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The Twelveth Angel - Of Night

This hovering, zebra-striped sphere(which was actually a three-dimensional "shadow" of the two-dimensional angel) bears the name of an angelic ruler of the night. Some believe this angel to be the demon prince of conception.

Leliel is definitely one of the more bizarre Angels that NERV find themselves pitted against. Leliel is up to six hundred and eighty meters in diameter with a thickness of three nanometers within which is an inverted AT field, the sphere projected above Leliel is in fact the Angel's shadow. More intriguing is the fact that within the Angel's AT field is an alternate dimension or another galaxy, describable purely by abstract mathematics, which makes up the Angel's body, and it is into this world that Leliel lures and traps its victims. Leliel expands silently beneath its opponents pulling them into its body and is quite capable of trapping an Eva indefinitely in this way, indeed Leliel could quite easily engulf an entire city should the need arise thus making the Angel a formidable opponent.

ANGEL CLASS: Trapping Seizure




TRAVEL: Leleil's body travels across the ground at high speeds, up to 200kmph, the Zebra-Stripe Ball/Shadow travels at the exact same speed as the body which casts it.


DIMENSIONS: Leleil for all practical purposes is 2d dimensional, with a thickness of 3 nanometers, and a diameter (width) of up to 680m.
Essentially, none, becaues it cannot exert any kind of force for lifting or HTH combat.
POWER SYSTEM: S2 ENGINE. Theoretically can supply power for an indefinate ammount of time.




THE "DIRAC SEA": Within Leleil's inverted A.T. Field, is what is best known as the Dirac Sea, a pocket dimension of nothingness. Leleil's only attack form is to draw matter into itself and the Dirac Sea. Inorganic matter is automatically obliterated once entering the dimension, while organic matter will simply float, practically unable to move or do anything, just simply wait, and die. Suffice to say, any physical attack on Leleil is useless because of what the Dirac Sea doesn to matter. All attacks are simply absorbed into the Dirac Sea, and absolutely no damage to the Angel.

ATTACKING: Leleil has an distinct advantage during the first encounters it makes with the EVA's, they think the zebra-stripe ball is it's actual body. Leleil uses it's shadow all the time to throw of it's enemies perception of it's posistion, and when they finally attack the shadow, it disappears, and Leleil uses the open point to attack. When attempting to take enemies into itself, Leleil always counts as 15 to strike, and it's target can only dodge it's first attempt by rolling 14 or higher on perception first, then make the dodge if they succeed the perception roll.

KILLING LELEIL: Destroying Leleil is a difficult task. The only figurative way is to basically nuke it to hell to try and destablize it's A.T. Field. The other way is to destroy it from within the Dirac Sea. There is a theoretical boundry to the Dirac Sea, which in actually is within the zebra-stripe ball. There is only a remote chance (05% every 5 hours) that anything inside could find the boundary, however if it did, it would be able to rip the Angel apart from within VERY easily, destroying it in a rain of blood (see Episode 16).


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