The picture of you floats in my mind
Sometimes I’d wish it’ll go away
But yet I feel calmer as it draws near

And as I feel those tears thru the phone
I felt my heart break a million pieces
Words of love were at the tip of my mouth
Yet I hesitate afraid of taking that plunge

I can’t gif u all, I can’t gif u enough
I wished I could but of no will nor strength
All I can wish is for your happiness
Although it won’t be with me

If I could I’d gif u the mountains and streams
And I’d shoot the arrow towards the sun
Of declaration of my feelings for you

If I could I’d build you your shelter
Provide you all the love I’ve got
And express all of me to you

But you’re jes so far away beyond my reach
No matter how hard I run, how hard I try
So I gotta be happi for now, gotta be happi for today
Bcos you’re still here, not far away

Jes know that every scar on you
Leaves a million scars on me.
