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The Beauty in Darkness...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But how does one define the incomparable beauty of darkness? The rest of your senses get to delight in the smell, the taste, the sound, the touch, the magnified presence of beauty, while your eyes are disfunctional, leaving your imagination free to discover the wonderful things existent in an object your eyes would deem less than worthy and your mind would set aside. Many have attempted to create the beauty of darkness in pieces for the eyes to marvel at, but never comprehend. Others have left the beauty of darkness in the dark, in music and literature.I am one of the people that try to define the beauty of darkness in all formats. From my artwork to my poetry to my morbid shorts. Eventually I will include some of my own work in my pages that represent the beauty I have seen while resting my eyes in meditation, or in dreaming. The visions that fill my mind and overwhelm my heart with inspiration that I have found in artwork and literature in my journeys. I would also like to include pieces created by others who have found the beauty of darkness so contributions are welcomed and will be acknowledged and copyrighted in the author or artists name. Email me the artwork you would like me to add (or the story or the link to the story or poem) and I will add it to this section of the castle along with your copyright and credits as well as a link to your page if you have one. I encourage everyone to contribute. I will be offerring awards to my favorite pieces. These awards you will be able to post on your website if you have one. If you dont have one , you still get recognition on the page I place your artwork or story. So get to it! *s*

Email me at

** Please not that this section will contain some literature of a possibly offensive nature. I am a strong supporter of our right to freedom of speech. If you are easily offended , please dont read anything here. Thanks and blessed be! Persephone Fjura

Tori has something important to tell you. Jolie is the coolest of the fae grrls. She usually takes the lead in any group project. Shes really a tomboy with a maidens heart lol!
Adopt a Faerie at the Site Fights!
Short Stories
The Devouring of One's Mind
Persephone Fjura
Poetry & Prose
Hidden Laughter
by: Persephone Fjura
The Disconsolation of My Mind
by Persephone Fjura
Come To Me My Lover
by : Persephone Fjura
by : Persephone Fjura
Wishing for Wings
by : Persephone Fjura
by : Persephone Fjura
Music & Lyrics

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