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Beach Party
By Kali


Brittany-main character 15, likes Hanson, especially Taylor
Courtney-Brittany's best friend 13, likes Hanson, especially Zac
Josh-Brittany's brother, 13
Bob- Brittany's dad, friends with Hanson's dad
Isaac- I think you guys know who he is
Taylor- you should know him too
Zac- if you don't know him you live under a rock

Also featering-the members of N'SYNC and Backstreet Boys, Carson from
Mtv, Hanson's parents and brother and sisters.

This story takes place as in the summer of 1999, Isaac is 18, Taylor 16 and Zac 13. I made up stuff i didn't know. None of this is ture except for the fact that Hanson exists. I've never met them or seen them in concert so I just wrote what I thought.When the point of view changes I'll write who it changes to.


Chapter 1 - The Arrival

Chapter 2 - The Meeting

Chapter 3 - It All Begins Here

Chapter 4 - He Knows

Chapter 5 - Untitled

Chapter 6 - 2 For 1


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