Keep the faith!!
The following list is my personal Herpetoculture
Library of Books, Articles, Magazines and personally written "SCARE"
sheets and (F.H.S.) Fairbanks Herpetoculture Society
Articles from 1991(c).
I am adding and updating this list so it will
change as I update it and correct mistakes.
Also, as I add more titles it will grow.:O)
Knowledge IS power!!
Read a book about the Herp
you plan to own PRIOR to getting it home!!
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Click HERE :O)
If you have any questions on any of my books or
can make corrections feel free to email me.
Audubon Soceity, 1965. Nature Encyclopedia: Volume 1.
Various Authors. National Audubon Soceity,.hb. 193p.
Adler, Kraig. 1979. A Brief History of Herpetology in North America
Before 1900. SSAR, Oxford, OH, 40.
Alderton, David. A pet keepers guide to Reptiles & Amphibians.
Tetra Press. Blackberg, VA. h.b 117p.
Axtell, Ralph W. 1956. A solution to the long neglected Holbrookia
lacerata problem, and the description of two new
subspecies of Holbrookia.
Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 10 (11):163-179, 2 plates. Newsletter
Barbour, Thomas. 1921. A new Phrynosoma from Cerros Island.
Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club. 7:113-115. Phrynosoma
schmidti n. sp.Article.
Bartlett, R.D. & Bartlett, Patricia. 1995.
Chameleons, A complete pet
Owners manual.
Barron’s Book Company.103p.
Bartlett, R.D. & Bartlett, Patricia. 1997.
Lizard Care from A to Z.
Barron’s Book Company.178p.
Bartlett, R.D. & Bartlett, Patricia. 1999.
Terriarium and Cage Construction and
Barron’s Book Company
Behler, John L. 1989. Simon & Schuster’s Guide to: Reptiles &
Amphibians of the World.
256p.Simon & Schuster inc.,New York, N.J.
Behler, John L.1988. Audubon Field Guide to North American
Reptiles and Amphibians.
Alfred A. knopf, New York, Publisher.743p.
Carr, Archie. 1967. The Reptiles.
Life Publications..
From the editors of Time Life books.h.b.128p
Conant, Roger. 1934. Guide to the Reptile House in the Toledo
Zoological Park.
Toledo Zoological Society, 24.
From the opening of the reptile house.
Conant, Roger. 1971. Reptile and Amphibian management
practices at Philadelphia Zoo.
International Zoo Yearbook. 11:224-230.
Gegenhardt, William G.1996.
Amphibians & Reptiles of New Mexico.
Painter. Charles W. & Price. Andrew H. h.b,.445p.
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1994.
The Lizard Keeper's Handbook.
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 175.
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1990.
True Chameleons; Part II,
Notes on popular
Species,Diseases and disorders.
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 29p..
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1995.
The basic care of Rough Green Snakes,
Advanced Vivarium Systems,
Lakeside, California, 16p..
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1991.
Burmese Pythons:Care and Maintenance
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 44p.
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1990.
Leopard Geckos: Care and Maintenance
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 36p..
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1992.
Savannah monitors:Care and Maintenance
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 55p.
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1990.
Red-tailed Boas:Care and Maintenance
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 48p..
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1995.
Basic care of Uromastyx:
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 18p..
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1995.
Care & Breeding of Chameleons.
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 128p..
de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1997.
Bearded Dragons:Care and Maintenance
Advanced Vivarium Systems, Lakeside, California, 71p..
Ditmars,Raymond L. 1936.
The Reptiles of North America.
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Garden City, New York.
h.b. 455p.
Edgren, Richard A., Jr. 1948.
Notes on a large specimen of Phrynosoma solare Gray.
Copeia. 1948 (2):(1 p.).Article
Ferguson, Gary W. 1966.
Releasers of courtship and territorial behaviour in the side blotched lizard
Uta stansburiana.
Animal Behaviour. 14 (1):89-92. Article
Flagg, Raymond O., Ph.D. 1988.
The Carolina Drosophlia Manual
Carolina Biological Supply Company, Gladstone, OR.31p.
Fogel, David. 1997.
Captive Husbandry and Propagation of the Boa Constrictors and Related Boas.
Kriger Publishing Company.Florida,U.S.A 97p.hb. Autographed.
Frye, Fredric L. D.V.M. 1973.
Husbandry,Medicine & Surgery in Captive Reptiles.
h.b140p.V.M. Publishing Bonner Springs,KS
Haas, Richard. 1972.
Enjoy your Terrarium:
Pet Library Ltd. harrison N.J. 32p
Hanson, Jonathan, Hanson Roseann B.
50 Common Reptiles & Amphibians.
Southwest parks and monuments association. s.c 53p.
Hare, Trevor.1995.
Poisonous Dwellers of the Desert.
Southwest parks and monuments association. s.c 32p.
Heath, James Edward. 1962.
Temperature-independent morning emergence in lizards of the genus Phrynosoma.
Science. 138:891-892. Article.
Heymann,M.M. 1975(1986)
Reptiles and Amphibians of the American SouthWest
Gem Guides Book Company.hb.78p.
Holman, Alan J.
Michigan Snakes
Michigan State University
Cooperative Extension Service.78p.
Hunzinker, Raymond.1997.
Swifts & Spiny Lizards
64pg.sc. Great book!!
Johnson, Tom R.
In Search of the "Horny Toad"
Article from the Missouri Conservationist.
September 1986 page 32. (1p.)
Kaplan, Melissa.2000.
Iguanas for Dummies...
Howell book House. 353p. s.c.{2 copies}
Kauffeld, Carl.1957.
Snakes & Snake Hunting.
Hanover House,New York. h.b.266p. 1st edition
Le Berre, Francois. 1995.
The New Chameleon Handbook.
Barron’s Book Company.128p.
Le Berre, Francois. Bartlett, R.D., Bartlett Patricia. 2000.
The New Chameleon Handbook.
(Revised Edition)
Barron’s Book Company.128p.
Leutscher, Alfred. 1976.
Keeping Reptiles & Amphibians.
Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. h.b.164p.
Levell, John P.1997
A Field Guide to Reptiles and the Law.
Second Edition
Serpents Tale, Book Distributers.268p.
MacMahon, James A.
Deserts; Audubon Society nature Guides.
638p. Alfred A. knopf, New York, Publisher.
Manaster, Jane., Hodges, Wendy L. 1997.
Horned Lizards.
University of Texas press Austin. h.b.81p.
Manthey,Ulrich & Schuster, Norbert.1996.
Agamid Lizards
TFH Publications.hb.185p.
Mara, W.P.1994.
Breeding and Keeping Frogs & Toads.
TFH publications. Neptune N.J. h.b.160p.
Martin, James. 1992.
Masters of Disguise. A Natural History of Chameleons.
Facts on File, New York. h.b.176p.
Matero, Robert. 1993.
Reptiles. 29p. Kidsbooks inc.
Mathewson, Robert. 1977.
The How and Why Wonder book of
Reptiles & Amphibians.
Grosset & Dunlap,New York 48p.
Mattison, Christopher.1982.
The Care of Reptiles and Amphibians in
Blanford Press/Sterling Publishing Co.U.S.A 313p.
Mattison, Christopher.1989.
Lizards of the World
Blanford Press/Sterling Publishing Co.U.S.A 189p.hb.
Mattison, Christopher.1991.
Keeping and Breeding Lizards
Blanford Press/Sterling Publishing Co.U.S.A 230p.hb.
McCoy, C. J. 1969.
Horny toads.
Carnegie Magazine. 43 (7):243-249.
Milne, Lorus J. & Margery J.
We Shadowed the Horned Toad.
Natural History Magazine, February 1949. 85-94p.
Niering, Willaim A. 1985 1st printing.
Wetlands; Audubon Society nature Guides.
638p. Alfred A. knopf, New York, Publisher.
Nussbaum, Ronald A., Brodie, jr.Edmond D.,Storm, Robert M.1983.
Amphibians & Reptiles of the Pacific Northwest.
University of Idaho press.332p.
Parker, Bertha Morris., 1956. Reptiles
Row, Peterson & Company. Evanston,Ill. p.b.
basic Science Education Series.38p.
Petty, Don. 1991-1995.(c)
very basic "Scare" sheets.
A basic Anole Caresheet
Arctic Wood Frogs
The Basic Care of Lizards
Feeding Reptiles
A Lizard Care sheet for Children
A Frog Care sheet for Kid's
A Care Sheet on Snakes for Kids
A Toad care sheet for kids
Problems with Amphibians
Pianka, Eric R. 1994.
The Lizard Man Speaks.
University of Texas Press, Austin, TX, 179. HB, Biography.
Pianka, Eric R.., Hodges, Wendy L.
Horned Lizards
Internet Article,13p.,
Horned Lizard Article
Roberts, Marvin F. & Roberts, Martha D.1976.
All about Iguanas:
TFH Publications, Neptune City N.J. 95p.
Samples, William & Wattley Jack (Discus)
Poison Dart Frogs
TFH Publications, Neptune City N.J.
2000. hb. 78p.
Sanborn, Sherburn R.. 1994.
The Lizard Watching Guide
1994. Sanborn, Sherburn R.. Glen Ellen,California.36p.
Schmidt, W. 1994.
Chameleons. Volume 1 : Species.
Tamm, K. Wallikewitz E. TFH Publications. Neptune,N.J. 64p.
{2 copies}
Schmidt, W. 1994.
Chameleons. Volume II :Care & Breeding.
Tamm, K. Wallikewitz E. TFH Publications. Neptune,N.J. 64p.
Seginski, John. 1995.
Horny Toads as Pets.
TJE Publications, Reno, NV, 62p. Phrynosoma.
Seginski, John. 1997.
Collared Lizards as Pets.
TJE Publications, Reno, NV, 74p.
Sherbrooke, Wade C.1981.
Horned Lizards,
Unique Reptiles of Western North America. Phrynosoma.
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association.
48p.{2 Copies}
Smith, Hobart M. 1946, 1995.
Handbook of Lizards.
Comstock publishing Associates.
Cornell University press.557p.
Staniszewski, Marc.1990.
The Manual of Lizards & Snakes.
Tetra press, Morris plains, N.J. h.b. 156p.
St.John Alan D. 1980.
Knowing Oregon Reptiles.
Salem Audubon Society. 36p. Pamplet
Tanner, Wilmer W. & Krogh, John E.
Ecology of Phrynosoma platyrhinos at the Nevada test site, Nye County, Nevada.
Article.Herpetologica 29:327-342.
December 1973
Thompson, Dale E., Franks, Richard L.. 1978.
Xenopus Care & culture.
Carolina Biological Supply Company.16p. pamplet.
Walls, Jerry G.1996.
Uromastyx & Butterfly Agamids
TFH.Publications. 56p.
Walls, Jerry G.
Plants for the Reptile Terrarium
TFH.Publications. 64p.
Walls, Jerry G.
Keeping Poison Frogs
TFH.Publications.1994 .64p.
White, Alan. 1972
Galapogos Guide.
Epler, Bruce. 125p.
Whitney Stephen,. 1990.
Western Forests; Audubon Society nature Guides.
670p. Alfred A. knopf, New York, Publisher.
Williamson Michael A., Hyder Paul W., Applegarth John S.1994.
Snakes, Lizards, Turtles, Frogs, Toads
& Salamanders of New Mexico:
A Field Guide.
Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico.176p.
Reptilia (E). Magazine. 1997.
(11):1-80. In Spanish. Articles include:
Varanids; Ball pythons; Madagascar; Dendrobates tinctorius; Testudo
kleinmanni; European Chameleons; Eleutherodactylus;
Reptiles and Magic. Crotalus adamanteus;
Salamandra salamandra; Bufo bufo; Geochelone carbonaria; Phrynosoma.
Jan/Feb 1998.,
Articles Include:Chameleons
Living with Herps,Veterinary Corner,Chameleons, the Water Dragon,
Adventures with Ocean Giants,Insects that imitate plants,Snakes of
panama,Salamandra,Reptilandia park,The Serpents of Mt. Olympus,
the extinction of reptiles and Amphibians, Problems with C.I.T.E.S
Reptile Quarterly.
Magazine. Gecko’s, Rare and Common.
“Reptiles” Magazine :
have ALL Issues except:
Need September 2001
The Vivarium magazine:
Have ALL Issues except:
Need Vol. 1 (All issues)
Need Vol. 2 (All issues)
Vol 3. No. 1,2,4
Vol 4. No. 2,
Vol 5. No.1
Vol 6, No. 4
Vol 11, No.3.
(?4,?5,? 6??? if such exist.)
Captive Breeding Magazine
Have ALL issues except:
Volume 3, No. 2
Have any copies?
Reptile & Amphibian Magazine:
The AWESOME Small one
Need 1989 to 1993??
Have all 1994.
Have all of 1995.
Have all 1996.
Need May/June and Nov/Dec. 1997
Have all 1998.
Reptile & Amphibian Hobbyist
Need all from FIRST ISSUE
Need all 1998 except MAY 1998.
Need all 1999.
Need JAN,APRIL,AUG, 2000
Need May 2001
Chameleon Information Network. Winter List #5 31 Aug 1991.
Chameleon Information Network. Winter 1994 Issue 14.
Chameleon Information Network. Contacts list-Addendum to No.20.
CIN. (Issue 21)
Chameleon Information Network. Winter 1996 Issue 22.
Chameleon Information Network. Spring 1997 Issue 23.