Start &bull Leg One: Whitehorse to Silver City &bull Leg Two: Silver City to Burwash &bull Leg Three: Burwash to Whitehorse
Last night I read through about the first 90 pages of the book. The days are getting pretty long at this point (sunset wasn't until 11), so I didn't need a lantern or flashlight to read by. It's pretty good so far. Starts off kind of slow but it picks up. Not bad considering it was only the author's first draft. And the marshmallows... well, let's just say I didn't mind camping out last night.
I slept in this morning since there was no reason not to and I was up early yesterday. Got up around 9 and decided to go ahead and break camp and head on up to Burwash. This was just a short hop up the lake, didn't take 30 minutes. The weather was nice again today, it was actually better than yesterday, and the lake was a little bluer. (In reality, I bumped the display settings so I'd get more realistic shots). Here I am parked where I was yesterday after stowing the emergency (camping) gear and getting ready to preflight.
Started the thing up, all was well, and headed for the runway. The windsock was pointing pretty much straight across the runway, so it didn't much matter which way I took off. I went with Runway 36 since that would get me on my way faster. I had to taxi across the runway to get to the threshold (which wasn't necessary, but oh well) because of the building. Here I was as I was announcing my intentions.
Off we go... takeoff was a lot easier this time since it was about 2000 lbs. lighter than it was when we left Whitehorse yesterday.
I decided to just cruise at 3500 since I figured I wouldn't run into any IFR traffic way out here on a day like today. Especially not at that low of an altitude, when there are mountains on all sides reaching to at least 8,000 feet. It was a nice flight. Here are a few shots of me on the way.
The last shot shows Burwash just coming into view. I was surprised to see lights in front of the runway... not a common sight in this neck of the woods. The AWOS indicated that the wind was blowing straight down the runway and I decided to go around and land in the headwind, so I climbed to pattern altitude (3,600) and started the pattern on left downwind.
Not a whole lot here, is there?
Turning base, and final shortly thereafter.
On final... the trees were a lot further away from the strip here. Getting out of here with all that weight shouldn't be a big deal.
On the ground...
And parked.
They won't be ready for another few hours, so I guess I'll go inside and read my book while I'm waiting. I'll probably take a look over the plane at some point and make sure everything's OK before heading out this evening. We won't be leaving until about 7, so it'll be a late arrival back to Whitehorse. Fortunately the sun's going to be up until 11 so I shouldn't need to worry about finding my way around the mountains in the dark.
Continue to Leg Three
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