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Dream History

The Great Loss
                        It was a day just like any other in the City of 
                        Underlight. In Threshold experienced Dreamers and the 
                        Newly Awakened met and intermingled. In the Houses 
                        meetings were being held and reports were being made. In 
                        the lands Mares were being hunted and essences 
                        And on the fringe of the Dreamstate, a team of Master 
                        DreamSmiths and Dreamwrights called the Overscanners, 
                        led by a Master DreamWright Elder named Ibioc, were 
                        trying to find a way to repair the city walls and keep 
                        the Mares out once and for all. 
                        The Overscanners began their effort by forming a group 
                        meditation and reaching out with their minds in order to 
                        probe the weakened sections of the city walls. They had 
                        no idea that the pressure on the other side of that wall 
                        had grown far stronger since the onset of the Nightmare 
                        Wars. The City of Dreams, an encapsulated object within 
                        the mass torrent of chaos, was under severe pressure and 
                        ready to pop. 
                        And that's just what it did. Before these Master 
                        Dreamwrights could realize it, the city walls blew apart 
                        and a roaring wave of consciousness flooded into 
                        Underlight! The Overscanners were torn asunder, and 
                        their minds blasted apart within the space of a 
                        The Dorsal Rift was born. 
                        The monstrous wave of consciousness slammed through the 
                        Dream, blowing through the portals and rushing toward 
                        Threshold. Dreamers caught by it's sudden onslaught were 
                        also utterly slain, their very souls shredded by the 
                        waves of raw psychic essence! The wave hit the Houses 
                        and even their mighty walls could not hold it back. It 
                        reached Sanctuary and wiped through it before the 
                        screams could even take the air. 
                        Within a period of minutes, every single Dreamer in the 
                        city was utterly slain. 
                        The city itself began to spread and shake as the Dorsal 
                        Rift grew. Alerted to the disaster while in the waking 
                        world, the remaining Dreamers and Master Dreamwrights 
                        entered the Dream. There they found utter carnage; the 
                        Dreamstate rippled with raw uncontrolled power and the 
                        death essences of Dreamer and Mare alike littered the 
                        Fighting the continuing waves of consciousness, every 
                        surviving Master DreamWright - the last of their kind - 
                        gathered and forced their way outward toward the Dorsal 
                        Rift. Among them were FreeSoul, Illuminate and Free 
                        Spirit alike, joined in a last-ditch effort to save 
                        Underlight. The City was quickly being pulled apart and 
                        would soon lose all cohesion if the rift wasn't closed. 
                        Arriving at the Dorsal Rift, the Master Dreamwrights 
                        found a massive gape in the City, and beyond it roiling 
                        and angry chaos. All that had been accomplished in the 
                        Dream since it's first day was on the verge of being 
                        The Master Dreamwrights did as their fellows the 
                        Overscanners had done that very day... they formed a 
                        group meditation and began to focus on the rift. They 
                        reached out, pulling at the edges of the rift as they 
                        strengthened the city walls. With a heroic effort of 
                        will, this group of Master Dreamwrights stopped the 
                        Dorsal Rift from spreading and began to pull it closed. 
                        For hours they labored to gain control of it, pulling it 
                        tighter and tighter, until the moment came when they 
                        might completely seal it. 
                        It was in that moment that they were lost. Again the 
                        Master Dreamwrights had failed to understand the ways in 
                        which exterior pressures bear down on the city. In the 
                        moment they made their last thrust to close the Dorsal 
                        Rift, a second rift blew open in the exact opposite side 
                        of the city... and the Caudal Rift was born. A second 
                        wave of consciousness erupted from it, this one crashing 
                        down the lands, through Threshold, and straight into the 
                        Dorsal Rift. The Master Dreamwrights who had nearly 
                        succeeded in closing the Dorsal Rift were caught up and 
                        destroyed, their psyches ripped apart and blasted out of 
                        the city. This wave of consciousness, while somewhat 
                        smaller than the first, was just as deadly to the 
                        Dreamers caught in its path. Large teams of Dreamers, at 
                        work collecting the essence of their slain comrades and 
                        trying to repair damage done were caught in this second 
                        wave and slain. 
                        The Great Loss is aptly named. Nearly every Dreamer had 
                        been killed, and the realms of Cloudsbreak were a 
                        relative wasteland, populated only by a few fortunate 
                        Now, months later, those who've newly Awakened into the 
                        Dream find the city called Underlight a land of 
                        opportunity and danger. As the Great Houses are rebuilt 
                        and research into the nature of the Dream continues, as 
                        the Mare menace grows and new threats arise, new 
                        Dreamers must ask themselves where they stand... and 
                        what they'll fight for.

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