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5/2002-11/2002   Primedia, New York, NY 
Consultant (Financial)-Enthusiast Magazines-Circulation

* Monthly P&L analysis, completed 2003 budget preparation, cost analysis, driver volumes.

* Researched and compiled competitive analysis reports.

* Updated 3 Year P&L analysis of marketing programs for multiple publications.

* Development of management reports using Applix Tm1 and Excel.

4/2001- 12/2001      J.P. MORGAN CHASE, New York, NY

Consultant (Financial)- Global Systems Project Management Office

- Financial Controller with overall responsibilities for a $32mm budget.

* Developed a monthly financial reporting package that included expense and variance analysis, project cost actual vs. plan reporting.

* Created Project Detail Accounting reports using Business Objects.

- Responsibilities include: month-end close, balance sheet accruals, review and analysis of monthly results, headcount analysis, tracking of internal allocation charges, fixed asset tracking and reporting.

- Reconciliation of the Project Accounting & Reporting System to the G/L.

* Reforecasts and other ad-hoc financial analyses.

1/1987 - 3/2001       PRUDENTIAL SECURITIES, New York, NY

Senior Financial Analyst     Financial Analysis and Planning    (1/93-3/01)

-Analysis of the firm's results, coordinating the annual planning process, corporate strategic projects, managing indirect expense recovery process.

-Project Manager: Conversion of Overhead Expense Allocation System from mainframe to PC-based for expense allocation and activity-based costing.

* Developed user requirements, designed production and ad hoc reports.

* Successfully built firm's allocated services model over a 3-month period. [Model encompassed 800 service provider centers, 500 profit centers, 12 reallocation pools, 35 product pools and 80 summary centers.]

* Validated and reconciled results, investigated discrepancies, redesigned the model and re-tested the system to ensure system integrity and result conformity.

* Worked directly with Systems Analysts in developing Control Reports, building of SQL 7.0 data cubes and designing Web-based Reports.

- As Manager of firm's Expense Allocation System, worked with department management to evaluate appropriateness of cost assignments, maintained and enhanced the allocation system, derived cost factors, booked monthly entries. 

- Prepared product profitability reports for major business units and products.

- Performed revenue and expense variance analysis;  reconciliation of results.

* Worked with Information Systems Group to enhance existing Product Report and develop a new CICS table-based Product-Reporting System. Wrote user specifications, tested all program changes and data output.

[Project:  Settlement of Limited Partnership Claims With Outside Investors. Assisted in the design, development, testing, and implementation of a fully automated system for Claims Tracking and Payment Processing. Trained consultants in the use of the system.] 

Financial Analyst- Expenditure Control  (12/88-1/93)

- Reconciliation, reporting and analysis for compensation related accounts.

- Developed controls and procedures to improve management reporting.

* Successfully supervised a project team that audited all activity related to transitional compensation, bonuses and loans for 2700 Financial Advisors;  investigated all unreconciled items.

* Worked with the Information Systems Group and Senior Management in collection of overdue repayments, developing a promissory note database, automation of repayment process, and management reports. 

 Financial Analyst- Capital Markets Accounting              (1/87-12/88)

-Reporting and analysis of interest revenue and cost-of-carry for fixed income product.

* Created the firm's daily net interest and cost-of-carry inventory reports; reconcilement of activity between trading and accounting systems. 

1980- 1986       C I T I C O R P, New York, NY 

Manager- Interest Rate & Foreign Currency Swaps        (3/85-12/86)

- Managed a six person department.
- Involved with the daily customer rate and settlement notification, maintenance of a rate and deal database, calculating settlement payments for all counter-parties, payment processing, and account reconciliation.

Manager- Mortgage Backed Securities      (1/83-3/85)  

-Supervised staff of fifteen in physical and book entry clearance of securities, monthly physical inventory reconciliation, processing of monthly principal and interest payments, incoming and outgoing claims investigations, fed funds transfer and sub-ledger accounting and reconciliation.


Manager- Foreign Currency Services                      (7/80-1/83)

- Managed 8 foreign currency locations and a staff of 16 at Kennedy Airport.
- Supervised day-to-day foreign currency and retail banking operations.
- Financial Analyst for Queens Area Director; included budgeting, revenue and expense reforecasts. 
* Developed airport profitability models and manual reporting system, prepared an operations manual, trained new tellers.