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Keep the Faith!!


I have a reptile room devoted to my favorite reptiles...
The Photo's are at the bottom of this page

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To go and view a few photo's of Reptile attacks go here:
WARNING: Photo's show Dead Humans or body parts.
Do NOT view if you might barf on your computer....

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My Book List

By Crikey..!!!.
I Just LOVE... Steve & Terri Irwin!!
Danger, Danger, Danger...
T.V.'s "Crocodile Hunter" at Australia Zoo.
Australia Zoo
Crocodile Hunter Homepage

Go check out: A COOL Jeff Corwin FAN site:
Why did we have to move next to this power plant!!!
Jeff Corwin IS KOOL!! :O)

I keep the following species:

I have a pair of Jackson’s Chameleons
(Chamaeleo jacksonii) Breeding observed this summer !!
My female is Hawaii.
She has been with me for over three years.
Coming soon Jackson’s Scare Sheet For now check out :
LLL Reptile's: Basic Jackson Care sheet.

I also have a pair of Veiled Chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus)
They are very beautiful, but the male is very aggressive!
Coming soon Veiled Scare Sheet
For now check out LLL Reptile's: Veiled Care sheet.
And my Breeding pictures.

LLL Reptile's Veiled Care sheet

Pictures & Information on my Female Veiled Chameleon laying her eggs.

My favorite Reptiles are North American Reptiles,
Especially Southwestern U.S. species.,

I have Desert Horned Lizards.(Phrynosoma platyrhinos)
A Desert Horned lizard scare sheet Coming Soon!
I have a colony in three enclosures.
I am attached to them and find myself “observing” them for hours.
8 offspring produced this year.

I also keep a colony of Desert Iguanas (Dipsosaurus dorsalis)
I have not bred them yet,.. but intend to.
I really enjoy the desert Iguana's and have fun watching
the “push-ups” and head bobbing that they do when communicating.
The are very "freindly and curious lizards.
A Desert Iguana Scare Sheet is coming soon
Until I get MY own Desert Iguana care sheet online
go check out:
Copyright 1999-2000 Tenny Nathan 's Desert
Iguana Care sheet.

Melissa kaplin's Desert Iguana Care sheet.

I also have Spot tailed Earless lizards
(Holbrookia lacerata)
Side blotched Lizards. (Uta stansburiana)
These small lizards rarely exceeding 5" SVL.
provide great "activity"
in the enclosures., They are easy to feed.
They will swallow any small mealworms, crickets, and especially love small fruit flies and wax moths.

I haveRoundtail Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma modestum)
They are interesting small horned lizards, that dig a lot more than the Desert horned lizards do.
They seem to enjoy eating a variety of insect food; not just harvester ants, but also
mealworm beetles, honey pot, small black ants, small crickets and even fruit flies.

I have a pair of Eastern Collard Lizards {Crotaphytus collaris c.}

I also have several ‘Adoptees”,
reptiles that have been brought to me
because the owners were unable or unwilling to care for them any longer. :O(

I have a young Green Iguana {Iguana iguana sp.}
This “teen” is handsome and is a very good eater.
About Green Iguana's
Green Iguana’s make good “pets” provided they are given quarters that have
climbing branches, resting platforms, heat and UV light.
Green Iguanas are very prone to “rubber” jaw and limb problems from the
lack of proper vitamins & full spectrum lighting. Green Iguana’s require very
intense full spectrum bulbs. I like to use the Zoo med
Repti-sun/Iguana 5.0 bulbs and G.E. Croma 50's in 36” or 48” sizes.
I also use a 100watt
spot light to provide basking and platform warmth.
Vitamins are added to food every second day in young Iguanas and
a least once or twice a week in older lizards.
I alternate Nekton and Rep-cal.
I am planning to try Sticky tongue 's Miner all with D3 soon.
For the BEST iguana care sheet go to:
Melissa Kaplin's Reptile pages, She is the author of "Iguana's for Dummies" Her information is Fantastic!!

I also have a pair of Russian Tortoises . {Testudo horsfieldi}

The male and female are forever active and are such a delight to watch.
I have them housed in a 9’x2' open air, indoor enclosure. I live in Alaska..Remember...:O(
Lighting is provided by two 48” Croma 50(tm) full spectrum bulbs and a 100f
watt spot lamp suspended over two paving blocks. I use the paving blocks
to provide a warm basking site and the blocks are rough so they help
keep the nails trimmed.
This pen is shared with a pair of {Terrapene ornata sp.} Box Turtles, that were also “adoptees”.

The enclosure that they are in has the ability to be separated into two cages should the need arise.

ChuckWalla Photo's & Information soon...:O)

And I am looking into getting a pair of Uromastyx
I am currently researching the species and reading
up on the care and requirements of them. I like the look of them.

My background:
I Grew up in Nevada, I collected and kept many species of native S.W. and exotic Herps.
I Never thought that some day they would be scarce.
Today, many are protected from collecting.
Not only because of over collection for the pet trade but , because of habitat destruction.
The loss of native insect foods, For horned lizards, namely the loss of the Harvester ants!
{Pogonomyrmex sp.}
In many deserts the introduction of the S. American Fire Ant;
{Solenopsis invicta}
A non-native species that is NOT consumed by our native reptiles.
Today, I obtain when ever possible ANY Legally (already owned or long term)
collected or captive species that I might be able,br> to keep and breed in captivity.

Most states have laws protecting native species from collection.
Nevada allows some collection.
Thank you ! Nevada! :O)
I know that some conservationists view this as a bad thing for the native reptiles in Nevada...
I personally believe that because of Nevada,,br> many hobbyists, especially those advanced “herpetoculturists”
now have a chance to attempt to breed these species in captivity,
and thus allow others enjoy them.
I DO NOT advocate beginners, keep specialized species such as the horned lizards.
However if you have experience and the resources to provide exacting habitat in
captivity, The rewards from keeping native species can be very exciting and rewarding.
Horned lizards require Live red ants, "DAILY"!
They need the ants for the Formic acids that the ants provide .
Some horned lizards, such as the Platyrhinos, require from a few
to up to a hundred red ants per day !
My Horned lizard community consumes about 2M to 3M ANTS per month.
(That's THOUSANDS!!)

Red harvester ants constitute up to 90% of the diet of the Desert Horned Lizard.
they will also take small crickets, mealworms and beetles, wax worms and love moths!
For anyone wishing to keep and PROPERLY feed Horned Lizards, Red Harvester ants are a MUST..
Without them they will die.
There is a company called Life Studies that provides live Harvester ants
for Horned Lizards. Life Studies Red Ants

Life studies provides a lot of information on keeping “ants”.
They are very friendly and genuinely interested in the horned lizards that their
ants are being fed to. Friendly people!
Life studies has reduced shipping in winter months.
So eMail them Prior to ordering!

I also Owned and operated TANKS ALOT Pet shop
In Fairbanks, Alaska, from 1990 to 1993.
I was the President of the Fairbanks
Herpetoculturial Society for 4 years and the
President of the Las Vegas Aquarium and
Terrarium society in 1988. (defunct)
When I lived there and worked at F.I.S.H.
and Classy Canines Pet shops.
I have worked at the following: Pet shops

Fishville.. 1970's...Las Vegas.
Jay's Exotic's...1970's...Las Vegas
Classy Canines...1980's...Las Vegas
F.I.S.H.....1980's....Las Vegas
Pet Haven...Fairbanks....1980's
Pleasing Pastimes pet's...Fairbanks...1980's
Tanks Alot Aquarium Maintenance...Fairbanks 1980's
Tanks Alot Aquarium & pet center...Fairbanks...1990's

I have been active in giving R & A talks in area schools.
I am known as "iguana Don" because I wear a
large Iguana costume and always bring lots of
my reptile and amphibian buddies!!:O)
And a big bag of candy!!LOL!!!

I have owned many types of reptiles and Amphibians:
Two of my Boas are now owned by Zigfreid & Roy, In Las Vegas.
I took part in a study in the 1970's as a child with
Poly-anti-venom tests for Majove Greens.
I have also kept many types of amphibians.
I really LOVE Cane Toads!
I had a pair for years that were dog tame!
I have a rounded experiance with "herps".
and enjoyed my tenure as the President of the
Fairbanks Herpetoculturial Society.
I love herpetoculture and I am always here
to help Anyone who needs information or advice on
keeping reptiles and amphibians,
Is WELCOME to contact me.
I am NOT an expert but I will try and point
a person to someone who is...
I hope you enjoy my modest site.

These are a few of the "Herpetoculture"
companies that I have had good dealings

Larry at Desert Reptiles.
Lower 48 sales.
Desert Reptiles

Desert Reptiles is a family owned company that provides captive born and wild
collected reptiles. I have purchased several species from them and
they provide tons of information on keeping,
breeding and feeding .
Larry will Always answer any questions.

Life Studies provides the live Harvester ants
for Horned Lizards. Life Studies Red Ants

I have also found WESTEX reptiles to be very
friendly and willing to answer any questions.
They offer a large selection of Snakes and
Lizards... Even Wallabies and Bulldogs!!
The music on the website is cool too!!
eMail them if you are looking for something not listed.
They have lots of stuff!!
Wendy & Richard also offer Herbalife products!
Lower 48 Sales
Richard and Wendy Ford @ WESTEX Reptiles!

LLL Reptile
They carry a variety of Snakes, Lizards, Amphibians, Arachnids and
Insects, Both feeders and “pet” insects.
Every herp and supply I have purchased from them has been TOP
quality and the service has been very Awesome.

Please email me if you have Horned lizards for sale.
Especially wanting ( P.douglassi.spp.) or
( P.d. hernendezii.ssp.)
Check my ALASKA Sales sheet.

For more information on Horned Lizards on the web please check
out this link to the conservation page at:Horned Lizard conservation page

Photo's of my reptile room and some of my animals...

If you have questions or feel you can provide
insight and information to help ME be a better
"herper" Please,.. feel free to email with your
comments. :O)
Or if you do NOT want me to link to your care sheet
or business..let me know...Thanks!!

Looking in the door to my Reptile Room

A Horned Lizard

Desert Iguanas

The Desert iguana's relaxing around the dinner bowl.:O)

This is one of the Russian Tortoises.

This is my Female Jacksons Chameleon

This is my Male Veiled Chameleon

This is my female veiled.

Relaxing Green Iguana.

Keeping your Horned lizards happy requires feeding
quality food items. Like the Red ants that I receive from Life Studies.
Life studies has reduced shipping in winter months.
So eMail them Prior to ordering!

This hole was dug by one of my female horned
lizards and although it's hard to see from
the photo, she is inside of it laying her eggs.

01' Baby HL Photos

This is a photo of the trio of Desert Horned Lizards
From Desert Reptiles co.

Roundtail Horned Lizards.
What a beauty!

WesTex reptiles sent me a pair of Awesome
Collard Lizards

The male Collard is having a look at me.

One of the Female Lesser Earless Lizards I have:O)

Here is a female laying eggs.

This is the First baby Earless that I have hatched.!!

Side Blotched Lizards
Great "clean up" crew!

My pair of Chuckwallas is not out of Quarintine
and has been placed into my (8X3X2') Desert Vivarium.

The female Chuckwalla is visiting with a
Desert Iguana at a basking site.
The enclosure has three "heat" sites.
each range from 100-120 degrees f.

My Rainforrest vivarium.(29 Gallon)
See other pictures on my Bonsai link page.

Here are pictures of my Dart frogs
They are from a local breeder.

Check out REED INK.
Reed Ink.
For Local Alaskan bred dart frogs!
And Kool Tats!

The Desk in my Reptile room and second view.

Macintosh...Fast, and Kickin' @$$!!