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Electronic References
Our Haile Sellassie Family Web news -- this week we broke 500 visitor mark. June 11. 1998
Old news. We have 1500 visitors. August 15, 1998... I'm not updating the numbers anymore (see the counter at the front door: over 3k. Oct. 7), but I left this note for the memory sake.For 1999 "Our News" -- go to sister-pages: New and New & News at Sellassie Cyber Museum and University. Also, sign for our HIM newsletter! sellassie@angelfirte.com
New: Newsletter98
First and the only issue of this year!
(If you wish to recieve it, send us your email address.
This page was a prototype for the Newsletter and served as a place for our news between the issues (published three times a year).Our Awards
There are many websites which we think should be recognized for their contribution to the legacy of Haile Sellassie. So, we would like to offer our award to them. Our first winners are in the first issue of H.S. Web Newsletter'98Our criteria is simple: the site has to have cultural, educational, historical contributions to the memory of Haile Sellassie. The site doesn't have to be dedicated to H.I.M. but to the cause he dedicated his life: Progress for Africa, Progress for developing nations, Education of People about the World of the ancient cultures, bringing together the new and traditions. Ethiopia is the old crossroad of races and religions and Haile Sellassie saw himself as a man who belongs to the world without color or ethnic lines. [To fill out the application, please go to AWARDS page. Thank you]
If you want to apply or recommend the site, please, email the address to us. Thank you for your time and interest. If there are people out there who can help us to start Haile Sellassie Web Ring, please, contact us, feel free to be a part of developing the WWW with the three thousand years behind it! Only the living past could give birth to the future. Forgeting Yesterday is not having it Tomorrow.
This is an "old page" (when we had only six pages) and for more links and references please check the Reference Page. Also, we rearranged the list of pages under several different categories with new guide-pages: HISTORY GUIDE ART FAMILY TRADITIONS WRITING & READING PAGES
News Search Engine!
The biggest news of May'98 was the war. If you want to understand the roots of Eritrean conflict, check the page on the current situation -- Politics and the summary page Ethiopia After Haile Sellassie
Eritrean problem could be traced further back in time -- colonial period after the Adwa (1896), or, perhaps, even further -- The North of Abyssinia, the Classical Ethiopia.... (see Dr. Zewde Gabre-Sellassie's article on Menelik and Adwa, first Ethiopian military encounter with Italy). Ethiopian Embassy webpage (bellow) has daily updates of the conflict. Also, the new Addis Tribune on new site EthiopiaOnline
We have a new directory Politics on our new server sellassie.ourfamily.com. You're welcome to contribute your thoughts, articles and opinions.
New Books "Ethiopia Photographed" (new), first 30 years of this century. Check the book-engines on pages Haile Sellassie foundation & Projects We went to a conference last November: Italy & Africa -- see War & Exile. NEW: Books and Ethiopian Bookshelf |
If you're interested in sending a review on new books related to Ethiopian history, please, sign for Selassie Book Club. Your recommendations are welcome!
1998 Links
PanAfrican NEWS
British sources on Ethiopia
Email Addresses in Ethiopia
South African Travel Agency with a few good photo images of Ethiopia
Africa, Ethiopia -- well organized web site with its own search engine.
Here you can use it to search Africa links and news:
Investment Business Web Page, Africa, Ethiopia
Brown University exchange program with Addis Ababa University
Ethiopian Embassy in Canada
Ethiopian Embassy in Washington D.C.
Cook book and -- massive web at UPEN
2000 -- 25 years since H.I.M. death |
If you are familiar with our site and projects, you know that we planned to have a small monument to be placed in Addis Ababa next summer. It doesn't look as if it will be possible. Perhaps Jamaica could be the first place to do it, where people remember and appreaciate Haile Sellassie's name. If you would like to help to do it next summer, please contact us. For more on this project go to the H.S. Foundation Page. Thank you. |
There are many websites with information on Ethiopia. Go there and see for yourself. The idea of this reference page is to collect the links and sources for people with the similar interest. The Internet is too big to swim alone. We opened new pages for this very reason: Africa Page, Africa II and Black Page, The Race
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