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Ellie Kang

Raised in Chicago, violinist Ellie Kang, has performed internationally as a soloist, chamber and orchestral musician. She made solo appearances with the American Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Hansori Symphony Orchestra and Glenbrook District Orchestra. As a full-scholarship recipient of the Pacific Music Festival, she was concertmaster of the Pacific Orchestra in Japan. She was a member of the New York String Orchestra, performing at Carnegie Hall. Winner of the Harvey E. Mittenthal Competition, Ms. Kang was assistant concertmistress of the Skokie Valley Symphony Orchestra. Her Sienna Piano Trio won the Chamber Music Gala and performed at Jordan Hall. Her first Lincoln Center debut was a violin-piano duo in 1999 at Alice Tully Hall. She participated in the Steinway Young Artists Concert Series and has given solo recitals in Boston, Mass., Seoul, Korea, Chicago, Ill., and New York, NY.

Ms. Kang completed her Masters of Music from The Juilliard School of Music and her Bachelor of Music from New England Conservatory of Music. Her past teachers include Hyo Kang, Masuko Ushioda, Mark Zinger and Samuel Thaviu. Ms. Kang spent her past summers at Banff Center for the Arts in Canada, Pacific Music Festival in Japan, Waterloo Music Festival in New Jersey and Musicorda in Massachusetts. She currently resides in New York, teaching and performing.


Nancy Kim

Originally from Maryland, pianist Nancy Kim has appeared as a soloist with the Montgomery County Symphony Orchestra in Rockville, Maryland and with the Maryland State Symphony Orchestra. She has won top prizes in numerous competitions in the Baltimore/D.C. area, including first prize in the Patrick Hayes Scholarship Competition, first prize in the Piano Ensemble Competition at the Peabody Conservatory, and finalist, International Young Artist Piano Competition in Washington, DC. Miss. Kim has given solo performances at the Strathmore Hall in Maryland and at the Arts Alive, Arts Council in Washington, DC. She recently gave a concert in Brown Hall and Williams Hall in Boston and performs throughout North America and in South Korea. She is currently on the piano faculty staff at the Larchmont Music Academy

Ms. Kim received her Master's and her Bachelor's Degree of music from the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, MA. She majored in piano performance and studied music education as her second concentration. Ms. Kim has extensive teaching experience throughout the East Coast region.