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Dream History

The Nightmare Wars
                        Not all the Master DreamWrights were pleased with the 
                        coming of DreamStrike, and in fact many were angered by 
                        it. A group of them, the Entropy Coalition, secluded 
                        themselves and began exploring ways to counter this new 
                        and terrible power. They turned to the deep chaos 
                        outside the city walls for their answer. They believed 
                        they could find a way to pull the raw energy of the 
                        chaos into Underlight and turn it against the 
                        DreamStrike Masters. But their attempts to bring that 
                        energy inside the city would have disastrous results. 
                        The chaotic forces outside had intensified since the 
                        city's creation... the pressure of the raw essence 
                        swirling against the city walls had only increased. As 
                        the Entropy Coalition furthered their efforts to breach 
                        into the deep chaos, they unknowingly weakened the walls 
                        of the city, the barrier holding back the chaos. Small 
                        rips and breaks began forming in the walls, just big 
                        enough to permit creatures of chaos to enter the city: 
                        Many debates have been waged over the exact nature of 
                        the Mares, and many more are no doubt still to come. 
                        These debates do nothing to reflect the horror and 
                        carnage that drove across the City on the day the Mares 
                        first found entry... the Day of the Savaging. The Mares 
                        came in great numbers, masses of them, streaming from 
                        the outer lands straight for Threshold. Any Dreamer 
                        encountered was set upon and collapsed to soulsphere by 
                        the chaotic horde. Many were caught unprepared in their 
                        keeps and houses, for such a threat had never been 
                        encountered before. The Mares cast a thick vicious 
                        shadow over the entire City and forced the Dreamers to 
                        organize and cooperate... for a time. 
                        Klin Benfar, a Master DreamWright Elder whose powers far 
                        surpassed any of the DreamWrights or DreamSmiths, took 
                        the first step toward protecting the Dreamstate from the 
                        Mares when he developed the first Sanctuary. The ambient 
                        essence of the Sanctuary area prevented aggressive 
                        actions and caused searing pain to any Mare who entered 
                        it. Klin Benfar and his apprentices constructed 
                        Sanctuaries throughout the Dreamstate. Using the 
                        Sanctuaries, the Dreamers finally had a foothold with 
                        which to stand against the destructive tide of marauding 
                        But still the Mares swarmed the city, and the lands were 
                        in total turmoil. The various factions of Dreamers in 
                        the land had banded together to deal with the Mare 
                        threat. Their fortresses became fortified as never 
                        before, equipped with sanctuaries and armories. Guards 
                        stood strong in strategic locations to keep the Mares 
                        from overrunning their Houses. Regular patrols were 
                        formed to seek out roving Mares and collapse them. And, 
                        as House organization grew stronger, their philosophers 
                        attempted to uncover the truth behind the Mares. What 
                        were these vile creatures exactly? 
                        In an effort pioneered by Relminus the Blind, 
                        philosophers throughout Underlight began to study the 
                        essence left behind by a Mare that's been collapsed. But 
                        to ask the question "what is a Mare?" proved as hard as 
                        asking, "what is a man"? The FreeSoul and Illuminate 
                        schools of thought began to divide into more defined 
                        ideologies as they explored the question. As these 
                        ideologies developed, they did so around the great 
                        Houses, which had been erected by Dreamers over the 
                        centuries. For centuries more the Houses developed 
                        around the study of Mares, and the problem of how to rid 
                        the Dream of their teeming masses. There was little 
                        warfare between Dreamers because most were simply taking 
                        refuge in the Houses and the Sanctuaries or combating 
                        the Mare threat. The last phase of this period when the 
                        Houses were aligned against the Mares was marked by the 
                        creation of portals. 
                        In order to stem the never-ending tide of mares flooding 
                        the city, a group of Master DreamWrights led by Syriand 
                        the Graceful and Lagumbar Staggern developed a means of 
                        fencing off sections of the Dream from one another. To 
                        do this they constructed "portals" at strategic 
                        locations. These portals operated under the same 
                        principle as Sanctuary and were impassable by the Mares. 
                        Later it was discovered by the Seekers of Knowledge that 
                        being contained by portals made the ambient essence 
                        within an area easier to harness. This would eventually 
                        spawn new varieties of Arts meant to take advantage of 
                        these areas of effect. It would also lead to the 
                        development of one of the most significant Arts ever 
                        created: Join Party. 
                        Syriand, Lagumbar, assisted by an alliance of 
                        DreamWrights and DreamSmiths, moved through the lands, 
                        segmenting them with portals. They started at the Houses 
                        and at Threshold and worked their way inward. Gradually 
                        the never-ending flow of Mares was stopped. The Mares 
                        were still able to squeeze into the Dream through small 
                        ruptures but the portals prevented them from moving 
                        freely about it. The Nightmare Wars were over... but 
                        their most powerful legacy was just being created. 
                        Even as Syriand and Lagumbar finished construction of 
                        the portals, a new artifact was being created in House 
                        Calenture. The reclusive Master Zordon and his team of 
                        DreamSmiths known as the Forgers Circle were putting the 
                        finishing touches on a new kind of talisman that would 
                        forever change the Dreamstate: The Orb of Calenture. The 
                        Orb was an artifact unlike any ever seen before, for it 
                        could take the essence of a Mare and banish it from the 
                        Dream easily. The creation of this artifact sparked 
                        anger among those Dreamers who believed Mare essence was 
                        too valuable to banish and should be imprisoned. It also 
                        stirred envy among the other factions who believed in 
                        banishment. Soon other prime artifacts were created, 
                        talismans held sacred to the Houses. These prime 
                        artifacts could either banish or imprison Mare essence 
                        according to the beliefs of the House DreamSmiths who 
                        created it. 
                        Friction between the Houses grew as each practiced it's 
                        own beliefs and dealt with the Mare essence in it's own 
                        way. With the Nightmare Wars at an end, Sanctuaries 
                        constructed, and portals placed, the Houses found 
                        themselves strong and ready to defend their interests. 
                        Underlight was on the verge of another Dreamer War when 
                        the Battle of Rock Falls broke out. Two of the most 
                        powerful Houses in the Dream, Dreamers of Light and 
                        House Calenture, fell into all-out confrontation over 
                        the fate of the essences stored within their prime 
                        artifacts. When the battle was over, two Rulers of Light 
                        were dead by DreamStrike. Skirmishes between Houses 
                        erupted, and each House began to take advantage of the 
                        portals to seal off their claimed lands. As each 
                        conflict arose, it seemed more and more certain the 
                        Dreamstate was heading toward another period of all-out 
                        warfare. The reality of what was about to happen was 
                        far, far worse.


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