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Leaves from the Tree of Life

The diagram below(forgive the quality, it was the best I could do,) is the Qabbalistic Tree of Life. The numbers 1-10 (in circles) represent sephirot, different "worlds." The concentric circles at the lower left in the diagram is a breakdown of the "layers" of the different worlds. One is the sephira, itself. Two is Ain Soph Or, limitless light. Three is Ain Soph, limitless divinity. Four is Ain, divinity, a no-thing, unity.
The lines in between the sephirot (numbered 11-32,) are paths between the worlds. The base of the Tree is physical. As you ascend, it becomes more etherial. The idea is to journey up the Tree, but there are lessons to be learned moving in either direction.

Correspondences of
the 10 Sephirot

Translation; Crown
Color; White brilliance
Scent; Ambergris
Creature; God
Astrology; First Swirlings
Stone; Diamond
Body; Cranium
Tool; Crown
Soul; Higher Self
Plant; Almond
Angels; Order of the holy living ones, Angel of the Presense, Archangel Metatron
Tarot; 4 aces
Mind; Yechida
For talismanic purposes, Keter represents basic inventions, electronics, radiations, the unusual, space vehicles, the far future and ideas.

Translation; Wisdom
Color; Gray
Scent; Musk
Creature; Man
Astrology; The Zodiac
Stones; Star ruby, turquoise
Body; Left side of face
Tool; Inner robe
Soul; Life force
Plant; Amaranth
Angels; Order of the wheels, Herald of Deity, Archangel Ratziel
Tarot; 4 kings, 4 twos
Mind; Chiah
For talismanic purposes, Hochma represents radio, TV, film, ESP, psychic things, power generators, magnetism, static electricity, rockets and fireworks.

Translation; Understanding
Color; Black
Scents; Myrrh, civet
Creature; Woman
Astrology; Saturn
Stones; Pearl, star sapphire
Body; Right side of face
Tool; Outer robe
Soul; Intuition
Plant; Cypress
Angels; Order of the thrones, Contemplation of God, Archangel Tzaphkiel
Tarot; 4 queens, 4 threes
Mind; Neschamah
For talismanic purposes, Binah represents buildings, the elderly, wills, funerals, reincarnation, destruction of diseases and pests, terminations, death, plans, debts, real estate, inheritance, excavations, ruins, trees, paper, smelting, fertilizers, antiques, concrete, studying for exams, acquiring the astral plane, home and obtaining esoteric knowledge.

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