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Last Update:

27 August 98
New Face lift on the JTMI Index.html Page
We Hope That You Like This One Better....

31 July 98
The ALL NEW JTMI Forum and Chat Room

To Go Directly To The Forum

To Login For The Chat Room

Tell Us A Little About Yourself Here
Unlike the GuestBooks,
This information is sent directly to JTMI.
It is only to get a cross section of out visitors
which may give us a better idea of how to serve you

Also A New Page Titled, " I Will Not FEAR!"

10 July 98
New Pages of Poetry at A Collection Of My Favorite Poems

07 June 98
Due to my pushing the wrong button at the wrong time,
I found that I had to remake the Index.html (main page).
I am truly sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

I have also added a new page on Love (Biblical)

If Laughter is as a Good Medicine, then see
this link to a fine page based on good,
clean humor about Ozark Mountain Life

A publication on the the academic level of our graduates

Stories that should make you think

02 June 98
New Pages At:
Do You Have One Of These Cards?
The Love Page (Humorus)

06 May 98
Update for May in the JTMI Calendar

15 April 98
Update for May in the JTMI Calendar

13 April 98
Added New Page Series On Salvation and Christians' Terms and Explanions

06 April 98
Chapter 5 of Angel's Encamped About Me

Chapter 6 of Angel's Encamped About Me

Chapter 7 of Angel's Encamped About Me

The Manuscript is Now Complete

03Apr98; 07Feb98; 12Feb98; 17Feb98; 24Feb98; 05Mar98; 07Mar98; 26Mar98

JTMI Associated Links:
Updates To The JTMI Web System
JTMI Home Page
Parental Authority Is On The Way Out!
The Debit Card Issued by the United States Government
FAQ About The Best Gift You Can Receive
Testimonies of God at Work
Stories That Will Make You Think
A Humorous Look At Love
What Exactly Is Love?
Angels Encamped About Me, Too! - The Manuscript
A publication on the the academic level of our graduates
Stories that should make you think
Laughter Is As A Good Medicine - A Look At Ozark Mountain Life
JTMI Calendar of Events

Return to the JTMI Home Page

Email: Jots 'n' Tittles Ministries