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Houses and Beliefs

Within the Dream, there are many trains of thought. These involve many different things, but the ones I will focus on here are:

    - Illuminated
    - FreeSoul

and these:

    - Banishment
    - Imprisoning
    - Cleansing
    - Draining

There are 8 Houses within the Dream. Each House has it's own beliefs and practices. Illuminated Dreamers believe that what happens in the Dream or on Cloudsbreak have a direct effect upon one another. FreeSoul believe that the two are separate and have no effect upon one another.  There may be other thoughts along these lines, but these are the main two.

Each House also has it's own thoughts on what to do with collapsed Nightmare Essences.  Banishment is the act of removing the essence from the Dream. Imprisoning locks the essence away.  Cleansing changes the nature of the essence and Draining destroys the essence.  These are Star Scream Guardian of GoE generalizations of each belief. To properly understand them, you should speak with a House representative.  The House, Alliance of The Eclipse, does not believe in fighting what-so-ever except in self-defense.  They, at times, help the Mare and have been known to converse with them.

This is a picture of Star Scream. He is a Guardian of Gathering Of Entranced as can be seen by the colour and symbol of his Crest.


After Dreaming for awhile you will begin to recognize the different symbols of each House.  House members have them on their chests or backs as Crests. A guardian of any House will have his crest coloured slightly differently. Guardian colours are Night (dark blue) and Blood (red) coloured. A house Ruler will have his coloured Abyss (dark grey) and Night.




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