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Last Updated ON October 2003


-Facts & Myths
-How to become a werewolf
-Origin of the Werewolf

Thx To

Big thx to
Marc Desjardin(best french, science teacher EVER!

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A werewolf has many enhanced abilits and perfected skills with witch they savagly kill any thing that moves . Here is a break down of these superior skills. -A werewolf can jump 10 times hier then an olimpique high jumper -A werewolf runs so fast that you can only catch a glimps of his/here coleur -A werewolf can fight with tremendous strenth and with massive experience of combat -A werewolf's claws make him able to climg walls -A single bit of a werewolf will give a mental dieses called lycanthropy. -A werewolf has many more abilities so we cant name them all but basicly its the ablities of the humain enhanced.

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