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If you allow yourself to become really involved in the story, this background will add the effect of a heart pounding in fear. (Well at least it does for me and I have heard other people say the same)If you really dont like the background then
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The Devouring of One's Mind

Walking down the corridor of the psych ward of Mercy Medical Center, I finally realized I had been somewhere else for two weeks, or someone else perhaps. I woke up this morning unsure of my surroundings. The pastel pink walls of the hospital room frightened me. The nurses whispering frightened me. The doctors frightened me. Then as I walked down this corridor, I realized what was going on around me. Blood soaked carpeting in the lobby, bodies draped over desks, most mutilated beyond recognition. I did this .I just knew I did this. I entered the elevators unsure of where I was heading, only knowing that my mind had little control over my body's actions.

Within a few minutes I was heading into the children's ward. Big yellow giraffes and golden maned lions peered at me from the walls, they were alive, I could feel their breath , see their hatred. My voice without my permission whispered at them, "Im gonna kill your babies, Im gonna kill your babies " I could feel the laughter rumbling in my stomach when two men came from behind me and grabbed my arms. "Ha hahaha ha ha ha !!! "My head flew back raising my laughter into the air . I could feel two entities entering my body, slithering into my arms and forcing me to swing my arms about wildly throwing the two attendants into the air, my torso turned towards them, . I could see into the eyes of the little fat man who had first dared to restrain me. As I did a lust grew in my womb that was beyond my comprehension. My hand jutted forward and with ease grabbed and yanked the mans heart right out of his chest. the other attendant, fearing for his life, tried to run but the entities within me were too fast. Quickly, they commanded my body and I had him within my grip in a matter of seconds. Looking into his eyes my tongue whispered "such a lovely day to die ...dont you think?? Ha ha ha ha " A cackle erupted from my throat as I twisted his head until it detached from his body, just dangling there connected by only his spine. I tossed his corpse aside and began singing a tune to wake the little children up. "Such a lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely day to die....When the sun is burning brightest and theres not a cloud up in the sky. ", I walked up to the nurses station and with either arm lifted the two nurses into the air and squeezed their throats until their head turned purple and blood oozed from their mouth.

I entered the bedroom of a little boy sleeping, his arms wrapped around a little teddy bear, body would not listen to my commands and as I watched his lifeless little body lying on the pavement outside the building fifteen stories below I knew I had to do something. I prayed , I prayed, I cried and I cried, I begged and begged finally I gave up.

As I could not close my eyes, I was forced to view the terror these demons were using my body to create. After another child was ripped from her bed screaming and crying for her mother, I could take no more; I knew I must do something. I put what of my mind was still mine to work.... "If these entities had entered my body then I should be able to exit it....But how ????"

The entities must have heard what I was thinking because as soon as the thought crossed my mind I was thrown against the wall, the entities forcing my head harder and deeper into the wall, I could feel the pain but do nothing to stop it..... My stomach began moving before my eyes .. I could feel something pushing through my birth canal, I was in such agony. My attempts to scream were hopeless. The creature fell to the floor along with most of my insides (or at least my placenta ). My body slumped to the hard floor below and it seemed the entities had escaped with the creature curled up before me... I watched in horror as the little figure brought itself to standing, looking straight at me with slanted green eyes and teeth like claws. It focused it's eyes directly on me, I knew I hadnt long before I would be as dead as the rest of the corpses cluttered throughout the hospital. I tried to move but it was too hard, I could barely feel my arms my muscles were so sore.. I reached out to grasp a pushcart from beside a hospital bed when the creature leaped upon me. It's claws ripped into my flesh, it's teeth tore into my cheeks and neck. The entities were wooshing around me laughing and giggling. I closed my eyes and screamed with all my might.

I opened my eyes ... The creature was gone, the entities, had vanished.. There was no blood and the room had changed. I could still feel the entities holding me down but I could not see them. I could feel the bite marks and scratches all over my face and body but the creature was gone. I tried to sit up bbut the entities were too strong. I thought it best that I lay there perfectly still. The creature had went away and perhaps the entities would leave too if I just laid still.

I closed my eyes and opened them again and seen that I was in a very dark room. The walls or what I could see of them were padded and there were only two windows in the room . One very high up on the farthest wall, and one on the door. I no longer felt the entities restraining me but still felt restrained. I tried to bring myself to sitting up but ended up falling to the floor. I was in a straitjacket.. I managed to get myself to standing and creeped over to the door. I banged and banged and banged but noone would come to the door. I cried out for help but noone would come. I screamed bloody murder and noone ever came. I layed back down on the bed and closed my eyes and thought perhaps this was just one of those really long really wierd dreams, that continuously overlapped eachother. When I awoken I was still in the padded room and there was light filtering in from the window overhead. . . . . . .

I sat up in the bed. Finally it all came back to me.. You see, I have problems remembering things. "Problems remembering things, problems remembering things...(back and forth back and forth) I dont remember my husband , I dont remember my children, my mother , my sisters , my brother, my cat , my dog"

"A..B..C..D..E..F..G..H..I..J.. K... L.. M.. N.. O................


"You know Im not crazy, I didnt really kill anyone. It was the entities and that horrible creature. That Godforsaken demon child."

"Where's my dolly... Where's my dolly? Hey where's my dolly??? Where is my dolly!! WHERE IS MY DOLLY?!?!?! WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE??!!??! You took her I know you did you dirty little demon.. You dirty filthy creature.. Im not dirty you are dirty....Im not bad you are bad. Bad bad bad ...."

"Mmmph...."the heavyset darkskinned nurse said in a harsh voice as she entered the room,"They oughtta put that girl down like they do a dog. All these crazies need to be put down like dogs. It's a damn waste ....Waste of my time and a waste of oxygen.. damn crazies.."

-Persephone Fjura 2/99-6/99

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Beauty in Darkness