To view this site you may have to change browsers.  That is what webtv does best, is keep us all guessing which browser to use. Hi, I'm Crazydealer and this is my first informative web site.  I do believe that everyone should just really enjoy life.  So many people chose to let the little things in life upset them, if they would just realize that, "life is to short to let the everyday mishaps get you down" shrug your shoulders and say, no problem, I can handle that like a piece of cake.  They just might surprise themselves and not let it bother them.

If you happen to find any links that are non-working please let me know.  So I can fix them immediatley if not sooner.

As you will find out in the following pages, I'm a dealer in Laughlin Nevada.  I only have links to Laughlin in here.  But, I'm sure the majority of the areas I've covered apply in Las Vegas too.  I will try to help with some of the areas that I think are most important when visiting our resort area.  If you have any specific question please feel free to e-mail me.  I also like really nice quotes and poems.  There are a couple of really great links on my page that I think are the best on the net.  If you know of some that are better, just mail me.  I want to enjoy them too.

Most of these pages are still under construction and should be done shortly.  I will also update them as I feel is required.  


My What ??

   Laughlin, NV

    Quotes & Poems

Quote to live by

No one is so tall as when they stoop to help a child

Please Help!

have visited this page since 9/15/98
and come back real soon