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The Sixth Angel - Of Fish

This enormous sea monster bears the name of a relatively anonymous angel. His only distinction would seem to be his status as a guardian of the 6th heaven. Not being named in the bible, he undoubtly was demoted to a fallen angel by the Catholic church.

Gaghiel is the only aquatic Angel to be pitted against NERV and, unlike most of the other Angels, is relatively lightly armed. Gaghiel's armament consists solely of a set of huge razor sharp teeth that are used to tear apart opponents, Gaghiel's jaw is so powerful that the Angel can quite easily bite right the way through the torso of an EVA. Gaghiel is also massive, and as a result of this can use its immense size and weight to serve as potentially devastating weapons during close combat. Despite the Angel's size, Gaghiel is extremely agile and fast which is vital to the Angel as it has no means of which to engage opponents at long range, and so therefore relies on its speed and agility to rapidly engage the enemy in close combat. Gaghiel also possesses an AT field like all the other Angels, though its effectiveness is unknown.

ANGEL CLASS: Aquatic Assault


*Main Body 850
**Tail 225
*Core 200

* Destruction of the Main Body or Core will kill the Angel. The core of the Angel is protected by it's mouth, and as such cannot be hit unless the mouth is open (a simultaneous attack can be made when Gaghiel makes a bitting attack, but the the strike is a called shot only, with -3 to strike)
**Destruction of the tail will all but cripple Gaghiel, reducing his speed by 3/4, and giving him no further bonuses to dodge or strike.


UNDERWATER: Gaghiel can travel through the water at extreme speeds, beating even the fastest speed boats, 150 knots on the surface or underwater.


HEIGHT: 100m meters at his largest.
WIDTH:100 meters at largest.
LENGTH: 360 meters head to tail(!)
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Jaws have a P.S. equal to 250.
POWER SYSTEM: S2 ENGINE. Theoretically can supply power for an indefinate ammount of time.


1. CLOSE COMBAT: Gaghiel has no real scientific attack functions, just brute strength, razor fins, and big pointy teeth.
FULL STRENGTH BITE: 1d4x100 M.D., uses two attacks.
RAZOR FIN RAKE: Can only be done against sea going target, from beneth. 2d4x10 M.D. per Fin used in the attack (-1 to strike for each fin used after the first, a maximum of 3 can be used),
TACKLE/LEAP TACKLE: 3d6x10 M.D. plus AUTOMATIC KNOCKDOWN. Able to hit some targets not in the water with this attack (GM's call), but uses three attacks.


A.T. (ABSOLUTE TERROR) FIELD: Gaghiel's A.T. Field has no known effectiveness.

BIO-REGENERATION: Gaghiel can bio-regenerate 1d6x10 M.D. to all locations every hour.

ENTERING COMBAT: Gaghiel likes hit and run attacks, it will only strike certain targets once, then it will move onto another when facing groups. However when facing large powerful targets it will tend to make circling strikes until it has sunk it's target.


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