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Teachers and Arts

As you gain in experience, either through fighting Mares or accepting Tasks, you will of course gain in Orbits (levels) and Art knowledge.  Each tenth Orbit is known as an Ascension and requires a Teacher to Task you before granting it.  The same holds true with Arts, each tenth level is known as a Plateau and requires a Teacher. You must remember though that the Tasking and Granting of either Arts or Ascensions is a privilege and not a right.  If you upset or disturb a Teacher, they may not grant you a Task.  If you don't complete the Task they have given you to their satisfaction, they may ask you to seek more information, or write out a new Task. From your side however, if you deem a Task is beyond your capabilities or just not correct for what you were seeking, then you may turn it down.  Just because the Teacher has given you a Task, doesn't mean you are stuck with it. If you do decide to turn it down, discuss with the Teacher why and perhaps between the two of you, you may come to a solution.  Remember though, that the higher the level of the Plateau or Ascension you seek, the harder the Task will be.  

You will be able to recognize Teachers from normal Dreamers by the Halo circling their head. If you know someone to be a Teacher, but they don't currently have their Halo on, this means they are probably taking a break, and it is best not to disturb them during this time. We spend a lot of time Teaching, and a break here and there is nice.


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