i dunno how to put this to words... initially i had wanted to wait till you were gone and back before
actually approaching you with what i'm about to say.

i must admit things seemed to happened just like that, so fast that there wasn't much time to react to.
please remember that i had never for once pushed you outta my mind nor my heart.

i may not be able to be there for you always,
but i'll try my best to acknowledge my presence to you.
i may not be able to put a smile on your face for always,
but i hope my goofiness and cheesy jokes might brighten up your day.
i may not make you the happiest being on earth,
but i pray that i'd have the will to do so.
i may not give you the best memories in life,
but i hope i can do so in days to come.
i might not always have the strength to pull you up,
but i'd dive down with you if i can't do so.
i may not know you inside out,
but i wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life tryin' to.

i know that you will be leaving soon, and i don't know if you're ever coming back.
i know ppl change and i have no hold of the future.
i'm willing to wait, cos i know if it's meant to be, things will go our way.
i pray that one day you will let me into your life and i'll be waiting for that day till it comes.
Mayb you might considering taking me as a part of your life.
i'm not asking for an answer now but hope u'll take into consideration....

4 u
