~ A Collection of Numerical Notes ~

In Celtic Druidism, odd numbers are considered female and even numbers male.
To find your destiny number; "Add down" the numbers of your birthdate. For example, my birthday's October 13, 1967; 10+13+1967=1990. 1+9+9+0=19. 1+9=10. 1+0=1. One is my destiny number. NOTE; 11 and 22 are special destiny numbers. If you find yourself at 11 or 22 in the process, don't "add down" from there.
To find your birthday number; "Add down" the numbers of your birthday. For example, my birthday is the 13th; 1+3=4. My birthday number's 4.
Symbolizes the unity of all things, the primal force.
In divination; Initiative and leadership, the possibility of new beginnings. The querent's extremely determined and tenacious in pursuit of their goals. May also imply a narrow, single-mindedness, so there's a warning as well as a positive message. Retain flexibility in order to achieve your goals.
As a destiny number; You're to learn independence and individuality. To get the most out of life, concentrate on enhancing your determination, motivation, creativity, self-confidence and leadership abilities. You won't succeed if you follow the crowd or allow yourself to become overly dependent. You also need to squelch your tendency to be bossy, selfish and egotistical. This destiny offers boundless opportunity for personal growth and self-fulfillment.
As a birthday number; You posses great planning and organizing skills and are
ruled by the head. You're admirably forthright in your dealings and have no trouble expressing your opinion. You're a loner by nature, idealistic, independent, an original thinker that's comfortable with leadership.
In tarot; Beginnings, creations (the type depending on the suit.) Being enters the realm of possibility.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Keter--Crown, part of the World of Archtypes or Emmanations.
Symbolizes the primal energy of the universe splitting into polar opposites, duality. Relationships. Druidic number for air.
In divination; Duality seems to auger against cooperation, but both sides can be seen and heard, giving a great degree of balance and harmony.
As a destiny number; Learn to be cooperative, considerate, peaceful and humble. To feel fulfilled, enhance your sensitivity, diplomacy, kindness and patience. You do best by putting others first. You form strong bonds and are dependent on them for your personal fulfillment. You don't respond well to aggressiveness or fast-paced situations--you flourish in a secure environment. Don't be too moody, sensitive, impressionable or indecisive. This destiny promotes love, harmony and companionship.
As a birthday number; You're gentle, compassionate, romantic and are driven by your desire to help and to promote peace and
harmony. You usually don't do well in leadership. You're innately creative, well suited to artistic careers. You're apt to marry for life and prefer to be surrounded by others. You appreciate creature comforts and aesthetic pleasures.
In tarot; The masculine principal, the God, the power to fertilize, wisdom, fatherhood.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Hochma--Wisdom, part of the World of Archtypes or Emmanations.
Symbolizes the both and neither. Druidic number for water.
Symbolic shape; Triangle.
In divination; Completeness, totality, easy success. Only overconfidence can stop you.
As a destiny number; Strive to be cheerful, optimistic, creative and sociable. Enjoy all life has to offer and develop your wit and charm. Live for the moment. You're vivacious and high-spirited. You love to have a good time and want everyone else to have it, too. You don't often give in to anxiety, worry or cynicism. You're extremely articulate and are adept at making others feel comfortable. Threes tend to be late bloomers and may be very serious in youth. Your main purpose is to overcome any egotistical, pessimistic, excessively responsible or antisocial tendencies. This destiny provides a glorious opportunity for a carefree, interesting and charmed lifestyle.
As a birthday number;
You're gregarious, communicative, a born leader who thrives in the spotlight. You're ambitious and don't shy from hard work. Your dogged determination ensures success. You're fun-loving, fashion conscious and adore kids and animals. You see the bright side of things and aren't given to brooding or sarcasm.
In tarot; Deals with form or taking on form.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Binah--Understanding, part of the World of Archtypes or Emmanations.
Associated with the material world, the decent of spirit into matter. Druidic number for fire.
Symbolic shape; Square.
In divination; The situation will require great effort to reach a successful conclusion. The tension of four can be used constructively if handled properly. Without such care, however, the tension can bring chaos. Denotes a challenging time.
As a destiny number; Learn to be practical, honest, serious and self-disciplined. Develop industrious determination to gain emotional and financial security. You're dependable and trustworthy, a hard worker. You accomplish through careful planning and deliberate, conscientious effort. In love and friendship you seek solid, dependable, like-minded people. Don't become rigid, dull or hypercritical. Patience is the key to your success. Know your strengths and be willing to invest time and effort to succeed.
As a birthday number; You're driven by a sense of duty and purpose and possess a strong work ethic. You're a linear, focused thinker who does well in mathematical/mechanical jobs. You're happier at work than at play. You tend to be cautious, deliberate and unique. You attract friends and lovers from unusual backgrounds. You're trustworthy and dependable, but can be moody and oversensitive.
In tarot; Organization, direction.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Hesed--Mercy, part of the World of Creation.
Symbolizes love, marriage (the male 2 + the female 3,) procreation and the creative impulse.
Symbolic shape; Pentagram, the 5-pointed star.
In divination; May symbolize a new buisiness venture or partnership. Five's generally fortuitous, but there's a danger of impulsive behavior not based in reality. The querent has a good opportunity ahead and must keep a cool head and not get carried away.
As a destiny number; Develop enthusiasm, curiosity, cleverness and verbal expressiveness. Strive to be flexible, versatile, broad-minded and adventurous to live up to your potential. You thrive on new experiences--forcing conformity on you only makes you miserable. Because of your innate flightiness, you have to concentrate on not being indifferent, too impulsive or self-indulgent. A well developed five revels in life's bounty.
As a birthday number;You're a highly
adaptable, social creature. You make friends easily and prize freedom, travel and any kind of change. You feel constrained by conventional employment or long marriages. You shun physical labor, preferring to use your intellect. You're a natural risk-taker who thrives under stress. You favor serial monogamy over infidelity, but it's hard to keep your interest.
In tarot; Karmic loss, lessons to learn, struggle.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Giburah--Strength, part of the World of Creation.
Symbolic Shape; The Star of David, ancient symbol for the force of good.
In divination; Six is perfectly balanced and implies that the querent's likely to see a very happy outcome to the present situation. Six is idealistic, too, implying the querent may take up altruistic work. Temper idealism with pragmatism to succeed.
As a destiny number; Enhance your sense of responsibility, creativity and selflessness. Develop dependable, loving relationships and strive to be as giving, friendly and affectionate as possible. You prize stable domesticity and may marry for life. You're most content embracing duties and making yourself useful. You form deep, lasting friendships and have strong communal ties. You're never childish or self-indulgent, but can be too trusting. Overcome indecisiveness, irresponsibility and your overprotective, stubborn streak. At best, you're loving, idealistic,
dependable--a do-gooder who brightens the lives of people around you.
As a birthday number; You're responsible, supportive, considerate and mature and enjoy the finer things in life. You prize domestic harmony and excel at creating a cozy home environment. Socially, you use your perception and caring, vivacious personality to draw others out and put them at ease. You need to feel loved and appreciated and have a well developed sense of right and wrong.
In tarot; Illumination, understanding the mysteries of sacrifice, the vision and harmony of things, 2nd and 3rd degree initiation.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Tiferet--Beauty, part of the World of Creation.
Implies luck and wisdom.
In divination; Can infer that the querent has a tendency to remove themselves too much from life, preferring a slightly selfish solitude. Be more open and sharing.
As a destiny number; Your goal is to enhance spiritual, analytical, intuitive and independent characteristics. Develop your wisdom and intellect and don't shy from solitary pursuits. You're a mature, introspective thinker with philosophical leanings. You're happiest and tenacious in problem-solving. You're unusually steadfast and stable in relationships. You're trustworthy and honorable and expect the same from friends and lovers. Temper your tendency to be an uncompromising perfectionist.
As a birthday number; You're quiet, reserved and introspective, most comfortable alone. You tend not to have many close friends and may never marry. You observe everything carefully before entering the fray.
You're an intuitive, analytical truth-seeker who loves to travel. Anything that broadens the mind appeals to you.
In tarot; Success in one form or another.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Netzach--Victory, part of the World of Creation. Seven represents the essence of life-being.
The most solid of numbers and a sigil for eternity, symbolizing spirit concretized in matter.
In divination; The situation will have to be approached from a practical and efficient standpoint for success. Don't become domineering, though.
As a destiny number; Develop determination, leadership abilities and business acumen. Don't be afraid to plan big and work hard to realize your dreams. If you put your mind to it and persevere you can do all you want--especially in financial dealings. You're a far-sighted straight-shooter who can inspire and guide others. You're best in the role of high-minded, benevolent boss. You're an efficient workaholic who looks for a like-minded spouse--or a domesticated one. Don't become a power-hungry, money-grubbing schemer. This destiny offers financial/material security through dedicated, hard work.
As a birthday number; You're philosophical,
serious-minded, dignified, ambitious and thrive on hard work. You'll make personal sacrifices to further your career or financial standing. You're a traditionalist--unusual or unstable lifestyles make you uneasy.
In tarot; Science, books, learning, law, teaching, communication. Also control and restriction.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Hode--Splendor, part of the World of Creation. Eight represents the ability to think, consciousness.
Druidic number for earth.
In divination; There's a moral or philosophical tone to the situation and success lies in having the right attitude. A problem can arise if the querent takes a lackadaisical approach with their head stuck firmly in the clouds.
As a destiny number; Hone inspirational, artistic and selfless characteristics. Strive to be of service to others, enhance and promote your altruistic and philanthropic tendencies. If you approach life in a nonjudgmental way, you'll find it personally, emotionally and financially rewarding. Nines usually gravitate toward humanitarian or artistic professions. You're drawn to older or needy people and want to help others. Squelch your tendency to be emotional, impulsive and quick-tempered. You're a highly evolved caregiver at your best, leaving the world a better place than you found it.
As a birthday number; You're artistic,
self-confident and need to feel in control of your life. You take charge and are determined to succeed but often have to fight for what you want. You're a formidable opponent. You're generous, loving, empathetic, a born leader. Nines gravitate towards jobs and relationships where they can help people or fight for a worthy cause.
In tarot; The Triple Goddess, magical workings, divination.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Yesod--Foundation, part of the World of Creation. Nine represents the ability to experience the sensation of something outside one's self, bliss, the Otherworld.
In tarot;The end and the beginning, manifestation.
Qabbalah; Sephira of Mahlkoot--Kingdom, the World of Action. Ten represents reality.
As a destiny number; You're idealistic with a higher calling in life. Strive to be humble and to cultivate intellectual and spiritual knowledge. You're inspirational and thrive in the spotlight, driven to uplift and serve others. Don't be too self-absorbed.
As a birthday number; See TWO.
Qabbalah; Ancient number for the primal force, the unity of all things in the oneness of universal love.
As a destiny number; Use your visionary, influential, humanitarian qualities to improve the world around you. You're a natural diplomat, highly motivated and disciplined in working toward a goal. You bring out the best in others. You have boundless energy and are well suited as a teacher, politician or writer. This destiny offers an opportunity to have a positive and lasting influence on the world.
As a birthday number; See FOUR.
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