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Links to Interesting Sites

Below are some of our most important partners. Enjoy their sites, travel the rings. Learn more about your favorite Latin-American artists, exhibits and galleries . Then come back to the DeSoto Workshop and let us tell you more about our truly fine collection of prints that are destined to become centerpieces for any discerning collector.

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Sites concerning Rufino Tamayo | Sites about Leonora Carrington |
Important Latin-American Artists
| Gallery Sites | Search Engines |

Sites concerning Rufino Tamayo

The Rufino Tamayo Art Museum Located in Mexico City it houses painting, tapestry and engravings donated to the Mexican people by the painter Rufino Tamayo.

Sites about Leonora Carrington

Mexican ConnectionMexican Prints - Kryon tour:Leonora Carrington

Maestros Del Arte ContemporaneoIn Spanish, the Mexican Museum of Modern Art,

Libran Lion Gallery. A very comprehensive collection of Leonora Carrington Links and artwork

Important Latin-American Artists

La Vitrina A showcase of Mexican Arts in New York

Gallery Sites

dArt, the Internet Art Database. The mission of 'dART' is to efficiently classifying art on the Internet. At the heart of dART is a venue that serves as a means for creating a direct secondary market that only the Internet can provide. We support this with an interative discussion forum that allows patrons to post solicitations, rants, raves, critiques or otherwise their ideas of an artist's future direction and subsequent value of their work.

Art Planet The Internet Fine Art Directory

Search Engines

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