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Plains and Rooms

Thresh Candle Marker


There are many different areas of the City. You will first enter the Dream outside the Training rooms, go through these slowly and learn what you can. After that you will start your Dream just outside of Threshold. From Threshold you can go to anywhere in the Dream.  There are 8 main rooms in Threshold, one corresponding to each House. From these rooms you may exit Threshold to the House Plain, and by following the path, be led right to the House entrance. To find your way back to Threshold ,watch for the Thresh Candles as these will lead you back.


Dreamers of Light Entrance


Once you have entered the House Plain, you will see the entrance to each House.  Most Houses do not like Dreamers coming in or walking up the main stairs without permission. If you enter and find nobody waiting, it is best to either wait for a Dreamer of that House, or to head to somewhere else.


Most Plains have at least one Sanctuary within them.  Sanctuaries are places of healing, as no aggressive Art or Item may be used within them.  If you get collapsed during battle, this is the place to go, as it will restore coherence to your Avatar. If you wake (exit) while you are collapsed, a penalty of 7% of your current experience is removed, so regain coherence as soon as possible.


Warded Portal with Thresh Marker

There are a few things that may not allow you to traverse a portal. One of them the GateKeeper Art of Ward.  A warded portal cannot be passed without an Amulet, or the DreamSeer Art of Blend. Another reason you may not be able to enter is because you must be of a certain Orbit orKabal Ward a House member before you may enter other portals.  These Portals will appear 'dead' to you (not circling).


This is an image of a Kabal Ward to the right. There is an actual portal behind the waterfalls. Not all Portals are able to be seen.


Trail is a good Art to use when you first start Dreaming as it leaves a Trail of markers behind you. If you get lost, you can follow them back to where you started. Trail will not transfer across Plains though, if you change Plains, the trail will disappear behind you. If you study (right click) each portal before entering, it will give you a description as to where it leads, this in conjunction with the Art Know can come in very handy.


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