webmaster ![]() GeoAlaska: Theatre & Film
Our criteria: the site has to have cultural, educational, historical contributions to the memory of Haile Sellassie. The site doesn't have to be dedicated to H.I.M. but to the cause he dedicated his life: Progress for Africa, Progress for developing nations, Education of People about the World of the ancient cultures, bringing together the New and Traditions. Ethiopia is the old crossroad of races and religions and Haile Sellassie saw himself as a man who belongs to the world without color or ethnic lines.
H.I.M. Award for Social Contributions
H.S. Arts & Letters Award
If you want to apply or recommend the site, please, email the address to us. Thank you for your time and interest. If there are people out there who can help us to start Haile Sellassie Web Ring, please contact us. Feel free to be a part of developing the WWW with the three thousand years behind it! Only the living past could give birth to the future.Forgeting Yesterday is not having it Tomorrow.
Click on award 1 to go our News Page, on Award 2 to visit the Haile Sellassie Foundation page; to apply for awards use the form at the end of this page. Thank you.
Our Ethiopian New Year submissions for awards are closed on August 1. Each year the two winners and two runner-ups in each category will be posted on Sept. 12. The next submission is for the Easter 1999 (deadline -- March 1). Third submission is for the Summer Award (Haile Sellassie Birthday). We inform only winners of the Haile Sellassie Award and, if your site didn't get the award, but you have redesigned it and would like to apply again, please do so. Thank you all for your web labors and interest in our site. Submit your email address if you want to receive the updates. Thanks to all who gave us awards, I have to move them to new AWARDS I and AWARDS WON II pages.
Or open a new window for the Awards-Show
NEW: sellassie.ourfamily.com -- Top 100 People of Color in the 20th century. Visit and Vote!