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Chapter Three

Behind A Badge, But Under The Blood

When I Was Behind Bars
Freeing Those In Bonds
This Job's A Riot
The Old Guess The Secret Ingredient Game
I'll Take Two Grease Burgers, Please!

Copyright 1995 Come On Now, Angels Aren't Really Encamped About Me, Are They? Copyright 1998 Angels Encamped About Me, Too!

When I was Put Behind Bars

It seems like many, many years ago, while I was working at a local Community College, I had felt impressed of the Lord Jesus Christ that I would be resigning soon. I enjoyed my job and didn't want to leave, but since God did, I would obey.

Several months later, I was told by an acquaintance who was a Lieutenant at a prison that I should take the acceptance exam for Corrections Officer at a prison located nearby.

I didn't want to work there because I'd heard about the stigma concerning Correctional Officers and we, as Christians, are "called to peace" 1 Corinthians 7:15. After pondering over the suggestion, I decided that it would be interesting to know how I might do on the exams... Just for curiosity, of course.

In 1982, I mailled my application and eventually took the tests. Many months later, I received notice that I earned only 89% on the exam. Since the qualifying score was 90%, I was somewhat disheartened by this but I kept a positive attitude, knowing that Chriat had everything in control.

About a year after taking the test, I received a letter from the Department of Corrections asking me to come in for a physical. They had lowered the minimum test score requirements. I thought on the possibilities for a while and decided that maybe the Lord might have something to do with it. I simply prayed, "Lord, if it is your will for me to be working in a prison, allow me to pass my physical." I prayed this prayer even though I didn't want to work in such a place, because I am a peaceful man.

After taking my physical, one of the Captains took us on a tour of that particular facility. I was a bit embarrassed when I heard all the 'jeers and 'catcalls' from the inmates. I'd never had anything like this occur before. We proceeded through the jail, the Captain called out the 'key numbers' for each of the many grills. How was I to remember all of them.

The Captain led us into what they called the 'Security Unit.' This is where they housed those who were severe troublemakers and their worst problem inmates. The walls were, I believe, steel and concrete. Doors to the cells were two inch thick and they would pass food trays. This slot had its own 1/4 inch thick steel door with a lock.

As I passed one of the cell doors, the inmate inside kicked the door which caused an extremely loud echo of steel against steel in the enclosed housing unit. I was amazed that on the outside I remained steadfast and calm while on the inside, I disintegrated instantaneously.

I felt strange being in Rec Halls with convicted criminals. Men like mass murderers, rapists, theives, etc. Many of these men would have no second thought of killing me, I thought.

After all was done, I went home and waited.

About a week later, I received a phone call from the personnel at the prison saying they wanted me to begin work the next week. I thought, "Lord, I don't want be there," and was thunderstruck to hear myself say emphatically, "Yeah, sure!"

"Now why did I go and say that?" I thought. "I dodn't want to work there. Am I losing my mind?"

The answer to these questions came several weeks later.

I had been working there about two weeks when another officer stuck his head in my office door and demanded, "Hey, Snurr! Are you a Christian?"

Thinking it was about time to verbally tell someone about Christ, I smiled in all my Christian innocence, and began testifying, saying, "Yeah, I got.... " By this time the man had already stormed down the corridor.

I wasn't sure what it all meant, until I realized that the other officer no longer wanted to associated with me. Many of the officers came to totally despise me and treated me accordingly.

I discovered that I didn't have to say anything up to that point. My beacon of Christianity was shining bright enough. They had suspected that I was a Child of God and only wanted to be sure. Of course, they found out.

I've always been one who enjoyed having friends and acquaintances with whom I could fellowship on the job. I just enjoy socializing while I work. I especially enjoy talking about my Lord Jesus Christ.

I was swiftly forced to become a loner. I was hurt by this rejection, so I went to my "Friend that sticketh closer than a brother" (Prov 18:24).

The officers who would speak to me in a civil manner declared that within one year I would be as foul-mouthed as any of them. Of course, I told them that I have Christ on my side and that I don't have to become anything that is not Christ-like.

The Word says that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Now if I can do all things, then I can be victorious in not allowing my language to go sour. I could do it since Christ is my strength for He said that when I am weak, He is my strength (2 Corinthians 12:9).

They quickly disagreed with me and wanted to make wagers to that effect. I told them that I have no desire to prove myself, and besides, I wouldn't want to take all their money.

I soon became exasperated over their treatment. I prayed, "Why, Lord, must I go through this? I know You had put me in this place, but why?"

He gave me His answer in the form of a question. It was all made worthwhile when He impressed upon me that, "Where will the light of Christ shine brightest than in the darkest place on the face of the earth?" There's my answer! Prison! There was a mission field there on both sides of the bars.

During the six and one-half years I spent there, I saw people in the jail grow spiritually. When I began work there I found about six or eight Believers on the three shifts among the officers and other staff. If there were more they were well hidden. When I left the prison, I found nearly twenty-five on the day shift alone who claimed salvation.

Also, I noticed the inmate church services grow from about twenty or so when I began, to as many as sixty when I left. I was part of a massive revival within those prison walls.

I found inmates who were by far, more free than most of those who lived outside the fences and razor-wire.

This, to me, is great proof that the freedom Paul spoke of in Acts 16:25-28 was wonderful indeed. Paul was sitting in the deepest part of the prison with Silas, but they had freedom so great inside the prison that they had no need to run off. Though they were bound in chains, they were living in complete liberty, for Christ had made them free, and they were free indeed (Galatians 5:1; John 8:36).

Freeing Those In Bonds

One day while working in one of the housing units where there were three other officers, we had gotten into a discussion about what we would do if someone confronted us and pushed a gun into our belly and said, "I'm gonna kill you!"

The others spoke of how they would react and how fear would come over them in one way or another. I intently listened as they gave their thoughts and ideas. After a while, they asked me what I would do. I had informed them that I would have no fear whatsoever.

Immediately, one of the officers blatantly called me a liar and said that I must have fear of dying. I reassured him that I would not lie to him especially about something of this spiritual importance. Again, he called me a liar.

I began teaching him why I had a peace that he couldn't understand. That peace mentioned in the Word as a peace "which passeth all understanding" (Philipians 4:7)

As he atempted to interrupt meon several occasions, I proceeded to explain that when that gun wouold be pressed into my stomach, I would be rejoicing. He began to anger.

By God's boldness and encouragement, I continued saying that if the man turned away and did nothing to me, I would be a winner because I would be fortunate enough to be allowed to remain on earth to tell others about the wonderful love of Jesus.

As I spoke, I could see his fury worsen as he tensed up and his face reddened. With confidence that Jesus was guiding me, I went on. I told him that if the man did pull the trigger, I would still be a winner because I would immediately go to my home in Glory, and be with my Lord.

In a flare of rage, he stormed out of the office. Immediately, I had my 'Job's Comforters' telling me that I should not have made him angry even though I thought I was doing the right thing.

I continued to stand on my surety in Christ. I knew He had been giving me the words to say and the boldness to say them. I was never that bold especially when the one I was speaking to was about three inches and twenty pounds larger than me.

This man wouldn't come near me for aboout two weeks. He would glare at me from across the room if we happened to be in the same area.

Then to my surprise, one Monday morning, I saw him coming toward me. There was something odd about him. Yes... Yes! He was actually smiling!

As he approached he said, "Guess where I've been last night." Of course, I didn't know. He said that he's been in church. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. He told me where he had attended and, ultimately, that he had accepted Christ as his personal Saviour. He had been born again! (John 3:1-7).

I praise God that he was another soul snatched from from the hand of **satan and his evil forces.

When I asked him why he decided to go to church, he told me that he wanted to find the kind of peace that I had. He was hungry for something solid and secure in life and he found, in me, the very thing he was searching for. That was Christ.

I wish that I could have given this man an analogy which I had heard later that may have made it easier for him to understand. It spoke of how simple and painless it is going from physical life into the spiritual and eternal life.

Traveling through our physical life, is like driving down the highway in an automobile. Suddenly, the automobile breaks down and stops running. You get out of the car and continue on your way on foot. That is not very painful.

Death is just as simple. The body that is getting you through your physical life toward your eternal life suddenly stops working. Your spiritual being just steps out of the physical body and continues on into the eternal life.

Though there may be some pain in what leads up to the physical body's demise, there is neither any pain in this transition to fear unless you have not led a life in Christ. This is why I could be confident in what I was telling him.

You're Fired!... . . .But Then Again..

Many times inmates will claim their innocence by saying, "I'm innocent! I was framed!" Well, I guess an officer has the right to do this, also,, But with good reason.

On February 18, 1984, just before we were relieved by the next shift, three Lieutenants walked past my office on their way to the front grill. In a few moments they returned and entered my office. This alone was enough to put a chill up my spine, but the worst was still ahead of me.

They aksed my partner and me who was working the next tier. I told them that I was assigned to it. They asked me to go with them which I did. I already suspected that something was terribly wrong.

When we came to the tier grill, they pointed out that the lock on the panel box was very much unlocked. I promptly locked it and tried the handle as usual. I thought to myself concerning my habitual method of closing a tier. As always, I would check both panel boxes and the tier grill to be sure that each was locked and secure, even if I am working with another officer as in this case. I had generally been the senior officer and was training rookies. I wanted to set an example for these new men.

My partner and I had just been there securing the tier just minutes before. How could this have gotten unlocked.?

You might ask, "What is a panel box?" Simply put, it is a steel box beside the tier grill where all the levers for opening cell doors are found. This box has a steel door and lock. There is a panel box at each tier and most tiers have two, one for each side.

If an inmate would have gotten in the panel box, he could have opened twenty cells letting outforty other inmates. Leaving this open is a gross breach of security.

Since I knew that I had, in fact, made sure that all the locks were secure, but could not explain how the door had gotten unlocked, I felt it wise to remain silent for the time being.

All involved officers had their reports finished and submitted when they began their work for the next day.

I discovered that this was an excellent time to witness. Many times inmates and officers alike would come up to me asking, "How can you work smiling like you do knowing that the 'brass' is trying to fire you for this? I, or course, knowing in whom I have believed, would simply respond saying that God gave me the job and those men were not going to take it from me. I was totally secure in the knowledge that I was going to keep my job.

The incident occurred on a Saturday morning at about 7:40 a.m., but was informed Sunday that I was expected to be at the Chief od Security's office at 8:00 a.m. Monday Morning to speak to the Colonel in a disciplinary meeting.

On Monday morning, as I approached the Colonel's office, my union representative told me that the meeting was called off. He said that it would have to be rescheduled.

This was odd. They don't just cancel discipline meetings. They like to proceed with matters such as this immediately so that it is fresh on everyone's minds.

Each week they would set up an appointment for Monday then cancel it. No one could explain why. Even the union rep. said he didn't know. This was definitely unusual. Sometimes was, seemingly, not right. I say 'seemingly' because, though God has everything in control, our human way of thinking says something is wrong.

I thought, since we Correctional Officers worked according to not just rules and regulations, but laws, and they could be postponing the meeting that they might find some way to legally procecute me? This would make me an example to all Christians there. Then I realized another factor in this whole situation. I was still on probation . I could be fired at any time for no real reason. Why, then, is all this happening? Why don't they just go ahead and fire me.

Of course I know now that all these negative thoughts were injected into my mind by some devil to discourage me and hopefully cause me to have great setbacks and doubt with Christ.

As I look back at this situation the way I thought God might be looking at it, I saw a very different picture. I saw a spiritual war going on. Men, working in unison with the will of devils were planning to fire Ofc J L Snurr, AKA 'Christian.' Each week they would consider, "Now we'll get him out of here! We'll fire him now!" But God, with a totally different idea in mind, was sititng on His throne declaring, "Oh, No You Won't!"

Needless to say, I was not fired, and I continued to work there for six more years. I was there to help the other few Christians to fire up revival within the prison, and to encourage other believing officers who would begin working there. After this was accomplished, God made the way for me to move on. So, I did.

By the way, about five years after this incident, my Captain was talking to me and asked if anyone had told me how that lock got opened. They hadn't.

He told me that the officer on the second floor that night had planned the joke, and had sneaked down when we had finished there and unlocked it. A PRACTICAL JOKE! I could hardly believe that anyone could be so unthinking, and uncaring. Since he knew that the 'brass' would come through there on their way out.

According to the Captain, this man, was in a tavern where some officers were talking and he bragged about how he pulled this off. He was soon out of his job. Oh, This occurred two weeks after the incident with the lock. They knew who did it and they kept trying to cause problems for me for many more weeks.

But God was on the job, as always. He protected his child from the evil of this world.

This Job Is A Riot

While working in the State Correctional facility as a Correctional Officer, there was always the possibility of being involved in a riot or other severe altercation. In the six and one-half years that I was employed at the jail, there were two riots and one, the largest, just after I resigned.

I have been involved in a few minor scuffles, but nothing serious. Why nothing serious? I will know why when I see Jesus face to face.

The first riot occurred after I overheard two inmates discussing the probability that an uprising would occur. I wrote a report describing the conversation.

Being a Christian, the ridicule began immediately. I was accused of 'grandstanding' when I only did what my job required.

Some time later, one of my inmate workers returned from his job and asked me if he could speak to me in my office. It was about 3:00 a.m. so there was plenty of time. He informed me that there were many inmates who've been planning a revolt. When I asked him when it would happen, he only, said, "Soon."

I needed to know more. I asked him how, and the time of day it was most likely to happen.

Concerning the time of day, h answered my question with a question. Don't you just hate that? "When are the most inmates goping to be in the dining room at one time?"

After pondering this, I realized that there were always around three hundred inmates at breakfast when the are eggs 'on the line' as opposed to 150-200 during other meals.

When I filed my report on this, I told only my closest Christian friends and my supervisors, because I didn't want to bring any attention to myself, But because many of hte officers were close friends with he supervisors, I again was ridiculed and accused of 'grandstanding'.

I felt the Believers needed to know so they could pray, and the supervisors needed to know so they could take the proper precautions which they did.

After a few months, I was wondering if I may have jumped to conclusions or if the inmates may have deliberately said these things so that I would make a fool of myself before my peers. The officers began saying that I have submitted a false report. That I couldn't be believed.

I knew that the devil was trying to get me to believe these things. I also knew that I must not allow the devil to have this control.

I knew that this was just persecution (2 Timothy 3:12) that I was suffering because of Christ. Even in this persecution I knew that I would be able to overcome and conquer (Romans 8:37-39; 1 Corinthians 10:13) . I had to allow God to work it out for God had everything in control (Romans 8:28).

After more time had passed, I had to h ave some time off work so I could be hospitalized for an operation to correct a deviated septum. I'll discuss this operation in Chapter Four).

While on Medical leave, I was informed by a friend, that the inmates had indeed rioted and it happened just as I had written it in my reports.

The wonderful things about this is that God made sure that I was not on duty at that time. He poected me from that terrible ordeal. There were officers injured in that riot, but this was not the worst of them.

The second one happened while I was on 'leave' in 1990. Within two weeks after I went on leave, I read the newspaper accounts of a huge riot in the courtyard. There were hundreds of inmates and only four officers. This was so severe that the inmates literally flattened stone walls that were nearly two feet thick and about two feet high.

I had gone back to the prison several days after this, and found what looked loke a war zone. Heavy rocks everwhere. I couldn't imagine how all that destruction could have taken place at the hands of mere men. There were huge rocks as far as 35 feet from the nearest wall.

Again, God had seen fit to have me elsewhere during this uprising.

The third incident was in 1991. I had already moved to Arkansas nearly a year earlier. At this time I heard about the riot over National News on TV. I don't know much of this particular riot except that it was appar ently worse than the first two.

Never-the-less, I was not allowed to be there in the middle of it. God works in ways that we as human beings can't begin to explain, or comprehe nd. God know that I am a very peaceful man. I wanted to hurt no man. I was put in the prison by God for a relatively peaceful mission.

As I stated in the first portion of this chapter, I didn't want to work in a prison. It was not my kind of employment. I was placed in the institution to be a witness to those thousands of men on both sides of the bars. When my mission was completed there, I was taken out with God's permission.

The Old Secret Ingredient Game

While working in the prison system, I always made a point to eat a hearty meal for lunch. After all, it was free and you could et all you wanted, if all you wanted could be eaten within twenty minutes. I felt the free all-you-can-eat lunch was a dream come true. It was made special for me.

There were fellows there who would sarcastically say that I would, " everything but the bars on the windows..." I would always get a chuckle out of that so they stopped. Actually, they stopped saying many things in sarcasm because they were humorous to me. Other remarks I would readily make funny just bygiving the right response. As hard as they tried, they just couldn't get me angry at them.

Since I didn't intend to get into all that, I will proceed to what was one of my most memorable meals at the jail.

First of all, I was quite aware that inmates, the adversaries to our profession, were cooking our food, so I was consistent in praying before I ate a meal.

One day in, I believe 1985, they were serving their not-so-famous Jail- house Pork Bar-B-Q. As I was eating, or should I say, inhaling my lunch, I bit into something hard which crunched. So what was this?

As we have all done with fishbones, I used my tongue to separate the mystery ingredient from the rest of the food. As I pushed it out of my mouth with my tongue, I removed it and discovered it was a sizable piece of glass. Since it wasn't big enough to fit any of my windows at home, I figured that I would dispose of it.

After I thought I'd removed it all, I swallowed the bulk of what remained. Then, as I chewed the remnants I still heard a crunching of what sounded like more pieces of glass. I removed all that I could.

When I spoke with the doctor at the infirmary, he informed me that there should be no serious repercussions from the incident, although he was surprised that there were absolutely no cuts of any kind on my tongue, gums or throat.

That is the protecting hand of God. All the Glory goes to Him.

I'll Take Two Grease Burgers, Please!

One day while working at the prison facility, we had what we called their "Grease Burgers." I didn't like them too much, but I still would eat several and this day was no different.

After everyone had eaten and the Officer's Dining Room was closing, we started to get reports of officers who were getting sick to the stomach. As the night proceeded, more men were sick. They varied in sickness. Some were actually acutely ill, while others were suffering from a mild upset feeling. Most of the sick were somewhere in the middle. There also, were those who didn't feel even in the slightest bit sick.

Upon searching out the culprit, it was discovered that the Grease Burgers were guilty. It was found that they were made from partially rotten meat. Since they never smelled good anyway, we never noticed the difference.

Now, here comes the interesting part.

Several of the Christians began calling around to the different posts and discovered that the officers who hated the Christians and ridiculed those who believe in the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ were very sick. Those men who didn't really oppose us but would not accept Christ, were only slightly sick. It seemed that the farther they were from God, and the more they ridiculed the believers, the sicker they were.

On the other hand, the men whjo prayed over their food and were serious about God, were not even in the slightest bit ill, though they ate the same hamburger.

This is clearly Mark 16:18 in action. I praise God and thank Him for each of His promises and for keeping the believers, who worked in the jail, safe.

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Angels Encamped About Me, Too!
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Chapter Four - God Does A Body Good
Chapter Five - Other Sundry But Wonderful Things
Chapter Six - Weather or Not
Chapter Seven - Whooooo Acts Like A Devil?
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