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Tips and Tricks

1. Hold down control and any number to hotkey a unit, squad of units, or a building. Once this is done you can quickly reselect or center on that group by just pressing the number of the group.

2. Defense is a very important part of any base. If your base has no defense you leave it wide open to a suprise attack which can cripple or destroy you. Alwyays have at least a couple of Missle Turrents, Photon Cannons, ect. ect. Also always have some extra units handy to destroy any Siege Tanks, Gaurdians, or Reavers that attack.

3. Use Gaurdians, Siege Tanks,(in Siege Mode) and Reavers to take out defense implacments like as Sunken Colonies, Bunkers, Photon Cannons, Missle Turrents, and Spore Colonies because they have a longer range. Be careful though, because none of these units can shoot air units and Gaurdians are suceptible to air defense and air units.

4. Remember, Any heros that you get are much stronger than the normal class of the units. However, also remember that if your hero gets killed in battle you have to start over.

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