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Chapter Two

Bumper Cars

It Wasn't A Joy Ride 'Til It Was Over
Blessing In A Drive Through
Mowing Grass On The Western Kentucky Parkway

Copyright 1995 Come On Now, Angels Aren't Really Encamped About Me, Are They?
Copyright 1998 Angels Encamped About Me, Too!

It Wasn't A Joy Ride 'Til It Was Over

My old friend Randy and I were excited about making a trip into Pennsylvania, to a truck driving school just south of Lancaster. I was to test drive for them with the thought of learning to handle the 'big rigs'. It was a dreary and rainy morning in 1981, and we were running a little late. I was pushing my Oldsmobile over the wet roads, the wipers keeping a monotonous rhythm.

I was driving hurriedly down a road on which I had driven only a few times. I was not really familiar with it or the many hazardous turns. This road (route 77) ran northeast through the Blue Ridge Mountains. It twisted and turned, and had many hills and valleys. It was truly a moountain road in every sense and was not very wide.

The car, being large and heavy, seemed to be holding to the road beautifully. I was pleased with its performance.

As we were rounding a slight, but long bend to the left, I noticed that the rain was getting rather heavy. I reminded myself of a very sharp (90 degree) turn to the right which should be about a mile or two ahead. I recall that it was on a bit of a down grade so I knew that I would have to slow down drastically to negotiate it.

I knew that on my right there would be a drop-off with guardrails. On the left side the ground sloped up the mountain. There were trees on both sides of the road which were only a few feet from the shoulder. The roadway and shoulders combined were only about twenty feet wide.

By the time we came out of our present curve the rain was pouring so hard that we couldn't see much more that thirty feet in front of us. I slowed down to about twenty miles per hour. As I left off the gas, I found myself looking at the sharp turn I had only moments before thought about.

Quickly, I attempted to firmly press the brake while slightly pumping the peddle so that the car wouldn't skid. I knew that if this car would start skidding, nothing was going to stop it until it was finished. Unless of course it met with a tree.

Suddenly, this two tons of automobile began skidding to the left. I tried to stop the slide by turning my wheels to the left but there was no noticeable help. Also, I was on a downhill grade and had gained speed.

In conditions like this, God provides what I call a 'Mental Slowdown" where things seem to happen in slow motion. The phenomenon gives us the opportunity to think and react properly in a traumatic situation. My first thought was "Dear Jesus, Help Me! Keep your hand upon us!"

As I was sliding, I could look out the windshield and see trees passing by to the right. We were sliding sideways but I was feeling unusually calm and peaceful.

When the car came to a stop, Randy and I looked out the windshield and saw the curve through which we had just come.

We realized instantly that the hand of God was involved. Randy immediately said, "Thank You, Jesus!" I asked Randy if he wanted to do it again..... He didn't.

He protected Randy, me and even the car completely. He even gave me peace throughout the entire ordeal.

After I managed to get the car turned around and we continued on our way, we thought of what could have happened:

None of these things did happen though. God's hand was most definitely involved in aiding that car around the 90 degree curve. There is no other explanation logical or otherwise. Praise God!

Blessings In A Drive Through

It was about 12:30 a.m. There was no moon and everything was black. We were returning from a short trip with my close friend Randy and his wife Barb, who was sitting by the door.

For some reason I decided not to travel I-70 west, which would have been a much better road to be on at that time of night. We were just west of Frederick, MD. driving toward Hagerstown, MD. on US-40.

This road passes through the Blue Ridge Mountains but doesn't wind or curve. It is like a roller coaster. It goes first up then down, then up angain and down again till you get through the mountains to the Cumberland Valley.

Each time we would go over the crest of a mountain, we would naturally gain a little speed even though we would apply the brakes.

As we rode along, we talked about all sorts of things, but mostly the Lord, and discussed our trip and how we would be able to relax when we finally reached our homes.

We had just gotten over the ridge of one mountain and were picking up speed when out from the right there suddenly appeared a yellow Volkswagon Beetle. It had no lights on and we couldn't see it until we were close enough for our headlights to lighten it. We were probably traveling about sixty miles-per-hour at this point.

By then it was too late, but my 'instinct for survival' took over. I swerved to the left with minute hopes of getting around it though we all knew that we were far too close to miss it.

Several moments later we were in the valley starting up the next mountain. Randy and I thanked the Lord for keeping us alive. Randy and I were saying how we couldn't believe that we were not killed in a colision.

After a few moments passed, Randy noticed that Barb was tense and and breathing hard. When he asked her if she was OK, she simply answered in a shakey voice, "We didn't miss it." When Randy asked Barb what she meant, she again told us that we didn't miss it.

Randy comforted her for a few minutes until she had regained her calm. What she told us then was magnificent.

She told us how even though we had swerved,we absolutely did not miss the other automobile. She said that when we reached the point of impact, our headlight was shining at the rear wheel of the Volkswagon. This was an overlap of about three feet.

Just as she said before, we didn't miss it! God allowed our vehicle to pass right through the other car. There is no other explanation for this.

Several years later, I was relating this account to a minister friend and his wife. By the time I had finished the testimony, he and his wife were just looking at each other.

When I inquired as to whether something was wrong, they told me of their own story. It seems that while they were serving as missionaries in the Philippines, they had a similar situation happen to them. They told their story where they had passed through two large trucks which were coming toward them and had no place to go.

Scientifically (proven science, not speculation or conjecture), this can happen. When God created all things He allowed empty space between the molecules, even in steel and iron. Since He can do this, He also can line up all the ,molecules in a specific order so that two solid objects can literally pass through each other. He can allow the molecules of one object to pass through the air space of another.

He caused an iron axe head to float (2 Kings 6:5,6) and caused a mule to speak (Numbers 22:22-35), so there should be absolutely no doubt that he can cause two things to pass through each other. God does work in mysterious way and this indeed is mysterious, therefore, it would not be a very difficult task for Him to do since He created it all in the first place. Glory be to God!

Mowing Grass On The Western Kentucky Parkway

In spring of 1994, my son, Joe, was wanting to go visiting in Maryland. He informed me that his friend *Shannon would be willing to ride along and help with the driving.

This way I wouldn't become so weary traveling two-thousand miles round trip, and at my age I don't physically take these trips as well as I did in my 20's

After considering the proposition, I thought that nothing could go wrong since it is spring and there will be no snow as in my trip several months earlier. Also, I had nothing important on my schedule, so I agreed to do it for him.

The trip to Maryland was lots of fun with the three of us laughing, singing, and joking with one another. There was no problems with any of us getting drowsy because of all the hilarity on the way.

As we arrived in Hagerstown, I found that I was indeed exhausted after being on the road for nineteen hours with only a few short breaks allowing us to stretch.

We were in Maryland for several days and returned with Joe's friend *Terry, who was going to spend a couple weeks with us in Arkansas. I felt it a shame that Joe's eastern friend couldn't drive since the rest of us were not totally rested but started home, never-the-less.

What made this trip a disaster, was this return trip.

While we were traveling through West Virginia and across Kentucky the others had gotten sleep, therefore I allowed Shannon to begin driving at Elizabethtown and down the Western Kentucky Parkway to I-24 where I would take over again. This way I would have an opportunity to get some much needed sleep. Needless to say, I rested back in the passenger's seat. Facing the door I fell into a deep sleep after only a few miles.

Later, as I was awakening I opened one eye and noticed that Shannon was pulling off the highway and onto the shoulder. I figured that fatigue had set in and I was needed to take over. I had no idea where we were, but as I closed my eyes again I told myself that when we got stopped I would get out, figure out where we were and then take over.

After a few moments, I realized that something was not right. We were not stopping and the ride was getting rather bumpy. I lifted my head and looked ahead. To my horror we were going into the grass adjacent and parrallel to the highway and directly ahead of us was a bridge abutment.


Knowing that the car had been put on cruise control and was not going to stop on its own, I considered that I didn't want my car or my body to become part of a bridge in Kentucky. Though I think Kentucky is a beautiful place I didn't want to become a ground in part of it.

I reached around and grabbed the sterring wheel and pushed it to the left. Our driver, in turn, pulled to the right.

"This is not," I thought, "the time to be suicidal."

I remember seeing a reflectoron a stake in front of us. You know, the kind that the roads department puts on an iron post along the road so you can see if you can spear your car. The reflector will then allow you to reflect backon the situation. I pushed as hard as I could, but all seemed useless.

I became desperate seeing our car speeding directly toward the end of the bridge and called out in my mind, "Jesus!!" Immediately, the car swerved abruptly to the left narrowly missing the stake, and by the Grace of God, I guided the car down the shoulder of the road.

By this time Shannon had awakened and applied the brake stopping the car. We found ourselves well within one hundred feet of the bridge. That is by far too close for me after whizzing down the Interstate apparently unguided at sixty-five miles per hour.

There was no damage except to our wits and a collection of various and sundry grasses and weeds under the car.

After gathering our composure, which we had splattered, we found ourselves only several miles from I-24.

We discussed the situation and found that Shannon had apparently fallen asleep and didn't remember driving any od the last 75 miles. "Just before awakening," Shannon told us, "I dreamed that I was driving up the hill at the house and tried to turn into my driveway (which incidentally, turns to the right), and my kids were runningtoward me. I couldn't get the car to go into the driveway. Then I heard someone call to me, and I awakened." Shannon thought that the voice sounded like one of thechildren.

I called to Jesus in my mind, but we heard no one call to Shannon.

I believe that when I called out to Jesus, He ordered angels to awaken Shannon, or He called Himself. Personally, I believe that an angel called and awakened Shannon.

Of course, I finished the driving myself. We did find that we could have joy even in this situation. Jokingly, we told Shannon that in Kentucky, they don't allow citizens to mow along the Interstates with a Pontiac Grand Am.

*Permission was not able to be obtained that we might use their correct names.

JTMi HomePage
Angels Encamped About Me, Too!
Chapter One - Motorcycle Madness
Chapter Two - Bumper Cars
Chapter Three - Behind A Badge, But Under The Blood
Chapter Four - God Does A Body Good
Chapter Five - Other Sundry and Wonderful Things
Chapter Six - Weather or Not
Chapter Seven - Whooooo Acts Like A Devil
Calender of Events

Email: Jots 'n' Tittles Ministries