Howdys Picture Palace
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The Picture Palace

This is the page with all of those great pictures that I have found of Veggie Tales characters, and some of my favorite scenes!! If there is something you want to see, tell me, and I'll find it, or if you have something you want to give me, tell me, or send it my way!

Hey! Great news! I now have not one, but TWO PICTURE PAGES!!! This means that I know have Twice the amount of pictures, for Twice the FUN!! Already seen these pictures? Then go check out the new ones on my Picture Page - II!!

This May Take A Few Min's To Load!!

To see a larger image, click the picture. To save picture, right mouse click, and Save.

Done here??? Then go see some new pictures on my new Picture Page - II!!

And rememer to keep coming back, because, I'm not done yet!
Watch This Spot!!!
