For the past 20 years of my life, I've always taken things for
granted especially when it comes to people around me....
until I met this one person who changed me in every
little way. I can never forget this 'special' person
who was brought into my life, the things that he'd
taught me, the different perspectives of
life he'd showed me, and most of all the memories
he'd left me with.......

'I owe it to you, for being the person that I am now, for you've taught me to be strong and to hold my head up high, to never give up nor show fear, for only the strong will survive this journey ahead.'

Come what may, in the future, but I will never forget you nor the
words that you've said to me and the love that you've showered upon me.
You'll remain in my heart, always....

Dedications to you....


Beside me.