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Nealo: The Final Frontier

_|Reference Pages



Locations and Clans



_|OOC Boards

OOC Board

Love Caves - Have A Baby

Join the Frontier


The River Clan

The Lake Clan

The Nomad Clan

The Mountain Clan

The Apocolypse Forest Clan

The Grasslands Clan

_|Strange Locations

Temple Of The Gods

The Weird Ruins

The Battlefield

On a scroll is written the history of the land of Nealo. It's old, tattered, and smells of tea...

It's the year 3009. 99.9 percent of the Humans left the Earth, and ten treehugger humans remained, much to many animal's happiness. They were now left to do as they wish.

Dionysus, a splice between a Zebra and a Mustang engineered by a company to try to produce new stock before Humans left, was the first to claim the lands (which are in lower Connecticut). He named them Nealo.

He and his sister, Semele (who had the same past as him), lived happily in Nealo for a while. About four short years later, Dionysus prayed at the Temple Of The Gods (which was a museum before the humans left) and accedently released Nax, a powerful magic force.

Nax was now free, and many strange things started to appear. Horses started to be born that had horns, wings, strange colors, and other, just generally weird features. They could talk like Humans, and some even had powers and immortality!

Another four years were spent, and Dionysus and Semele picked up an orphan human named Zei. Hades, one of the horses born with powers and features stayed with Dio and Semele for a bit. Little did they know he was planning war on them, for the sole perpose to eliminate all the normal horses.

And so war was made. Hades was evil, of course, and ruled over the west half of Nealo, which was named Lenanor, and made three clans for horses to live in (Nomad, Lake and River). People on his side aren't necesarily evil; they just agree that normal horses should be eliminated. Only mystical horses can join his clan. Semele escaped to the island in the middle of the river for peaceful horses, and that was named Cloo, which had one clan (Grasslands). Horses there thought that war was just bad, and that we should live in peace. Zei and Dionysus claimed the eastern half, tagged Tehsyr, and made 2 clans (Apocolypse Forest and Mountain). Horses there weren't only the normal horses, they could be any type of horse, just thinking that everyone should live in peace (just like Cloo, except Tehsyr is fighting for it). Zei built a wall between the two sides called the Fence of Faith (Cloo was on the eastern side, near Tehsyr), and now Hades and Dionysus are at constant war...

Which side are you on?
Copyright 2004, Nealo: The Final Frontier, All Rights Reserved.