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The Eleventh Angel - Of Fear

This unusual angel took the form of a computer virus that infected the three Magi computers of Terminal Dogma. He is the angel of fear, and his name was often inscribed onto amulets that were worn by women during pregnancy.

Ireul is almost the perfect Angel, or rather collection of Angels. Ireul is composed of colonies of nano machines which work together to form a single functioning intelligent circuit capable of adapting to any environment or situation it may encounter, thus Ireul's survival mechanism is that of total adaptability through continual evolution hence making the Angel an almost invulnerable opponent. Ireul possesses no armament, however, as the Angel is effectively an organic super computer, Ireul is quite capable of hacking into computer systems thus causing acts of sabotage. Ireul is also capable of merging with matter thus allowing the Angel to merge with its opponents attacking from within, and like all the other Angels, Ireul possesses an AT field, though its effectiveness is unknown.

The way Ireul evolves himself into bio circuit and the way he calculates, crack and hack is unknown. It is only known that a synchronized password can stop him temporarily. Invaded MAGI Casper and used it to promote its evolution.

NERV agrees with Ritsuko that the final stage of evolution is death and decides to speed up the evolution speed of Ireul so that Ireul will choose to stay with Magi. Later, Ireul is wiped out by a program set inside of Casper by Ritsuko. Ireul's target does not seem to fbe Adam, but to destroy NERV by using the Magi System to set up self-destruction. The Angel was annihilated and NERV denies the incident.

ANGEL CLASS: Computer System Infiltration

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