every battle that ended in his dissolution. 
                        With this in mind, the warring Dreamers attacked one 
                        another endlessly in a bid for dominance in the Dream. 
                        The carnage became so widespread and so prevailing that 
                        the Master DreamWrights became alarmed. Their creation, 
                        the City itself, was being abused for the purpose of 
                        warfare. One group of Master DreamWrights, led by 
                        Hartisan the Red and Turgin Lambent, became determined 
                        to put an end to the conflict once and for all. Their 
                        group would later become known as the DreamStrike 
                        DreamStrike is the ultimate punishment any person can 
                        suffer, for it causes not only death of the body in the 
                        Waking World, but also the soul of the Dreamer. It is 
                        true death, final and complete. With this Art perfected, 
                        the DreamStrike Masters entered the war-torn Threshold 
                        and moved through it as a group, collapsing and then 
                        Dreamstriking Dreamer after Dreamer. This infamous 
                        surprise assault, the DreamStrike Offensive, changed the 
                        Dream forever. The boldness that fueled so many of the 
                        warring clans became fear as they were forced out of 
                        Threshold. They retreated to the far ends of the lands 
                        and began constructing great fortresses to guard 
                        themselves. So reigned another shaky peace, as the 
                        DreamStrike Masters occupied Threshold and the organized 
                        factions of Dreamers squatted in the lands beyond. 
                        Skirmishing still continued in the open lands, but open 
                        warring had been put down by the coming of DreamStrike. 
                        But this was only the calm before the storm.

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